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Aquatimer inner bezels being relumed

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Posted (edited)

I know that no modder can make it perfect, and they are doing such a great job, but one thing I notice from the pics is that the lume seems to almost "bulge" out at you from the inner bezel. Obviously it cannot be done perfectly evenly like a machine (even the normal relumes aren't perfect like a machine, but who has "macro" eyes?). I like the idea of the watch being relumed but sometimes it just jumps out when looking at the photos people post.

Does this ever bother anyone? Or is it not noticeable on the wrist? Or perhaps you get great pleasure from it?

Perhaps it's just the macro shots making it look that way, and I really need to see it in person...

Edited by Chronus

I noticed the same thing, and with my "macro" eyes it would probably bug me....

Never seen one in person though either, maybe it looks better when not blown up on a monitor screen? ^_^


In an other topic I asked the question if someone can tell me if the gen bezel en chrono hands are lumed as well.

I'm still not sure.

I just relumed the hour, minute hand and the dial and that looks great. I really don't bother that the bezel ring isn't


With reference to the gen, is it possible that a strip of lume is applied across the bezel, and then a thick print of the numerals applied on top?

If someone could recreate this print on the rep, so that the bulging is not apparent and the issue would be done away with.

With reference to the gen, is it possible that a strip of lume is applied across the bezel, and then a thick print of the numerals applied on top?

If someone could recreate this print on the rep, so that the bulging is not apparent and the issue would be done away with.

So it's not just me who sees this?

Perhaps owners of the relumed reps could chime in. We really need to get some pics of the gen side by side if nothing else? I can't remember off-hand how it was when I tried it on, that was a couple years ago!


I've often noticed this 'bulge' on relumed Aquatimers, but personally, I always rather liked how it looked... Of course, that's only going by photos rather than actually having it on my wrist, but I do know the phenomenon you're referring to :)

So it's not just me who sees this?

Perhaps owners of the relumed reps could chime in. We really need to get some pics of the gen side by side if nothing else? I can't remember off-hand how it was when I tried it on, that was a couple years ago!

I got a Slevin with a relume job, very well done, but after couple of days after, that begin to bug me, and, I finaly, sold it.

Sometime MOD is not necessary a good idea.

Just my two cents.

Guest avitt

To me, the pics of the relumed bezels never had an OEM look...They might look great in the dark, but I was sure the the bumpy appearance would bother me most of the time...

My ultimate solution was to speculate on a genuine inner bezel on eBay...For about $60, it turned out to be a perfect, drop-in replacement on the rep.

To me, the pics of the relumed bezels never had an OEM look...They might look great in the dark, but I was sure the the bumpy appearance would bother me most of the time...

My ultimate solution was to speculate on a genuine inner bezel on eBay...For about $60, it turned out to be a perfect, drop-in replacement on the rep.

Where can I find these? Or.. I should say, which seller was it ?


The Zigmeister did mine with the blue SL lume. As lume application is done on top of the existing dial, there will be a bulging effect...this is part of the desired look on PAM sausage dials, and I can see possibly distracting for some with the AT because of the inner bezel.

I like it...however, my recommendation would be if you were to get it done, to request a matte binder instead of the usual glossy binder. Most people want the uniform glossy look as that's what's found with the sausage dials on the PAMs. The AT dial itself is glossy which makes sense to match with a glossy lume binder, but at certain angles of certain light the gloss does make the lume application more apparent.

With most viewing the "lumpiness" is not noticeable at all. The Zigmeister's application is incredibly smooth and clean...unbelieveable I think...and the end result works very well for me. In the dark, the glow is really quite something...I love it.

I'm looking at the watch on my desk in the sun at an arms length and a bit away, and you CANNOT discern at all, any raised surface.

I hope this helps.

They might look great in the dark, but I was sure the the bumpy appearance would bother me most of the time...

Gee, I wonder who you are referring to? (moi perhaps?)

For 3 years you have insulted my lume work on all the forums. And every time you do, I get PM's asking what lume job I did for you, that you were unhappy with. Of course my answer is always the same

"I never did any lume work for Avitt, so I can't tell you why he keeps bashing my lume work".

Clearly you have a problem with my lume work, and you have been carrying this burden with you for a long time. So please let it all out and tell us what is on your mind, so we can put this behind us and move on with the forum and more interesting topics.

For those who haven't seen what Avitt is referring to, I present my "BUMPY LUMED BEZEL" for your viewing pleasure: Now in order to witness the bumpiness in actual size, please step back from the screen with your wrist held in front of your eyes, when you have stepped back far enough so that your watch is the same size as the watch on the screen, you can see the same level of detail as what you would in person while wearing the watch.




@Chronus et all...

I have never met anyone who sent in a watch for lume, and didn't want and demand the best possible glow (Tritium dials excepted).

Lume is very simple, the more you put down, the brighter the glow. Don't believe those who try to pass off that the amount of layers of lume (and of course higher cost putting each layer down) makes a difference to the glow, they claim that more layers = more glow. This is false.

I have all the technical documentation and information from RC Tritec (the makers of Super Luminova) and it clearly shows that the glow is directly proportional to the amount or volume of lume. Given the same thickness and width of lume, if that thickness and width is achieved with 1 or 101 layers, it makes NO difference, the glow will be identical in both applications. I will gladly share the information documentation with anyone who wants to see it.

So having said that, the reason you see the thick lume on these bezels is because that is what the owner wanted done. If you (or anyone else) wanted a thin flat lume that is not raised above the bezel very much, it's not a problem, simple and easy to do, all you have to do is ask :)

If you have ever painted a wall in your house, after you did some finishing work, you will know that glossy paint shows up every small fault, whereas flat paint hides everything. Keep that in mind when you look at my pictures, that and the fact the dial is magnified 4X larger than normal.

Hopefully this sheds some light on the subject and answers your question. Personally I like it thick, but I appreciate it's not to everyone's taste or liking.


I can not comment on the application of lume by the above poster on an IWC aquatimer, but I would like to comment, if he does not mind, on the 2 watches that I do own which have had lume applied by him, the INGE and the BR02.

The INGE is a more, for lack of a proper term, a "fill in the gap" lume job. there are dial markers that need to be filled/coated and thats that. NEver the less, the job done by the above, even with a 15x loupe was awesome.

The BR02 on the other hand is much more difficult, and again, with the 15x loupe, there is not a hint of "painting outside the lines". I commented to the above that I honestly do not understand how he can do his craft at such an extraordinary level. I know the lume installed at the factory was machine applied, and his surpasses it hands down.

I thank the above for his devotion this hobby and his craft. As someone that strives for the best in all I do, it is an honor to deal with someone like him who also strives for and achieves true art and beautfy in his craft. Sorry for the hyjack, thanks for letting me spout...

PS- having seen and viewed the gen of the watch dluddy posted up close and personal, looks identical to me...


No rep is a perfect replication of the genuine. Can never be. But some of our reps after being modded surpass those of gens.

Slevin is a perfect example. If you have had the opportunity to look at a gen Slevin, lume is poor, I have to say that, my slevin modded by The Zigmeister has a better lume than gens. And the bumpiness is only noticeable under loupe...

I'd take lume power over bumpy anytime time of the day. Twice on Mondays and Sunday evenings....

Guest avitt

Ziggmeister, you are far too sensitive. It truly takes a narcissist to interpret compliments for someone else's work (Kent Parks), as an insult to yours.

Of course your work is excellent! I have only one example, bought second hand...I would surely have more, but as your know - I've been banned by you for several years! It is by necessity that I've had to seek out alternatives for the work that you typically provide for others on the board. It led me to Kent, who I firmly believe to be at least equal to you in luming skill.

In this case, I simply found a solution that is better than any lume artist could provide...A genuine bezel, screened at the factory.

Guest avitt
For 3 years you have insulted my lume work on all the forums.

For any of the drama-lovers who may me inclined to actually believe you, I've made it easy by searching for every reference that I've made to you on every board in which I participate.

If anyone's interested, they only have to click to see everything I've ever said about you on any forum:




...Be your own judge. :rolleyes:


what a great lume job The Zigmeister. these superlumed Slevins are really hard to come by and not everyone will accept the job for the inner bezel.

If someone wants to sell their ziggied out Slevin, just send it my way. :)

Ziggmeister, you are far too sensitive. It truly takes a narcissist to interpret compliments for someone else's work (Kent Parks), as an insult to yours.

Sorry, that is not what I am talking about at all. Sensitive? not in the least, you clearly forget the past and the show and tell and flamings I took from many of the members when I attempted to warn them of the bad modders. In the end it turned out that I did know what I was talking about, but not until many members were taken for a ride. I am not referring to your compliments of Kent's work, but your inuendo of my poor workmanship over the years, just like the comment in this post. You like to sneak those in here and there, I guess as a way to get me back for not wanting to deal with you...

... but as your know - I've been banned by you for several years! It is by necessity that I've had to seek out alternatives for the work that you typically provide for others on the board. It led me to Kent, who I firmly believe to be at least equal to you in luming skill.

We both know why I took that decision, and at the time so did everyone on RWG1, it was aired in public when you posted my private emails to you. And the members all agreed that I had gone above and beyond in providing you with nothing short of excellent service, and you refused to compensate me for the less than half of what I was requesting for my time and efforts. Weeks later after you had sold the watch you did settle up with me, but only due to the fact you sold the watch. That terrible experience was not something I wanted to repeat, and who would?

Kent does wonderful work, I have not seen it myself but have gotten feedback on the quality from members. His turn times always comes up as a bit of a issue though.

In this case, I simply found a solution that is better than any lume artist could provide...A genuine bezel, screened at the factory.

Great solution and probably the best one, but only for those who are lucky enough to find one.

I have nothing further to add, you know where I stand and why.

Posted (edited)

Settle down gentlemen. I know you two don't exactly meet eye to eye, but no reason to digg up the past, you both are well respected members, no need to explain nor defend anything.

Edited by slickdick

Getting back to the question. Life is a bunch of trade-offs. The gen is actually silk-screened on - ergo you can blast a good amount of lume within a confined area. I went with the "bumpy" as I found the lack of luminosity relative to the gen (which isn't that great anyhow) was an instant tell for anyone who walks outside and then goes inside. Further the reps I have seen (mine included) revealed spotty lume application which is worse than none. So I went with the relume and am very happy with it. As Ziggy says, if you go the relume route you can always elect to apply a thinner coat to make it look flatter but you won't achieve gen luminosity. Here is mine:


And yes it does glow better than the gen but that was my choice and no it doesn't bother me. Of course I would be remiss if I did not torture you all with a true teak caseback insert: :D


For those who haven't seen what Avitt is referring to, I present my "BUMPY LUMED BEZEL" for your viewing pleasure: Now in order to witness the bumpiness in actual size, please step back from the screen with your wrist held in front of your eyes, when you have stepped back far enough so that your watch is the same size as the watch on the screen, you can see the same level of detail as what you would in person while wearing the watch.


Thanks, that's what I was getting at, whether it's a result of the macro shots or not, and how it would look on the wrist. It's always difficult to tell without seeing it in person, and I was hoping those who had it done would give meaningful input :)

@Chronus et all...

So having said that, the reason you see the thick lume on these bezels is because that is what the owner wanted done. If you (or anyone else) wanted a thin flat lume that is not raised above the bezel very much, it's not a problem, simple and easy to do, all you have to do is ask :)

If you have ever painted a wall in your house, after you did some finishing work, you will know that glossy paint shows up every small fault, whereas flat paint hides everything. Keep that in mind when you look at my pictures, that and the fact the dial is magnified 4X larger than normal.

Hopefully this sheds some light on the subject and answers your question. Personally I like it thick, but I appreciate it's not to everyone's taste or liking.

Thanks for the reply :tu:

I know reluming is not easy, and I'm amazed at the results.

Just want to say this was not a shot at your reluming abilities at all, more my own OCD at looking at magnified pictures and wondering how the real thing would be!

Thanks for chiming in with your view, as always :)

Getting back to the question. Life is a bunch of trade-offs. The gen is actually silk-screened on - ergo you can blast a good amount of lume within a confined area. I went with the "bumpy" as I found the lack of luminosity relative to the gen (which isn't that great anyhow) was an instant tell for anyone who walks outside and then goes inside. Further the reps I have seen (mine included) revealed spotty lume application which is worse than none. So I went with the relume and am very happy with it. As The Zigmeister says, if you go the relume route you can always elect to apply a thinner coat to make it look flatter but you won't achieve gen luminosity. Here is mine:

And yes it does glow better than the gen but that was my choice and no it doesn't bother me. Of course I would be remiss if I did not torture you all with a true teak caseback insert: :D


I like that Cousteau, but that wood insert/sticker was annoying.. how did you get that done?


I had the same concern about this procedure on the aquatimers and got into the same type of debate which lead to no good a year or two ago.

The only thing I will say is when I finally saw one in person, I felt I had overreacted about the appearance of it and it looked great in person.

Macro photos do not always tell the whole story.

Thanks, that's what I was getting at, whether it's a result of the macro shots or not, and how it would look on the wrist. It's always difficult to tell without seeing it in person, and I was hoping those who had it done would give meaningful input :)

Thanks for the reply :tu:

I know reluming is not easy, and I'm amazed at the results.

Just want to say this was not a shot at your reluming abilities at all, more my own OCD at looking at magnified pictures and wondering how the real thing would be!

Thanks for chiming in with your view, as always :)

No rep is a perfect replication of the genuine. Can never be. But some of our reps after being modded surpass those of gens.

Slevin is a perfect example. If you have had the opportunity to look at a gen Slevin, lume is poor, I have to say that, my slevin modded by The Zigmeister has a better lume than gens. And the bumpiness is only noticeable under loupe...

I'd take lume power over bumpy anytime time of the day. Twice on Mondays and Sunday evenings....

This is what I was trying to find out. Thanks!

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