Apart from a tree isn't solid and they started decelerating the moment the car was off-axis. Still, it was a hideous amound of rapid deceleration and the bodies were flung so far out of the car as to leave no organic debris behind.
Nice. I recognise that camera. It's a Finepix A204, the same as I used in my tutorials.
Try sneaking a bit of paper into the 'tent'. Tape it to the back top and curve it to the bottom of the window or something.
I love these homebrew tents, and I particularly like this 'tripod'. I should photograph my current botch-job.
I'll be wearing something silly today and probably tomorrow:
Ladies and gentlemen, I present the Vachequirit Constantly Multiblob Funnywatch.
edit for formatting
If you want h264 (and you do), you need 2.0+
Congrats on the purchase. If you have a GF, don't let her play Lumines.
/me looks onto the balcony and sees Mrs Pugwash playing her PSP ...