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Everything posted by Flashman

  1. I am seeing some dealers advertise asian ETA 2836 movements, and was wandering if this is the new asian clone movement with ETA stamps and smooth sweep, or just a fancy name for the 21j movement in all cheap reps?
  2. To be honest, I still don't believe that Bond would have an Omega in the first place. It is only throug commercial product placing that he was given one, and only in the post Fleming scripts which are mainly Bond in name and direction. So for a true bond watch, buy the Rolex Sub or Seiko digital etc. But if it has to be the 'modern corporate funded non Fleming Bond watch', then I would go for the PO, it is a classic, understated and robust watch which like the Submariner is practical, old school and smartm matching in with Bond's character from the original books. I have always thought the original Omega Seamaster used in Goldeneye etc was too bling for Bond.
  3. I am seeing dealers offering their watches with Asian ETA 2836 and Swiss ETA2836. (notibly Andrew on his new 2008 Sub) Am I right in assuming that the ETA 2836 is just the bog standard cheap 21j movement in our noobmariners etc and that the swiss ETA is probably the new ETA clones we are seeing becoming popular. I am trying to work out if their beat rates are the same too, as I don't like the slow beat on a sub, it looks to obviously like a rep. Any advice is welcome. Tom
  4. Flashman

    New Sub

    Wow, we get the rep before the gen has even been released! Great to see they are copying the ceramic although I am still unsure as to whether I prefer the old style shiny bezel. Bigger case is great too. Looking forward to a rep/gen comparison in the not too distand future. I think asking $88,888 is a bit steep though.
  5. Gens can be noisy (my Omega is!) so it is not usually an issue, many members oil the rotor to quieten it and that often helps.
  6. Unless he had the chance to have a really good look at the lume dots then he would hardly have known it was a rep so you might have gotten away with it. If you want his trust, I see no problem with telling him you own reps too.
  7. Now that is funny!! :D Ignorant people can be hilarious.
  8. Both sides are guilty of lies, but I find it amazing to see how biased the West has been before even seeing the truth for themselves. Having the US placing Nuclear missile bases on Russia's border and saying they are only for countering Iran's threat is also complete BULL and is obviously going to annoy Russia, look at what happened when Russia tried doing the same in Cuba, the US had a temper tantrum big time!! You can't have your cake and eat it too. We all need to work together and accept that there are many ways that work, not just 'our' way. I know a few Russians (there are plenty of them in London) and they certainly like to be more straight down the line and tell it how it is when compared to the wishy washy 'humanitarian' angle the West always seems to spout. At the end of the day we should be honest with our motives, we want to protect the oil suppliers and f@ck anyone that tries to hold us to ransom. Russia knows this and wants us to be more honest with our excuses and has no interest in losing us as customers, the Russian economy is dependent on Europe's demand. Without the Western demand for goods and services China and Asian oil/gas demand would fall too. So all in all, we all need each other. This is just a stupid PR war that makes the West (government and media) look like idiots.
  9. It may be a European thing, but certainly in England, we generally find that talking about money and wealth is a vulgar topic indeed. You would never tell anyone but very close friends what you are earning and showing off your wealth is considered cheap and 'working class'. The sort of thing rappers and football players would do. Once you have grown up you will realise this. Success is a feeling inside us and has different meaning to us all. Whether you have more money than the Queen or a beautiful baby son/daughter nobody has the right to judge you based on their own shallow criteria. People wanting to show their wealth whether it is real, borrowed or repped are just opening the door on showing how insecure they are that they don't fit in. I would never call anyone out on their reps, no matter how bad they are. If it brings them happiness then that is a good thing, in this tough path we call life. Some have an easier journey than others, but we all have our different motives and things that keep us sane. The more successful you are, you will discover that it is probably not the best idea to flaunt your wealth. You are just opening the door for jealousy and being attacked. I know many people in the top rich lists and most of them have a subtle style with well made suits, cars and watches, but rarely blingy and they rarely try and shove the fact down your throat like this noob likes to do. My advice is grow up and realise there is more to life than money and targets ( I have been a very successful salesman here in the UK, but would never brag about it (whoops!). Life is about what you do for others, not what you earn for yourself.
  10. Yep the V1 skyland has to be the shortest IT watch. Someone really scr*wed up there.
  11. Great idea, with more and more high end sales coming through the risk of a scam is ever increasing. Good to see the mods are keeping an eye on things for our interest.
  12. No probs my end, it was down for an evening due to a server issue a few days ago, but now is back up as normal.
  13. Congrats, here is another one for my count.
  14. Maybe they are going to stock the Noobfish arrow second hand version which some of the other dealers have been offereing.
  15. Hi LotsofGears, I have to say I have not seen any of the alarm IWCs around, I don't think they managed to rep the movement mods for it. Maybe some of the other members can chime in if I am wrong.
  16. Yep looks great, let us know which dealer it was, as I would be interested in a V1 too.
  17. Good one, that would be the one I'd go for too. We'll have to do a moon-walkoff for it.
  18. Great looking straps, can't wait to get a brown one for my white SFSO.
  19. I agree, the Noob is a great watch for the money, but if you are looking for something closer to the gen the euromariner swiss is a good bet. I have a noob and an MBW sub so might get around to merging the best of them together. MBW case Noob dial Noob clasp MBW swiss ETA movement and hands Noob date wheel I'm not so bothered about the crown yet, not sure how accurate the MBW is on that, but will keep my eyes open to some modded examples out there.
  20. Great news, always a pleasure to see the scum getting caught!
  21. Nothing to worry about at the moment, after you have bought a few reps you will get more used to the postage delays. Sometimes they have a backlog and it can take a while to get to you from the customs clearing depot. The wording on the postal sites does sounds more harsh that it actually is. Also sometimes the log will lag behind reality and not be updated, so it may not say it has cleared, yet you get a knock at the door and the postman has your package. Hope it arrives soon.
  22. I agree that the exchange rate could be part of it, but also maybe demand is stronger now than before so they can try their luck a bit to match the supply and demand equilibrium.
  23. Yep, nothing to worry about, always sticks in customs 'for charging' which is where they work out whether to charge or not, and then moves on to the postal service. I have had this happen on all my orders. 2-3 days in customs and then the postman arrives with the package, no charge. Relax, all is quite normal.....
  24. Very impressive set up. Nice job!
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