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Truly the End of a Long and Fulfilling Era..


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It has been a bitter sweet Month.. after over 10 years +++ "Our Gym' is closing it's doors..

(I jus used my Blackberry phone for the pics.. I had to take some for the memories)

from "The Gym" to Golds Gym.. the lease will not be renewed ... this is the Back Power room where we spend most of our time away from the air con. front .. as you can see most of the benches and plates have been removed...there is a second floor with the aerobics room .. martial arts .. etc.

but this is where the stong man competition is .. the training ground that is.. soo many memories.. sorry jus that some of us have been together what seems like our whole life nad our lives have been so closely knit.. through the years.. marriages.. babies.. trophies.. dissapointments.. ...LIFE..

now all the plates and bars are leaving.. many custom made for the training of different levels of power lifting and competions



all of us have been together through most of our adult lives.. I guess I'm not one to voice what I want in front of the rest at the gym.. but it has been a part of our lives forever.. to see friends on a daily basis and to support each other through thick and thin.. so much has happened good and bad through the years.. some of us know each other better than our families do..

the Governor of California has been to Hawaii twice recently to give the eulogy to his dear friends that were some of the founders in Hawaii body building..that helped him when he first came to America

We lasted through multiple gyms but managed to stay together..

we have a gym that Golds is transfering all our memberships to.. but there will be too much tension there, it was sort of our rival .. so I decided to slip out to another gym that used to be the meca for all power lifting and bodybuilding until all the World and Gold gyms opened.. well for me it was back to grass roots so to speak..

so I was surprised when asked where I was going .. and members are deciding to go there too.. so there is a ray of hope that we will stay together.. the GM of Golds told me that he's in with where I go.. so it is going to be a busy rest of the month.. cause the first thing that came to my mind is if my friends are taking a leap of faith .. then I will do my part .. "Group rate".. :rolleyes:

wish me luck to come through for the team..

the pics on the walls are all originals.. from the "day" ... all our photo's are hanging from past events and contests,.. members are starting to take them down and take them home.... the dumbells are all in the front.. but for the "Gym rats" .. the back room was our bread and butter.. the front room has pics from the 50's and 60's all a "history of Joe Gold and for some of us the 70's anwd 80's was the era that as youngsters we wanted to start "working out" ..

Now only memories are forthcoming... but at least we have those.. so a New Beggining .. even after all these years..


I didn't take pics of the larger front.. to respect the members there.. but it is errie.. how empty it is..

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Guest carlsbadrolex

Thats rough R... But Im sure that you and your friends will make the best of it. You seem to be a very strong group (no pun intended... well maybe a little pun)!

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Thats rough R... But Im sure that you and your friends will make the best of it. You seem to be a very strong group (no pun intended... well maybe a little pun)!

thanks T... yes .. we will find a way.. very busy the rest of the month.. sheesh.. I don't wanna let anyone of these members down.. so I gotta suck it up and get it done..

thanks again for the support !!..


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Rough. It's always a pain to settle into a new environment which can never be like the old home...but hopefully, eventually it will be just as rewarding in a different way.

I know you've already bought a few reps to wash down the sorrow...that should help.

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I always wanted to join a gym but I'm too intimidated by all of those machines and half naked bodybuilders grunting all around me.. funny thing is I have a full all expense paid membership from work so I can go to a really good facility for free. I just don't really consider myself "gym material" so I've never been.

I have considered purchasing some exercise equipment but then I just end up thinking 'what's the point?'

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"Where People Gather, Life Happens"

Lani, I'm sure the group will congregate elsewhere, soon...

The fellowship is every bit as important as the lifting...

Keep us updated on the "Group Buy" :D ...


PS: We don't ever see Arnie at our little gym, but we do have Bill Pearl as a regular...


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I always wanted to join a gym but I'm too intimidated by all of those machines and half naked bodybuilders grunting all around me.. funny thing is I have a full all expense paid membership from work so I can go to a really good facility for free. I just don't really consider myself "gym material" so I've never been.

I have considered purchasing some exercise equipment but then I just end up thinking 'what's the point?'

Conversely ... I feel the same way around computer geeks...so the truth is it really doesn't matter how much you lift or how big you are,... only a jerk would make a comment.. honestly Corgi if someone was 100 lbs. sopping wet, it wouldn't matter to us.. and could only bench press 50 lbs. it wouldn't bother me or the others (and some of them are world record holders) one bit .. as long as you knew some gym "etiquette"..

everyone has they're own level of training for different purposes ... everyone has their own goals...

we are trying to hold on until a "HUI".. consortium.. of members opens our own place again... inevitable we will not see some members anymore... but this is life... the memories are there and fortunately very good ones...

Nothing in life is guaranteed ... except death and taxes..

@TT .. sheesh.. Bill Pearl his pic is on the wall in the front room.. from a magazine from I believe the 60's .. he must be in his 80's by now..

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It is really surprising how hard "change" can be. As I get older I seem to notice how much things or places actually mean to me. Whether it be a pizza shop, barber, or drinking establishment, when they close their doors year worth of experiences, memories and friendships go with them.

Several years back they opened a new arena in Toronto, and Maple Leaf Gardens closed its doors for good. I had attended hundreds of sporting events and concerts there over the years, each one with its own story an memories. The building is still there, and every once in a while I walk up there on my lunch hour and just mull around the place. Its amazing how the memories of days gone by come flooding back, just by being there. Good friends, and good times. Of course, life doesn't change, it just goes on. I still go to concerts and games, and still have fun with friends. But, when something goes away, it take a part of you with it, and usually that was a part of your youth. Happier times

Sorry to hear about your loss Lan, its just time to make new memories.

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Hey T... you gotta be "strong" in these difficult times... try a degenerate eating party with your gym dudes, gain a couple of lbs so you all have to work out together loosing those pounds, put your head to work so sadness becomes past.

... I need a little excercise myself, I should take somethig out of it.

hang in there!

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