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Diamond Member
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Everything posted by jonthebhoy

  1. Stay safe Ken. Thoughts and prayers going out to those affected. J
  2. It's as well your on the other side of the world laddie with a statement like that! This from a man who lives in a country whose national dress is a daft hat with little dangly corks! :D :D Now please clear up those empty Fosters tinnies. I'm fed up tidying this place up!
  3. Almost three years on.....yep you guessed it PF is none other than Tiger Woods. A life changing episode indeed.
  4. did somebody say party?
  5. We had a vote in the sweatbox that is the Admin Room ( it's a shithole by the way, on account of those beerswilling sexist Aussies)....and you are all barred! JTB
  6. Cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
  7. They should win this test Alan but long term I really don't know. Tooooooo much tinkering for my liking and I don't know if it's a harmonious dressing room which is essential in today's game. Oh for a Freddie Trueman or Beefy. Now we are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay off topic!
  8. I kind of like to see it as you bowling the bouncer in the first place Alan, and Dems and I knocking it right out the ground. Anyways I did get a lollipop in with one of my deliveries!
  9. Joe's tongue eventually yomped him into so many corners it had bunions on it.
  10. Move along now.....nothing more to see here. If you are bored 'GGG' could do with a few hits!
  11. .............Jetmid perchance?
  12. Superb Robbie. Now proceed with haste to the 'Platinum Members' section and tell those sons a bitches what they're made of!
  13. Spidey - understandable. It's a vicious world out there, ruled by meglomaniacs, despots, warmongers, corruptionists, crooks and chocolatiers. Confusion is what they want. What you read in this thread represents a salutory lesson on being prepared for the inevitable surprise attack. Next time you're on a bus and the kid sitting next to you is armed with a sherbet fountain and a smile...be afraid, be very afraid. JTB
  14. Did I say that I once got a lollipop with my watch. Screw them if they think they're gonna get me to convert to lollipopism. I take very seriously what I lick, suck, chew in this life and no confectionarmiast posing as a rep watch dealer is gonna push his sugar on a stick agenda down my throat. JTB
  15. Bless me father, for I have sinned.........I drank wine last night.
  16. I got a lollipop once..............what was the dealer trying to say about me?
  17. Try to come up with the answer on your own . The answer is at the end for those who are unable to think this one through . Here's the riddle: At the exact same time, there are two 35-year-old men on opposite sides of the earth . One is walking a tight rope between two skyscrapers at the 85th floor . The other is getting a bl0w job from an 85-year-old toothless woman . They are both thinking the exact same thing . What are they both thinking? - - - - - - - - - - - - Don't look down!!!!
  18. OK Ken....got it wrong....the bards Henry V....my excuse is I'm 5 glasses of wine down the road.
  19. Borrowed Ken.......Richard the turd actually!
  20. Narcissist!
  21. Blade in the latter days of the auld hoose.......... " "
  22. Ah now your cooking with gas....... As put downs go he was the master. Evidence........ On Clement Atlee... "An empty taxi arrived at 10 Downing Street, and when the door was opened, Atlee got out"
  23. "Asshats!" I'm on a roll now!
  24. Indeed! I can tell great things lie ahead for you.
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