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Silver Spoons, Outhouses, and Rock & Roll

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What life could possibly be more fun than this one Bergster and your images is exactly the point. People really do care what I think, which is why they are so passionately posting. I never guessed people could be so interested in what I say since virtually every word for the last five days (yes it has been five...) has been utter bullsh*t specifically designed to be absurd and yet they still respond with passion and seriousness.

But seriously for a second. Turns out Chinkie isn't serious though after all so I'm not going to lump him into the Jake pile anymore just to get a rise out of him. He is alright in my book as is everyone here of course. Again, just winding things up and all in good fun. I have actually had some great conversations via PM through all this and even made some new friends so it has all been more than worth the effort. Thanks to all who participated... :D


i think you should get a life :lol:


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People really do care what I think, which is why they are so passionately posting.

hmm, i wonder what is the reason of your stupid arrogance..could it be the GENUINE SILVER DATEJUST??


..you were posting the pics of your ugly(especially ullysenardin imo) gens almost every day, i wonder why :lol:

lol, go to timezone ;)


anyway had a good laugh and im done.. :D


Geez... only Robbie could get CC to spit venom.. amazing... having spent a lot of time around CC, I can tell you that is quite the feat to provoke that...

chinkiechunkie is not so chinkie and definitely not chunkie by any stretch of the imagination... i believe the moniker is what some would call sarcasm...

As for the SoCal guys... well, let's just say, we're a tight-knit bunch... we help each other out as much as we can and socialize frequently... so, insulting one of us brings us all out... Projectologist isn't SoCal family yet... but he's becoming one of the boys...

And as for loving you... don't expect that anytime soon... but you are our favorite punchline... so, feel proud that you're in our nomenclature... the worst thing you can call someone when we get together is a "RobbieG"... I get called it the most because I am so anal...

Thank you for one of the most entertaining threads in a long time.. and for reminding us why we shouldn't be a "RobbieG"...


Wow. That's a little brutal there Berg for something supposed to be all in good fun. I'm also not sure what my watches have to do with anything either given that almost everyone here owns gens and posts pictures of them in wristcheck threads. We are all watch lovers I thought which is kind of the point of posting pictires of any of our watches, no?

BTW, my Datejust has a rhodium dial not a silver one. And I do visit TZ and even another watch forum everyday. Want to know why? I love watches brother, gens and reps and there are never enough pictures of them to look at as far as I'm concerned. I enjoy looking at pictures of all of your watches too Iceberg. And if you think my UN is ugly that is OK, to each his own. But some people I'm sure enjoy looking at it as well. That is called a contribution. We all post pictures of all we have not to be arrogant or to show off but to contribute. Is Ubi arrogant when he posts one of his watches which is a project none of us will probably ever complete and cost him thousands of dollars? How about Freddy with his frankens? Are we to think his posting pics of those is him saying, "Look at how cool my franken is and you don't have one, haha?" Of course not. So what makes my watches any different I wonder? Gen or rep or franken is irrelevant as a nice watch is a nice watch and a good picture of a nice watch is even better. That is what makes this place better than TZ by a mile - true watch lovers who appreciate fine things. And what is finer than a high quality genuine watch that someone took the time to photgraph so all can appreciate its beauty?

Not sure why you feel the need to be so mean, but to each his own. I forgive you... :D

hmm, i wonder what is the reason of your stupid arrogance..could it be the GENUINE SILVER DATEJUST??


..you were posting the pics of your ugly(especially ullysenardin imo) gens almost every day, i wonder why :lol:

lol, go to timezone ;)


anyway had a good laugh and im done.. :D


Chinkie PM'd me this morning and we have been talking about cars like we are old friends so you got that all wrong for sure. And that "gang" mentality thing is why I bust b*lls about it. There is no SoCal gang. There may be a list in your sig, but the only SoCal crew I ever speak of is the one that consists of you, your giant ego, and your ego's side kick, Jake. The rest of the guys have nothing to do with it as far as I'm concerned

Think what you like, but all I know is that any random guy could walk up to me and literally tell me he has 10 beach houses, 4 Ferrari's and 6 yachts and I wouldn't even flinch at it. I'd probably want to go party in one of them and get to know him so I could drive his Enzo at the track. Point is I would be anything but bothered by it. I'd probably sick my partner on him so we could have him as a client. Even if I wasn't impressed I certainly wouldn't go to the trouble of pondering whether I liked him or not over it. The irony, as I have said many times, is that because of my business I am exposed to people who really do have that stuff and love to brag about it every day and I never give it a second thought. In fact, my first reaction is almost always "good for you and I hope I earn enough to get one some day". So I can't help but wonder why even if I was like that you wouldn't just do the same unless you were a naturally jealous, threatened, insecure person. I mean why else wouldn't you? Especially since all I ever did was admit to owning one Porsche and being happy about that. How you make absurdity out of my list of known accomplishments and toys I don't see how you could. I'm just some piker that works for a living and always the first to admit I'm as far down the totem pole in my world that one can get.

So once I realized that was what I was dealing with regarding you too I decided to become what you wanted me to be for fun, since all the honesty and pleading for you not to take things out of context wasn't working very well. So to that end the real humor in this whole thread LOS is that you and Jake really do dislike a nameless face that you don't even know. Enough dislike to talk about me a continent away and amongst yourselves outside of these threads and even enough to coin a phrase. To coin a phrase? Wow. Meanwhile I never give you or him a second thought. Ever. God help me on the day that I ever invent a saying with someone's internet handle attached to it. Imagine if everytime someone told me their fake was beyond detection by even the most expert eyes I said, "Don't be a Legend." Like I said, God help me if I ever think enough about you two monkeys to end up there...

But what really takes the cake is that I know exactly what it is about me that you two think you know that pushes your buttons now. And everytime I do one of these threads I say very specific things to push those big, obvious buttons and you take the bait everytime. In fact I was thinking I might have failed for a bit since just Jake but not you took the hook until just now. But I knew I could count on you. All I have to do is place a very predictable few words and you guys are right on cue with the slagging. Check it out this list with words on the left and what you hear when I say them on the right:

-996 (Look at me, I have a Porsche and you don't)

-disposable income (I can afford all the tickets I get cause I'm rich)

-high dollar wager (Let's bet ten grand on the GMT wager cause I'm rich and I want to high roll you to prove a point)

-money (I'm rich and I want to make sure everyone knows it)

-money (See above)

-my clients have money (I'm rich enough that I'm surrounded by even richer people)

-my friend has a million dollar watch collection - Jake's Favorite (This is actually true but you think it is well placed by me to brag about how much wealth I'm surround by so I continue to use it)

...and it plays like a grand piano. But the funniest thing is that neither of you has ever entertained the thought for even one second that I might be doing it just to laugh at how easily jealous, threatened, insecure people like you react to it. I'll give you a hint that might help you with these threads in the future: You might want to start thinking about entertaining that thought...

Geez... only Robbie could get CC to spit venom.. amazing... having spent a lot of time around CC, I can tell you that is quite the feat to provoke that...

chinkiechunkie is not so chinkie and definitely not chunkie by any stretch of the imagination... i believe the moniker is what some would call sarcasm...

As for the SoCal guys... well, let's just say, we're a tight-knit bunch... we help each other out as much as we can and socialize frequently... so, insulting one of us brings us all out... Projectologist isn't SoCal family yet... but he's becoming one of the boys...

And as for loving you... don't expect that anytime soon... but you are our favorite punchline... so, feel proud that you're in our nomenclature... the worst thing you can call someone when we get together is a "RobbieG"... I get called it the most because I am so anal...

Thank you for one of the most entertaining threads in a long time.. and for reminding us why we shouldn't be a "RobbieG"...

Is Ubi arrogant when he posts one of his watches which is a project none of us will probably ever complete and cost him thousands of dollars? How about Freddy with his frankens?

Not sure why you feel the need to be so mean, but to each his own. I forgive you... :D

lol just get real ok, be yourself

ubi,freddy etc dont bother me slightest even if they had 500k patek because they dont open 20x threads for the same watch just to show... ;)

u forgive me? lol...


Who said anything about gang? It's family... big difference...

I don't dislike you though... but I dislike this internet persona you portray on here... you make a lot of assumptions without knowing the facts... like with me, you don't me from Adam but you have me pigeon-holed into some jealousy thing... which couldn't be further from the truth... the saddest thing to me is that you'd probably be a friend of mine if I lived there or you lived here seeing as we share the same passions for watches, driving fast and the life... but I'd have to slap you around a lil and tell you stop being such a jerk...

Best of luck to you though in your further postings.... like I said, thanks for the entertainment... and think about what people said in this thread... i think your original point was misunderstood, but you gotta stop shouting at the rain...


Um...yeah, they do. We all do. Every regular poster I know has posted pics of their favorite watches hundreds of times. You still haven't quite made your point and told us what the distinction is. Both the guys you mentioned have way more threads showing their watches than I will ever have. But I think you just hit the nail on the head Berg, the distinction is my threads irritate you because they are genuine watches. Same old story. But you are just a kid so what could you possibly know anyway. We all were at one time. And yes, I do forgive you... :lol:

lol just get real ok, be yourself

ubi,freddy etc dont bother me slightest even if they had 500k patek because they dont open 20x threads for the same watch just to show... ;)

u forgive me? lol...


Exactly, but this is all about position LOS. I feel like you are the one to make assumptions about me first and I'm just reacting to it. I think alot of people do on these boards and I'm aware that a draw some of it on purpose but not all of it. I'm always surprised at the end of the day when someone is left thinking I really am some kind of complete ass and not just a minor one. And I don't dislike you either. I dislike that you seem to dislike me and so I draw attention to it in the hopes you will see how silly it is to presume to know me based on some playful stuff I have posted. And you are right we both have made assumptions about each other and I'm trying to point out how silly that is. I'm really not the loud mouthed jerk that I'm portraying. My tongue is firmly in cheek as I over exagerate the obvious on purpose. Yeah, we are all assh*les when we get right down to it, but of what people know of me common sense tells the truth. My passion and willingness to help others and contribute as I know you certainly have is the real window into a person's character and that I suppose was the whole point of this thread other than entertainment. None of us should be too quick to judge or encapsulate another because of some shallow perception based on a mans opinions, or what he drives, or how he goes about telling you it. Nuf said about that.

And I'm really not talking to hear my head roar when I say we can all learn from stuff like this. Honestly. And I know you and I would be friends because I would be friends with anyone here. It is just my nature. What I don't print mostly because it isn't funny is that I would give any of you the shirt off my back and a ride home and my last blanket in a snowstorm without a second thought and I am fiercely loyal to all those in my circle. That is the real truth. The rest of what you read is either fiction or it should be if that makes sense. Of no consequence. I'm a guy that thinks 99% of what life brings is bullsh*t and to that end I feel most words are lost in translation anyway. But I would agree that my sense of humor is twisted enough to go way beyond where I should just to get a rise out of someone. But I don't do that in real life too much. In any case I appreciate your candor and I'll try not to break your b*lls too much anymore if you won't break mine...

Who said anything about gang? It's family... big difference...

I don't dislike you though... but I dislike this internet persona you portray on here... you make a lot of assumptions without knowing the facts... like with me, you don't me from Adam but you have me pigeon-holed into some jealousy thing... which couldn't be further from the truth... the saddest thing to me is that you'd probably be a friend of mine if I lived there or you lived here seeing as we share the same passions for watches, driving fast and the life... but I'd have to slap you around a lil and tell you stop being such a jerk...

Best of luck to you though in your further postings.... like I said, thanks for the entertainment... and think about what people said in this thread... i think your original point was misunderstood, but you gotta stop shouting at the rain...


wow!! christmas is 24 days away!! cant wait to sing christmas jingles and drink eggnog spiced rum.......or is it rum spiced eggnog?


No doubt Robert. This whole forum is. What do you think we are all doing here? Writing anything on a forum like this on the internet and checking back to see what they say is evidence we are all narcissists. Anyone who wasn't would realize how silly it is and not even bother. Especially anyone who writes and responds to a thread like this. That means you too buddy. Even "normal" posts in the regular discussion sections are more than a little narcissistic. Party "A" writes something disagreeable. Party "B" is compelled to tell him so. Why so compelled I wonder? I'll tell you why: Because he thinks the forum will somehow benefit from reading what he says - and that my freind is textbook narcissism. We've got your number brother. You study me and I'll study us all... ;)

This thread contains posts of such resounding examples of textbook narcissism that it boggles the mind. Fascinating.

Robert in none of my friends are as*h*les SoCal

It's just rum - forget the eggnog all together...

wow!! christmas is 24 days away!! cant wait to sing christmas jingles and drink eggnog spiced rum.......or is it rum spiced eggnog?

Great quote Robert. That pretty much sums it up. Speaking of which, here are three of my all time favorite quotes:

1. "It's always darkest just before it goes completely black" - H.G. Gibbons

2. "Stand by to stand by" - Christopher Clive Tremmlet III (AKA "Animal")

3. "Fu*k You" - Tennessee Williams

Hey, let's morph this into a favorite quotes thread. I'll change the thread name...

"I Think We're All Bozos On This Bus"... Firesign Theatre

Robert "Still on the Bus" in SoCal


Another one of my favorite quotes:

"Iceberg is stone brutal. He posts random pictures and we have no idea what he is talking about. We hope one day he will let us all in on the joke." - RobbieG





Pithy. Good word. I'm feeling a little brusque, laconic, and curt as well myself...

"You can lead a wh*re to culture but you can't make her think."

Dorothy Parker

Robert feeling a little pithy in SoCal


Guys, Robbie was perhaps foolish to vent his anger with regard to getting a ticket on this forum, but this has turned into a witch hunt. Surely as gentlemen we can just move on?

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