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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2016 in all areas

  1. OK guys excellent response but have to close this up. So many we will take days to get a winner , great pics!!!
    2 points
  2. This is my Vintage Speedster built in the 70's in California, many original parts and running gear and a 1/10th of the price and as much fun if not a better car. It is my fun car for sure. AJ
    2 points
  3. I have bumped a handful of old technical threads that I think will be of interest to newer members that missed them on their 1st run. RWG contains a true wealth of technical information that cannot be found (& has often been copied) on other sites - including the gen sites. These are the types of threads that brought many, including myself, to RWG & kept us here. Many (most?) of the breakthroughs that bridged reps, frankens & gens came from these threads, & many of today's vintage Rolex reps owe their accuracy to the pioneering work of many early & talented RWG members. Unfortunately, due to the passing of time & other indulgences, I am unable to add much to these threads beyond what they contain, so if you seek additional info, please do not be surprised if nothing more is provided. Also, due to the numerous forum software upgrades, some links may be broken &/or pics missing, so you may need to perform some detective work on your own. Enjoy.
    1 point
  4. I had to recondition some Twinlocks for various projects & I thought others might find a tutorial useful. The Problem The spring action that ejects the crown from the case tube when the crown is unscrewed for winding/time-setting is not working, the crown feels like it is slipping during winding, or you are unable to fit a stem because the tube shaft is damaged or the threading stripped In either case, your options are to replace the crown, recondition the crown's internal components or transplant them from another crown. Once the crown is disassembled & the individual components are cleaned & inspected, you can then decide whether they can be reconditioned or whether you will need to replace them (I am not aware of a source for replacements for any of these components, so transplanting is the only real option - note that while the tube shafts may be interchangeable between like crowns, the shaft diameters often differ between the various crown versions, which may require refitting of case tubes & gaskets). Crown Disassembly To disassemble the crown, secure (snug, not tight - too tight & you will deform the shaft) the tube shaft in a vice (a pin vice will also work) & unscrew (counter-clockwise) the crown cap from the tube shaft. In most cases, with the tube shaft secured, you will be able to unscrew the crown by hand. If not, use a pair of rubber-jawed pliers (if you use metal-jawed pliers, be careful not to scratch or damage the crown's surface) After the crown is separated from the tube shaft, you can remove the inner plunger & spring assembly (I needed to transplant the spring assembly from 1 Twinlock over to another, so what you see below are the components from 2 Twinlocks) Tapping a Stripped Stem Hole If the stem hole threads are stripped, you may be able to rethread them with a Crown Reamer. This is essentially just a tiny tap that you screw into the hole to freshen the threading. Fortunately, in this case, it was successful The Cleaned/Reconditioned Parts Ready for Reassembly When reassembling, do not overtighten the tube shaft into the crown - hand-tighten (with the tube shaft secured in a vice) only The Reassembled Brevet Crown
    1 point
  5. that turned out great
    1 point
  6. It's a beautiful place. I'll be heading back soon
    1 point
  7. Beat me to Andy was just contemplating having Bob pick one up for me.
    1 point
  8. Poor Cartel hands replaced this morning. And a new 16mm buckle. [emoji632]
    1 point
  9. I am the very proud owner of such a piece thanks to my dear friend Bob :-) AJ
    1 point
  10. And the thing is a hoot to ride in! AJ offered to let me drive it... I was sorely tempted! But the bloody roundabouts all turn the wrong way in the UK, I wasn't taking any chances bashing up that beauty. A newer picture of my daily driver.
    1 point
  11. If you're careful not to bear the edge against anything harder than itself it should stay sharp nearly indefinitely. Brian showed me a stone knife he's used on 3 caribou hunts and he cut up each animal for packing out and it's still sharp. I bet you're right, if it lost its edge he could knap a new edge by removing a row of thin chips along its length. He even showed me a long thin wood handle he'd made with a long slender slice of stone set into it, sharp enough to shave with. He had several "replaceable blades" sitting with it. Looking closely at the extra "blades" you could see where they had separated from the mother stone almost like a delaminated layer, and the exposed edges were thin enough to see through, slightly curved, utterly smooth and incredibly sharp. Scalpel sharp.
    1 point
  12. Damn, mine's a fake! I just checked it and it says Switzerladn...
    1 point
  13. That's awesome and congrats, bud!! So what are the specs??
    1 point
  14. Here you go Chris This has the super 3135 clone as well AJ
    1 point
  15. Marti I have to say over the years seeing your attire in your shots you are one well dressed man! mj a TC ?
    1 point
  16. Right, the 702 crown is not compatible with the 703 tube. 703 crown and tube and the 704 crown are interchangeable- difference being the 703 crown is a wrapped crown and the 704 crown is solid SS. Both 702 and 703 assemblies are triplock. The 702 assembly has two gaskets in the tube and one inside the crown at the base of the stem. The 703 assembly actually has four gaskets- two in the tube, one in the crown and the fourth one is on the outside of the tube.
    1 point
  17. My old gen Panda dail Top Time Wonderfull Vintage chrono Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
    1 point
  18. Count me in. I also am trying to contact you about cyclops let me know
    1 point
  19. Sigh.. really wish they'd make a proper rep of this. I am slowlllllyyyy saving up for a gen. . Should have one by 2018!! Haha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. Fiat 500 hire car through Sardinia. Great fun for getting around this beautiful island
    1 point
  21. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Awesome post freddy333. Just managed to salvage a 90's twinlock crown that I thought was toast by combining the best parts from 2.
    1 point
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