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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/2017 in all areas

  1. What happened on the Isle of Man stays on the Isle in of Man.
    3 points
  2. Thanks Bro.. spec below: Vietnam Case reworked Gen dial Gen crystal Gen crown/tube Gen insert Gen bezel assembly Gen 93150 bracielet Gen 580 end-links Gen Springbar Tc v2 hands Eta Swiss 2846 remove click date as gen movement
    1 point
  3. Hey let's not get the cart before the horses, when are you coming to Alaska for a beer with me?! I have half a dozen gen carbon diver dials right here. Honest!
    1 point
  4. I don't know what the verdict is right now, I just ordered one to see what it's like ? I guess I'll take one for the team lol
    1 point
  5. He is not a dealer, and judging from his facebook pictures, he is living too good a life to need to sell anything, except his companionship over the occasional beer to slam Trump. @swdivad
    1 point
  6. There was no call for reposting the picture. The next person to post that picture should have to wear it in public.
    1 point
  7. Great write up. The reason reversing wheels are stiff is not because the pivots and/or clicks are dry or gummed up. It is because there is too much debree or oil between the brass plates and clicks. The clearance between them is nihil. So even the wrong cleaning solution that will leave the tiniest amount of settlement can make the turning of the brass plates feel 'stiff'. Also solutions that will make the brass react can have the same effect. That's why ETA recommends replacement. They are too finicky to service for most watchmakers. PS: I usually throw them a couple of minutes in some naphtha and afterwards put the tiniest amount of 9010 on the ETA spots. Usually does the trick. A proper oiler and technique is essential of course. Sometimes it doesn't work and I don't mess around. I than just replace the f#ckers.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Scouse I can cope with. I was once on a conference call with a man from Newcastle (On Tyne) and a man from Cork. We were all speaking English, but the conversation never really progressed past hello. Anyway about this watch, it would be nice if it was usable as a franken base, so what's the verdict?
    1 point
  11. Sorry about that, but not all is sunshine and lollipops in my collection. Some are *cough* well loved. I give you... The Nastymariner
    1 point
  12. Entendu. Yes, there is no competition when it comes to the Legend and his builds (multiple punts intended). Btw, Happy CNY. Huat ah!
    1 point
  13. I'll see your "real men" Sea Dweller and raise you.
    1 point
  14. Interesting that this pops up now because I have done some soul searching as to why I buy reps recently. I can see how somebody comes tot he conclusion that fake watches are bought to gain social prestige without being an unconscious bloke. I assume that the majority of reps are bought for exactly that reason. Just look at the fake watch buster posts with kids flashing their canal street reps and brag about the money they allegedly coughed up to buy them. At the same time I have learned that there are other motivations to buy reps, and I have learned that this is true for most of the members of this forum. I definitely do not buy reps to gain social prestige or flash them in public as gens. I also buy a lot of micro brands that would only be recognized by some real watch enthusiasts. Plus I own many gens, not in the 5-10000 USD area but the likes of Anonimo or vintage Omega. The net worth of my watch collection could easily buy me a nice Patek. So if I was out for prestige I would buy a Nautilus and end of story. But what I really enjoy about this hobby is diversity and the process of building a collection. Like to have a watch for every shirt color and every occasion. Having said this there are a lot of smaller and affordable brands out there that are even technically innovative and have better and more reliable movements. I am talking Anonimo, MKII and others. Just yesterday I stumbled over a UK brand that uses Tritium tubes instead of lume. So diversity is no valid reason to buy into reps as well. So why don’t we all buy micro brands or sterile homage watches instead? Obviously the famous watch brands have a lot of appeal. I often read the argument that the genuine brands are overpriced. But the price for something is made by the market and all luxury items are decoupled from the material and manufacturing cost. Why should the brands sell at a price below the market? The brand itself has a value and it was build by real people that earn their living from doing so and pay real taxes. It took decades of work, a lot if ingenuity and billions of dollars to get there. If you feel the brands are overpriced why buy them? It is not like food or medical supplies. Nobody needs a Rolex or a Patek. Another motivator: The hobby takes over and the obsession to correct the small flaws that still distinguish the reps from their gen counterpart. The hobby itself can be very fulfilling. So there are lots of reasons other then being fake or gain social prestige. Ultimately I came to the conclusion that I indulge myself into the thought of owning something I crave for and could not or would not afford otherwise. At the end of the day there IS some hypocrisy involved in this hobby. Face it! Probably not the kind of post guys want to read in a rep forum, but at least my "genuine" thoughts.
    1 point
  15. Updated the dial and handset on this build with a Yuki meters first dial and a TC handset, giving them both a subtle creamy lume. Think I'm done messing with this one now
    1 point
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