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Everything posted by Flashman

  1. Let us know how it goes, would be interested to know if he is a good dealer.
  2. I got an email from him today returning mine of yesterday I think he is probably swamped under with all the email backlog after his trip away. He sent me a wrong strap by mistake but said he would sort it out, so I am not worried yet.
  3. Not sure about the quality of the reps, but Dunhill watches have a retro classic look too.
  4. Great looking 111, I might have to get around to aquiring one. Dial info would be great too.
  5. Yep that pic of the PO makes it look amazing. Hmmm, very tempting..
  6. Sorry to hear about the problems. The hit or miss feedback I have read over the past months have kept me away from buying direct from him. I would pick one of the DSN PAMs up from the trade area rather than direct, at least I will know what I will get.
  7. Personally I agree that Russia is using a hammer to kill an ant, but the Georgians should not get the sympathy they have been getting in the Western press. They started the conflict with a poorly planned ethnic cleansing move that the President thought would distract everyone from his poor leadership. Killing Russian peacekeepers and civilians is something akin to a move the Serbs or Nazis would have done. I have no idea why we seem to be supporting them. I think the Russians were right to move in fast to holt the killing and show the Georgian government that the sleeping giant of a nation next door still has one eye open. But their move to wipe out the potential military threats deeper into Georgian territory is a controversial move, but one that will help the South Ossetians. They could have worked a bit closer with Western mediation, but since Russia does not trust the Western motives I can understand their confidence to sort things first themselves. I think the Americans, British and rest of the West have come out of this looking very hypocritical. The press here all seemed to support Georgia and portray the Russians in a bad light (as per cold war times), yet we would have all done the same if there were immediate atrocities involving our own nationals/passport holders. Also the Georgian president is cleverly using it as a PR war, with EU flags in the background (they are not part of the EU and never will be) he speaks to his people in English (the Western common tongue), he brags about his relationship with the West for NATO membership (yet he has not been invited, and it doesn't look like he will). He is a desperate man, taking desperate means to try to keep his job and distract the voters from the real issues, but he made a great error of judgement and he deserves to go. I don't think Russia has any interest in taking over the break away states from the former USSR, it is doing very nicely without them, and has strong alliances with the ones that matter to it. When I see the US building military sites in Eastern European countries and wandering why Russia gets angry all I see is that the cold war is over, but that America is trying to start it again. Maybe for the benefit of defence contracts. The US need to start trusting their old enemies in order for us to progress. We in the West were all very quick to criticise the Putin elections, but he is an incredibly popular figure in Russia, and is taking the hard line that is needed to crush the corrupt and inefficient practises of the past. It takes a strong and tough person to kick Russia into shape and keep it ontrack to economic progress, which will massively benefit the West (we do not want it freefalling into chaos and needing our troups to maintain peace). You just have to look at the last US general election and corporate support that funds US politics to see that America is in no position to talk about fair democracy. Overall I think that we should not be afraid of Russia, as it is benefiting from taking the path to democratic and economic freedom, it just takes time to perfect. Why would Russia threaten the Oil and Gas supplies to the world, it is funding their economy, there is no reason for them to threaten their customers and push us to go elsewhere. I think we need to realise that the world has changed and that Russia is not a Stalinist country anymore but one that is embracing capitalism. China is doing the same thing, and after a few decades the human rights and democratic moves will follow. 20 years ago, we would not have believed what we are seeing now, but the World does seem to be moving closer together. Just my 1p (2c)
  8. Looking forward to it.
  9. Thanks Dluddy, I will have a hunt on the interweb for a decent strap seller, I have checked Bob Straps, and Panertime but they do not have much of a selection, in those sizes or one that looks like the OEM. I'm not looking to spend much on it either.
  10. I think it is a great watch if you have small wrists like mine. I don't have a pic, but compared to the other watches I have the 3717 actually looks the most compact, not a risk at all. The general trend seems to be for big watches on skinny wrists. In contrast my gen Omega speedmaster (39mm) looks tiny.
  11. Hi, Does anyone know the proper measurement for the strap lug size of the 3717 Spitfire Chrono. I think it is 21mm but I have seen some 22mm straps for IWC too. Just want to make sure I get the right fit. Tom PS If anyone has a spare brown IWC leather strap for sale I would be interested.....
  12. Maybe it is all a dream and none of this actually exists and we are just being used by an alien race. On a serious note personally I don't think governments are intelligent enough to pull off such large hoaxes and plans. Certainly our govt here is c*cking up left right and centre with the simple things like the housing market crisis. They cannot see the wood for the trees........
  13. Congrats on the new addition to the household.
  14. Both sides seem pretty darn secure. I'm worried about damaging it as it is a stunning looking watch without scratches. If any one knows if I need to force off the front, or unscrew it I would be grateful. I don't know if the little recessed button does anything important, I've tried pressing it and it seems to make no difference. On some reps it is used to move a faux chrono or date function. If anyone is interested in pics, here is the link to the watch on PCs site. Link to watch on Josh's site.
  15. Thanks guys, it looks like the older version has a darker blue which is closer to the gen than the newer rep. I agree that the blue gen looks the best, but I would probably go for the older rep to match as close to it. My white dial on leather will look great (ordered strap from Angus), although I also like it on the bracelet. These SFSOs are amazing value for money indeed. I wander if the new Skyland V2 blue face is accurate to the gen?
  16. I've got the new white one and that is a great looking watch. I was just wandering if someone had done a direct side by side comparison of the old and new blue versions. The new one looks a lot lighter than the gen which is a blueish black in reality, depending on the light. It looks great at the AD, but I was wandering if it was possible to switch the older dial over to the newer case and hands to get a more accurate upto date blue rep.
  17. Am I right in thinking the new blue dial version of the SFSO with the arrow seconds hand, has a lighter blue dial that is not as close to the gen as the older version with the box end on the seconds hand? Just want some opinions.
  18. PT and Narikaa are UK dealers, they might have it.
  19. Mine is a favorite too! It is a really great looking watch.
  20. Any news on the brushing on the bezel?
  21. Great information, thanks!
  22. I will check to see if the front unscrews or pulls off. I have tried with the back, but it does not seem to budge at all, and I don't want to damage it.
  23. Congrats on the great find. None of the other dealers seem to stock any of their range.
  24. That looks like a great rep. I am tempted by the ss or all black version. Still a little pricey at the moment, esp when I have the APROO on my list.
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