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Beware: IWC Top Gun 2 for 2 massive problems....


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I just received my replacement Top Gun from Josh.

He sent out a quick replacement after I provided photos of the return shipment.

That is GREAT customer service for a long time customer.

Josh has always taken care of me well. I have had some bad watches in the past but I certainly have not returned everything I have bought that had problems. I know how the buisness goes.

I have returned a few though that were DOA or had massive problems. No doubt about that and if I get one that is a mess even if I do not return it I certainly let him know about problems.

Actually my first two orders with him(years ago) he sent the wrong watches all together. (remember those great PAM G series bases??..I got the second hand versions in the mail, an 036 and a 111).....I kept them.

My last super rep had screws falling out of it all over the place from stripped holes(well just 2) but I never asked for a replacement.

I ordered the first HBB's with screws falling out also. I never asked for a new watch but did ask for screws.

I pleaded with him to examine the watch before he resent.

I have spent a silly amount of money through him over the past 2-3 years. $$$$'s and recommended maybe 6 people in NYC to him that have spend a fortune also.

The Top Gun I have now has a dead day wheel. I cannot set it accurately.(it sticks between days when setting)It also does not move with the date at all. I have tried the usual tricks of banging it against my palm etc. I could tell this watch was non functioning within 10 sec when I tried to set the day.(ANY TIPS OR HELP WOULD BE AWESOME!) QC could have easily caught it.

My first watch hardly kept time (+ 20 mins )and died after a few days.

I wrote a calm email to josh. I asked for another watch again. He wrote back and said that we are not meant to do business together and offered me and refund.

So while he "takes care of his customers" I have now sent one watch too many back and I am on a list of his that we should not do business together because he sends me NON QC'ed watches and I am not stupid enough to not notice.

What can I say...looks like I do not get a Rep I have been looking forward to for six months.

He did offer a refund....... but with the sentiment that it is somehow my fault he sends out junk.

I'll keep the watch and drop a 7750 in it before I admit that I am being too difficult in this matter.

Prices go up but standards go down. This is not a crooked marker or dust in the case. These are $500 broken watches out of the box.


Josh has agreed now to send me another replacement. I will cross my fingers on this one and thank you Josh for your efforts.

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Some The Zigmeister magic will help the situation I am sure.

Nothing suprising here.

Thats why i say reps are overpriced, no QC.

I hope it turns out ok in the end Chad.



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I don't know what to say other than that sucks. I am glad I waited on this one, looks like an awesome watch but not at the price they are asking. I stopped buying from Silix because he kept sending me crappy watches so I feel for you on this one as I have eaten a couple of bad ones myself.

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that's really sad. seems luck just doesn't get involved with you very often.

luckily you did get a refund though. The watch in itself is amazing, pop in the 7750 as you mentioned and get it to where it should be.

thing is, and i might get a little stick for this, but most dealers are business people who just want the money and feel obliged to help you in order to keep a good name. for all they care, they could [censored] on the waatch if they can get away with it, get good reputation for the "service" and get paid sums that if we think about it, can be used as a deposit for some gens on an interest free credit deal. trust me, i know what i'm talking about here.

either way,

sorry to hear what has happened and hopefully things will sort itself out!!!

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Some The Zigmeister magic will help the situation I am sure.

I was just going to say this. If I spent that much on a rep, I would definitely budget for a Ziggification.

That is unfortunate with Josh. At least he's not leaving you high and dry in that he offered a refund..

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Just a few words about Josh in case I was not clear.

He has always been a great dealer for me and sending replacements quickly when needed and responding to email very fast.

I have recommended him to many non forum people over the years.


I feel like implying that you do not want to do business with someone because they are not willing to accept two seriously non functioning watches is crossing the line after years and years of personal business.

Does someone really deserve to get two bad watches and get blacklisted for complaining when prices are always rising? (this is not the first time I have heard of someone being "threatened" for being too much "trouble")

I can say 100 percent that Josh would never leave anyone high and dry though.

Maybe expecting loyalty and a desire to really make something right on all levels is just too much.

Maybe I am unreasonable in my expectations.

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Of course its dissapointing to hear that QC is not always what you want it to be, but then again we are talking about reps. Every now and then, even in the high-end rep market, there's going to be a dud ( or two, or three) that slips under the radar. It is encouraging that he's giving a refund without a hassle. Customer service isn't completely dead- even in the far east where intellectual property rights are non-existant. I can say without reservation, that getting a refund or returning a television to an electronics store in NYC is far, far, far more difficult. Count your blessings.

I ordered a DSSD and a blue faced Sub from him yesterday and I'm knocking on wood, crossing my fingers and throwing salt over my shoulders that the dud rep and customs gods look the other way on my shipment. :)

So far, communication has been outstanding with the only drawback being forced to use Western Union because my bank refuses to conduct credit card transactions with their SSL service - they have been "flagged" as potentially fraudulent. C'est la vie.

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All of the watches I have received from him are fine (got about 10 maybe). except the top gun 'star' was smudged on this one.

But Im not gonna send it back to him. I did let him know though.

It is your choice if you do not want to deal with him, I fully understand that you are dissapointed. I am sure there are others that might be able to provide the QC that you need.

For me personally, I know these are reps and things like that happens. Defects can be found on gens too, although not as often..

the important thing for me is how the dealer takes care of me AFTER the sales. Problems can occur..but how we solve it is more important IMHO.

I hope you can find a working top gun soon. good luck.

Edited by arrowax
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Very true,


The watch I sent back will get opened up by the guy I addressed it to and get "fixed" or mvt swapped and be heading right back out to one of you guys after a little shrink wrap. So in the end you could probably send 4 replacements and still be out ahead.

Josh's prices are high enough that he can afford to send a replacement and make money. He can send a second replacement and break even. A third replacement is a loss, and nobody likes to lose.
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........ Every now and then, even in the high-end rep market, there's going to be a dud ( or two, or three) that slips under the radar. ....

It would be nice if there was a radar. Joshua just dropships, no QC at all.

What I can't see is why he won't send out another one. I would assume Joshua would take this back to the factory, they would bodge another movement in there and re-sell it.

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I would take the refund 100%, forget this IWC watch, it is an overpriced POS with many, many threads about how poor it is....

Underlying problems have been:

Bad lume, bad marker placement, cheap strap, poor top gun engraving, and a much higher than average A7750 failure rate than any other standard 7750 layout watch....

All for the princely sum of over $500 :o

When you consider the small numbers sold so far, those facts are even more worrying. I think The Zigmeister is going to be very familiar with this watch in the coming months :rolleyes:

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At the end of the day, he's a private seller and can choose whom he accepts business from... It sucks, yeah, but he's probably got so many emails, etc that he cuts loose anyone who costs him excess time and money. It's rather curt and abrupt but it happens all the time in business. (20/80 rule comes into this)

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I understand that completely but the ratio of my purchases/local referrals to this type of stuff makes it very stupid for him not to send me another watch.

At the end of the day, he's a private seller and can choose whom he accepts business from... It sucks, yeah, but he's probably got so many emails, etc that he cuts loose anyone who costs him excess time and money. It's rather curt and abrupt but it happens all the time in business. (20/80 rule comes into this)
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I would give Joshua a day or two .... we all have massive stress these day's and the fact that the maker is churning out defective movements does not help things ...

all I can say is everyone has day's where coping is not an option... I have had many of them meyself...

I'm not making excuses for nyone.. but this week has been a very bad week ... and sometimes weeks turn into months .. we all ride it out , but it does take it's toll

judging by the inflection in the emails I have exchanged with Joshua ... (sometimes you need to read into the tone) .. give him a couple of day's ... and get in touch with him again..

for me,.. I have decided to go the route of the vets ..... on the reps that are l,eaning toward "super" I will swap the Valjoux eta 7750 movement

Hope everyone has a great weekend ... I'm still working throughout the weeekend so count your blessings !! :p



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Josh does not seem like the kind of guy who is going to contact me out of the blue in a few days and say "let me get that new watch out to you."

If he does then awesome but I just do not see that happening.

Sorry , I was not trying to imply that he will contact you in a few day's.... the best advice I got years ago .. when I was in the restaurant biz was..."you are not dealing with 'people' you are dealing with 'emotions' ... "

I carry that into everything I do .. as on a daily basis I have 2000 customers that can be nice but there are always the percentage that will be demanding .. and even obtuse, and I have been know to tell them in a direct way ... "Do not use that language,.. or attitude with me, or we will have problems" .. and when I knock on their door in person .. their attitude usually changes ... fast !

what I am saying is even people that service customers have their breaking point.. let things cool down and "you" may want to contact Joshua again...

Life is a "Give and Take".. although we are the customers ... if you have built a biz relationship with a vendor you get to know their idiosyncrasies, it's all about reading people and putting yourself in their shoes..

but it's up to you ...



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Glad it working in a positive manner Chad !!

Migranes are a bitch to deal with... people don't always share whats going on with them until you "ask" ..

things are not always black and white....... things are not always what they seem B)

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He wrote back and said that we are not meant to do business together and offered me and refund.


Josh has agreed now to send me another replacement. I will cross my fingers on this one and thank you Josh for your efforts.

Josh, Josh, Josh, put the dummy back in ffs - Reminds me of a certain dealer who no longer frequents this board - ...." if you don't like, me, my service or anything I do or how I do it then go find somewhere else to buy your watches... "

Dealers are not gods, they are busineess people in an illegal game but business is business. Not the attitude, well you go away because I have 100 people behind you lined up to buy.

Anyway, thought I'd rant that off - glad it worked out and Josh got his savvy head on again.

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