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Everything posted by FxrAndy

  1. Very nice looking watch, very nice indeed.
  2. I cant wait to see the photos from Capice, they must be good as he has a masive camera
  3. We did and then we started on the Red Rose!
  4. Thank you all, i never belived that this event would be sooooooooo good, I drank and eat with some wonderfull people who i now hope i could call freinds! From far and wide they they came and long and late they stayed, I drank every thing from a Green Cow (Thanks to Admin) to a G&T vie bottles of wine and many beers and JDs and ended with a last beer in the hotel with Scoobs, it was not nessesary to keep drinking but i dont think we wanted the evening to stop (or morning as it was about 5 at this point) to those that would have liked to attend but could not i am sure that we will want to do this again, i know i will! Stephane, Admin, Frank, Reg, PT and every one who attended or helped this happen Thank you I leave you with a few photos i took.
  5. I just posed the question to the seller, "are you sure" i did the same last night before his otheres got pulled so lets hope he pulls these himself
  6. i have not looked but if they are reps lets get them down
  7. I would go for the second from silix, firstly i doupt that the molnija movement is still available and the second one is more accurate, and i belive it has saphirre and not plexi, please do a search about "exploding fiddys" before you jump, As i say to all new members spend some time before you spend your cash! And welcome
  8. In the places i was in NY they would need to be in a packs to survive, lets just say i was in a little bar in brooklin and you dont get out if you were not invited in! When you walk out the locals nod there heads and look away
  9. zing and again zing is that A CONCEPT OR IS THAT A PROD MODEL
  10. Nice boots man!!!!!!!!!!!!! Abso [censored]ing Lutly fantastic watches
  11. Only by taking it apart and refitting them
  12. That is the english showing through, you should have seen the looks i got in New york and asked where i could get a pack of fags!
  13. That is sooooo not fair, if i had booked the hotel for two night i would be on the road now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Do you know how anoying it is to look at a watch face where the hands dont line up properly , for example when the hour hand is directly at 12 and the mineut hand it at 10 too!
  15. Well it is friday and fidday, It will be this one untill tomorrow evening and then lots of changes.
  16. Now that sounds good, GTG in Spain any one?
  17. Congratulations TT, we will drink to that tomorrow
  18. I am sure that a smithy should be able to sort the keyles works for you Fred
  19. No but if i had i would definatly swap for that baby, even though i want a 1680 white and not red, that looks soooooooooo clean and nice!
  20. very nice looking indeed, got the fiddy look with out the size, i am sure there are a few people who are put off by the size of the fiddy but love the look of it.
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