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Everything posted by FxrAndy

  1. have a look here and here
  2. I bought my first rep in 2003 and it is still working fine now as soon as i pick it up it starts to tick, It was VERY cheep, I have now bought over 30 watches and have had hardly no problems and if you look at my posts you will find i dont treat them with kid gloves. You might need to get them services once in a while but if you get a good one it should last as long as the gen. I have a rep railmaster and have worn it for some of the most arduouse tasks that my job can send my way and it performs perfectly even keeping time better than my wifes gen omega.
  3. Wet and cold here today so a nice warm Burbury shirt and a 177h
  4. Welcome to the forum, a nice first post, and i hope you continue to like the GTXL
  5. Both Reps just to be different, and i hate to think what a platinum DD withthat many diamonds would cost, if you could afforsd to buy it you could afford to fix it.
  6. I think his lirics are better than what ever the original could be
  7. Happy birthday to you both. Have a beer
  8. Not got one, maybe the 177?
  9. I missed that one while i was away thanks for bringing it up Viv
  10. Got me thinking now, the fish is lonely but i need to wear some of the others some time. any sugestions?
  11. Nice Add on, looks great.
  12. I assume that is not a pic of the actual watch? sorry but a can offer any thing else, will the shop garuantee authenticity?
  13. I totaly agree with PAMan, i just could not get the wording for all that last night.
  14. Are you sure it was fully wound, have you tested it again, does it always stop at the same time or after the same amount of time, try winding it 30 times and leave it on the night stand and see how long it runs.
  15. A longer stem would help by the sounds of it, should be an easy fix for any watch repair shop, you might just be able to screw the crown off a couple of turns and thread lock it in position so that the stem is that 0.3 t0 0.5mm longer, I would find a shop to look at it unless you have a little adventureous streak in you, i leant a bit that way, but i would not want to do it to 2 very nice new watches.
  16. Hello and welcome, the best advice i can offer is to read, Lots!
  17. Fiddy earlyer but have been out for a cold run on the harley so i changed to a smaller watch so i could close the sleave on my jacket better so just for haloweenhere is my mongrel 1680 ish Sorry cant find a wrist shot but i doo have a goulish lum shot, these glow better than my seiko and all night long no touch up and no special charging just a dark room and a camera phone Happy halloween
  18. I have a simiar problem on an old rolly rep that could do with a longer stem, i find that pressing the crown in once letting go and pressing again to get it to the winding position helps, just try to feel the two clicks as it goes in. One of the problems with sprung stems i have found.
  19. I was just the same, then i won a vintage rep and that was the start, now i have 5, not a lot by some standard but the bug is there. i think the fav one for me is the Fiddy but the 177 is also very oftern worn,
  20. That is a damn nice watch for $33, very nice.
  21. Get a cheep $100 one and see, you will be amazed how small a 44mm pam especialy a radiomir wears (after a Fiddy) give it a go.
  22. Managed to get the fish off so it is going to be a big watch couple of days.
  23. Mine feels fine, the only complaint i could have about the crown if i was picky is that you cant grip is so well as a deep cutt rolex type one.
  24. I love the look of it on the brown leather or the ss, here is the rep gen comparison, rep on leather! and the gen on leather the gen leather is a tad darker than the rep one but that darkens nicely with time. I got mine from PT with both.
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