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Everything posted by JohnG

  1. Would you mind keeping us up to date on this? Perhaps post a thread later - with his findings, and if possible with pics of the areas that EuroTimez and others indicate are the tells? I myself plan on having the rotor removed on my SSD because I have the shiny big wheel but I can't see the small gears with holes well enough with the rotor in place to tell about them... It LOOKS like they don't have as many holes but I say this mainly because on my Explorer I (2824-2) I CAN see the holes and it appears that movement is genuine (there is no doubt in my mind about that one). I am going to wait until I replace my camera which I banged up and now can't take macro shots but I will post pics when I get good ones. I like your idea of asking for a partial refund if the movement is not genuine. I may do the same.
  2. You realize of course that is precisely why Rludlowe posted that? His comment was sarcastic.
  3. I have only posted ONE thread relating to fake ETA's (this one). The precise question I am asking here (since you apparently didn't read my post) is, "How have others handled getting their watches replaced or money refunded?" I have not asked this question before. Period. And I have never prior to this thread had ANY conversation with you on ANY subject. You stated your 30 years experience and your opinion (all with sarcasm) and I said, "I believe you." Even THAT seems to be offensive to you. I don't thread crap. I don't flame people. I don't hijack threads. I don't post off-topic. I don't troll. I follow the forum rules. I support the forum financially. But for some reason you don't like me. I get it. I don't know why and at this point I REALLY don't care. But dude you are free like the air to ignore me. So anything else you want to say or are we done already?
  4. If I am going to approach my dealer about it, it is pretty clear I am tending towards accepting EuroTimez'a assertion so I am not really sure what you are on about. Nevertheless, the catalogs which I downloaded a week ago (28xx_2_decors_eta.pdf and others) show items for sale currently. I have a Citro
  5. I have a SSD that I purchased from Ruby. If the article and pictures posted by EuroTimez are correct then the watch has a fake ETA 2836-2. The only other person that I know of personally who has checked HIS SSD in the wake of that thread also found the tells of the "Fake" ETA. I use quotations because I am not sure we can say it is now a proven fact that these movements are fake. But I would like to find out for sure because if this is the case I intend to get either my money back or a SSD with a genuine movement. I am unsure how to go about this - all I have at the moment is a post by another dealer. Most seem content to accept those assertions as fact without even the slightest inquiry. But I imagine those of us who detect these movements will need more than just one thread to cite when we demand a solution. How have others handled getting their watches replaced or money refunded? Have you experienced resistance? Another poster in another thread is now saying that Josh is going to change his watch for him. How are others faring? Any suggestions on how to handle this situation would be appreciated. What I really would rather NOT hear are cracks about how this is an "illegal trade," to "just get over it," or that "it is all part of the game." I paid a premium price for a genuine Swiss ETA movement. I intend to find out once and for all if that is what I have and, if not, to have the situation addressed by my dealer. Any serious and considered replies would be really welcome.
  6. Yup - RLudlowe is TRYING to get the OP worked up. OP posts he is concerned by slow email response, a few other members say, "don't worry, he can be slow but will get back to you." He says, "thanks I feel better." Then RLudlowe comes in "COOL YOUR JETS!" Can you say troll?
  7. Daily Mail is a rag - MAYBE one step up from the National Inquirer. They are not exactly a credible source of hard news. Here is their editor's pick for the number three slot in their Top Six stories of the day: Six feet washed up on the same shore in ten months. Freak coincidence, or is it more sinister? Why do people believe everything they read?
  8. Why is EuroTimez unavailable? He would be the best choice it seems...
  9. 70 years of barnacles.... At RWG1 they bought this story hook, line, and, sinker. When I called them gullible they called me a cynic.
  10. It is not really a customs duty - it is VAT (IVA) that they are charging. It is the same tax you would pay if you bought a watch at el Corte Ingles. As to FedEx - the only problem I EVER had was with FedEx on a laptop shipped from the U.S. My reps (so far) have come EMS without any problem.
  11. How? I pay close attention to all the customs threads. I have seen watches seized and I have seen VAT assessed but I have never seen anyone arrested or fined by customs for making up a story (such as gift from friend, watch was repaired, etc.). I am not saying it doesn't happen but before I just believe dire warnings suggesting we should just abandon watches to customs every time they make an inquiry I need to see some evidence of the "serious consequences" that can occur. I can only speak for Spain - but on a Spanish replica forum I asked this exact question. The replies were ALL that when customs had made inquiries on opened packages the buyer was required to provide purchase receipts (print out of paypal transaction was sufficient). IVA (VAT) was assessed on the actual amount paid. Customs in Spain does not (in the experience of the many posters who replies to my inquiry) stop watches because they are reps - it only stops them to impose taxes. No interest is shown in the authenticity of the watch and it can be assumed that if they accept a declared value of 200 Euros for a Rolex they know perfectly well it is not genuine. In one case a toy police car was broken open and the hidden watch inside revealed. Buyer was asked to provide purchase receipt - he faxed a copy of paypal receipt. Duty was charged and the watch was delivered to him along with the broken toy. Now each country is different. I know most EU countries are harsher than Spain but as I have said, I have yet to see anyone arrested or assessed fines. If such cases are being reported here at RWG or at any of the other major forums perhaps someone could point me in the right direction.
  12. I have now had 3 EMS arrive Spain without trouble. Why was your watch seized? I read on Replik.as that when customs opens packages here and finds a rep they assess you IVA and then send the watch. No one reported any watches seized...
  13. You continue to sound disappointed that the whole thing didn't blow up in the OP's face. You have stated your opinion three times already. How about just congratulating Outlandos on getting his watch and not losing 500 dollars.
  14. If it is Taka is going to be REALLY bummed he sold it to me for the price has was asking. Look nice though doesn't it?
  15. Congratulations Outlandos! I am glad it all worked out. How about some pics of the watch!!!??? He DID cook up a story and lie to customs. There was no repair performed on the watch. If he had told the truth (watch was an illegal counterfeit) he would not have it in his hand right now. THAT is the bottom line. It worked out fine. But you sound disappointed (or even like you don't believe the OP): ??????
  16. I don't know about Fedex but with EMS sometimes tracking info doesn' t show up for quite a while... Or perhaps he gave you the number before he actually shipped it (check in the mail syndrome) - with EMS at least they can do this as they can get packing slips with the number before they actually shp the item...
  17. With all due respect that is a considerably toned-down version of what you say in the comments I quoted. You have said that all ETA's in reps are counterfeit and that all the dealers know it. I have been quite careful choosing who I deal with based on the advice and cautionary tales I have read in these forums. I paid top dollar for reps that, if you are to believed, are NOT what they were advertised to be. In addition all the dealers, you have stated, are lying to us about the movements in the watches they sell. What is upsetting indeed.
  18. ??? Those were your thoughts, not mine. I found the insinuations upsetting and said so. That's all.
  19. Did it work out? I am praying for you man.
  20. EuroTimez - just so you know that I am not exaggerating the insinuations that are being made here (that are very upsetting to me as well) here is a quote from a similar thread at RepGeek (this thread has been posted on three forums that I know of):
  21. EurotTimez you didn't understand my comment. That is the clear implication of the original post (which I did not write). IF what the original poster is saying is TRUE, then NONE of the dealers are sending us real ETA's. I don't believe it - if you read the rest of my post I say as much. Did you not read THIS from the original post? I am not the one saying all the ETA's are counterfeit EuroTimez - I am not the one making this claim so please don't be upset with ME.
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