great photos man and a fun little post, there are a couple of points like pointed out above, setting the hands to 12 and i would have attached the crown to the stem before fitting the case back so that it can be adjusted for length and then secured. Wahat thei post does show with great aplomb is that a great looking watch can by built with out great cost and a pile of tools, it is not beyond the reach of any one!
Ken thank you for the kind words.
All the attending member are communicating via email with all the required info.
I have done it this way to control the GTG, a massive participation would be nice but hard to feed every one,
We will drink a toast to you
Can ALL member attending please chech your emails and let me know what you menu choice it, it is pretty improtant that we get this info the the resarant early enough for them to prepare!!!!!!!!
As ziggy said there are manny variables in this job and not as simple as it can sound with no experience. If you have a few watches you dont mind breaking then have a play and learn , also check out the timezone on line courses if you are serious about working on your own watches.