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Why I buy reps! (a Tuesday morning musing)


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Ok, the reactions here have been pretty odd.

In the far east, presenting a face (mianzi or lian, explained here) is more important than in the west. Yes, it's a generalisation, but it's more true than not. In some circles, it's all about appearances and presentation, with the watch you wear, the car you drive, etc., and putting on a show of richness can be more important than presenting other traits.

It's a long discussion, but I'm a little shocked people jumped down Dabom's throat. Maybe you're all shamed into a loss of face and have to rattle sabres to keep the illusion up. :)


You can't be more true! I experienced this first hand in the mountain province of the Philippines! I was there last year in a town called Kalinga, in Apayao province (not sure about this) for a

mountain trekking/hiking trip for a week and to test one of the Philippines famed white water river called Chico. I stayed in a very small motel in town for the first night and the next day my

guide (recommended by one of the local officials and my local/native host) picked me up and we went off to the mountains for a week! When we came back, I stayed at the motel again and that

night he brought over the guide for our white water rafting trip the next day for an introduction. After some small talk and since the sun was still up, i asked if they could take me around their town and they did.

Make a long story short, his 8 year old son must have figured out that we're stopping by there house because by the time we got there, a huge crowd had formed around their house. The WW guide invited me (and my trekking guide) to his house, introuduce me to his wife, mother-in-law and 8 children ranging from 19 to 2 yrs old! And this would blow you away, the eleven of them lived in a hut 12' by 14' (just my estimation)! Anyway, we talked and pretty soon I could hear a chicken squawking outside, then the wife showed up with a dead chicken and started cleaning and cooking it. So I asked if its time for them to have dinner so that I could excuse myself and he said it is, but that I have to stay koz I am the guest and that the chicken was for me! Man, talked about being touched! It's probably one of the few chickens they have and they have to kill and cook it for me! The story actually goes on, but you got the gist of it!

It's just part of their culture, which is amazing! I never forgot those people!

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It's just part of their culture, which is amazing! I never forgot those people!

So, if you can understand they have something this utterly alien, you should be willing to accept there are other cultural differences, including judging people by the gold, watches or other jewellery they wear. The closest analogue I can think of is inner-city Bling-culture. :)

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tell you what though if you want to go test drive a flashy car i always wear a flashy expencive watch, It is the sales persons impresssion if you can afford the car! I once wandered round a mec garage getting ingnored by the sales staff because i (by personal addmitance) looked like [censored], the next time i wore a shirt and nice watch and was entertaind with coffee and all the books and [censored], as i looked in place, some people in this world are so shallow.

In the case of salespeople, especially those in car showrooms who tend to make their living on commission, I think their differing treatment of you (based on your appearance) was due more to their perception of you as a potential sale than to how successful they thought you may or may not be. Having spent alot of years in sales (including car sales), I have done this many times myself. Either you look, to the salesperson, like a potential sale or you do not. I am not suggesting that this is correct or even a proper way to be successful as a salesperson, but it is simply just the reality of the way human nature & the sales game usually plays out.

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In the case of salespeople, especially those in car showrooms who tend to make their living on commission, I think their differing treatment of you (based on your appearance) was due more to their perception of you as a potential sale than to how successful they thought you may or may not be. Having spent alot of years in sales (including car sales), I have done this many times myself. Either you look, to the salesperson, like a potential sale or you do not. I am not suggesting that this is correct or even a proper way to be successful as a salesperson, but it is simply just the reality of the way human nature & the sales game usually plays out.

I totaly agree in the first instance i looked like scum dirtying up their show room not a potential sale, in the second instance i looked like i could afford the s class i was looking at (but in the end bought an A classs for my wife and daughter)

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I agree with OP and Pug... it's ironic that people are trying to classify OP and his geographical location by his views. That alone shows bigotry and it's somewhat amusing to read...not amusing in a snobbish sense but amusing in that I'm sure from time to time we all do it.

I also completely agree with Pug and I think I see what OP's original intent was (it just isn't worded in a concrete manner) ... why do we wear a suit on the first day of work? Why don't we walk around and complain that money is tight? Why don't we discuss any physical or mental weaknesses we have in the open? Because we want to be seen a certain way. Now, if you need to be seen a certain way in order to get ahead in life and you're constantly "faking"...that's an issue, but if you're, say, a real estate agent whose job is to sell houses or a lawyer who needs to win cases, you want to look like you're professional, prosperous, and confident.

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In Response to the OP

  • I can't afford the Gens
  • I like watches, a lot
  • I've replaced one addiction with another

In response to the rest of the thread replies

Good [censored]ing grief, where the hell has the freedom of speech gone, get a grip. 1 mans opinion is another mans rage.

I put my hand up high for the shallow camp, ashamedly perhaps but I don't deny it. I am a product of Margaret Thatcher's 80 's Britain where Consumerism became the be all and end all. I live and worked in central London one of the shopping capitals of the world and would happily spend the weekends pottering around Armani on Bond Street thinking I was the dogs [censored]. I bump my own head sometimes I can be so shallow, I got married wearing Prada for Christ sake. Does any of it make me a better man, no [censored]ing way, in fact quite the opposite?

Really why else would I buy Replica's of expensive Luxury brands, if I wasn't somewhat affected!!! A Casio does the job just as well, if not better in some cases.

I have worked very briefly in Singapore, I have dealt with a few local's, I have enjoyed the company of young local professional people, lunched with them on street food, suffer the humidity and had a generally great and interesting time. I have not been fortunate enough to really experience traditional ways there, but the average day to day stuff that makes up global city living.

But [censored] my old boots , even shallow ST4 here was staggered and appalled by what I saw and felt on the Oxford road, never before had I witnessed such extreme and rampantly self indulgent consumerism so tightly pack in to such a small place. If shopping is the new religion, then that place is the Vatican City. It is a soul destroying experience, and as I mentioned previously I like to shop and have succumb to the odd luxury label every now and then.

The Vastness of the LV's and Gucci's shops is indescribable; to describe the experience as shallow is one great under[censored]ingstatement. I am ashamed that of my western Heritage has bought this to the east.

But does that mean that every person from Singapore believes that it is how life should be, Hell no of course not and is that what the OP meant? I really do not think so.

But you only have to look around these parts these days; it's exactly the same Macro/microcosm. Some days I feel like the lynching mob is out to get you if your Crown is 0.05mm out or heavens forbid that your 'A''s crossbar is to low or the font colour is the wrong shade of [censored]ing gray. If that's not the epitome of superficialness I really don't know what is.

If you are not trying to pass these replicas off as genuine then what is the issue Really, am I missing the point or what.

It seems that you're only allowed an opinion here if it fits, and hence the persecution of certain "characters" around here and their sad departures,

I am sorry that I felt compelled to waste time responding to this thread, whose original intentions I am sure where just to prompt some friendly banter and discussion.

I know why I wear reps, but some days I really do have to wonder why I hang round this place so much.

I thought this Hobby was going to be fun, I guess I was wrong

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Guess Dabom should have been clearer in his statements and should refrain from making sweeping statements esp with regards to particular groups of people.

"Why does it matter? Because people in those countries are very judgemental about what you put on your wrist, so shallow judgement deserves a shallow response!" came across condescending and dismissive. It might have been a cheeky attempt to bait for some frenly banter but not everyone would share that point of view (kind of obvious form the responses so far).

So, may I humbly suggest that anyone with bone to pick to do it privately and amicably. I am new on RWG and kinds like this place. We have decent dealers, good moderators and members who are willing to go out of their way to help one another. This forum is for watches and lets keep it that way...Damn it.

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You cannot judge a person solely by the watch they wear.....

It can add to the overall first impression you have of somebody, as part of their outward appearance, but to draw a complete conclusion of that person, just because of the watch on their wrist is just......

Well you get my point ;)

yes of course. I would never truly judge a person. I mean "impression" like you said.

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Guess Dabom should have been clearer in his statements and should refrain from making sweeping statements esp with regards to particular groups of people.

"Why does it matter? Because people in those countries are very judgemental about what you put on your wrist, so shallow judgement deserves a shallow response!" came across condescending and dismissive. It might have been a cheeky attempt to bait for some frenly banter but not everyone would share that point of view (kind of obvious form the responses so far).

So, may I humbly suggest that anyone with bone to pick to do it privately and amicably. I am new on RWG and kinds like this place. We have decent dealers, good moderators and members who are willing to go out of their way to help one another. This forum is for watches and lets keep it that way...Damn it.

I made a poor choice of words, agreed. But unless you yourself have not been misunderstood on the net, I suggest people give other people the benefit of the doubt. I've already explained myself, and that should have been the end of the matter, but nooooo... on and on it went.

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I have to disagree with your statement over there. So to say that, the same thing won't happen in other countries? I highly doubt so. It all goes back to every individual.

i'd have to say different cultures regard wealth and status with more weight than others do.

especially countries with poorer percapita GDPs

in my experience people that come from nothing are more consumed with proving theyre wealthy than those who truly are.

hell India has a caste system, in asian countries its more important to be a doctor or politician than to be happy. most people in those countries want their daughters to marry a wealthy socialite, dowerys exist to prove the family has something to offer or bargain thier daughter for. Old asian people LOVE the BIG BENZ, but they dont need it, do they?

they say first impressions are lasting, and everyone remembers what was striking about someone they met for the first time, from then on theyre ascociated with that. if you care to be remembered as wealthy or elite wear a $5000 watch but if you dont give a damn what anyone thinks but just like that watch wear it anyways. everyone is judemental on some level, money, looks, intelligence etc...

i wear a sub rep, because as far back as i can remember ive always loved that watch, the style, the function everything, it was love at first sight, before i even knew a rolex cost what it does. i surely dont wear it for bling factor, cause i can think of lots more expensive watches that are jewel incrusted for 5times the price.

i agree people judge you based on how you look and what you wear. but i ALSO agree thats complete Bullsh*t, so f*ck em, who the hell are they anways..?


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Re: salespeople - I don't want the SSD to convince others of my status or anything like that, that is honestly not the intent of any of my reps. I have very nice gens that I pull out for connoisseurs, I certainly don't need reps to "show off".

The SSD is there because I don't want the sales experience to be ruined by someone who would prejudge me based on the watch I wear, because of course I would be removing it when I try on watches. And of course, sometimes I don't feel like wearing a gen on vacation.

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I made a poor choice of words, agreed. But unless you yourself have not been misunderstood on the net, I suggest people give other people the benefit of the doubt. I've already explained myself, and that should have been the end of the matter, but nooooo... on and on it went.

I was begining to like you... but did you really have to end with that? ".....but nooooo... on and on it went."

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This is on the same topic, but I wanted to mention, sometimes wearing a flashy watch is not a great idea...

I sell insurance, and alot of people I meet with dont have a tremendous amount of money. They may be resentful of some 20-something yr old walking in their house wearing a rolex watch. I find myself taking it off and leaving it in the car on numerous occasions.

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This is on the same topic, but I wanted to mention, sometimes wearing a flashy watch is not a great idea...

I sell insurance, and alot of people I meet with dont have a tremendous amount of money. They may be resentful of some 20-something yr old walking in their house wearing a rolex watch. I find myself taking it off and leaving it in the car on numerous occasions.

Be careful where you do that, if anyone of a dubious character sees you, you may end up losing the watch. Sad but true in the world we live in today, rep or gen Rolex, a busted car window is still a pain in the ass, never mind the loss of the watch too!

My mate lost his GPS system in a similar way, he stuffed it in the glove compartment, instead of taking it out of the car.... :(

Cheers B)

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