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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. yeah, i always wondered why if it kept happening i never saw a photo THATS UNREAL thanks for sharing. Recently a friend who i gave a asian corum from truty to, said he opened his drawer and the crystal exploded. I said, you must have dropped it, or dropped something on it, they don't just explode. freaky
  2. fotoman

    Iwc Ingenieur

    great story - obviously as everyone else wrote - i think that is really special Enjoy!!!!
  3. I have that crystal distortion on my pam 89, but not on my 177h both from josh i have both going off to The Zigmeister next week for some upgrades - palp crowns, davidson crystal (177h)with AR - and i found a cyclops upgrade for the 89 very exciting, also, i have the davidson h dial - we'll see if the new one is worth upgrading. can you comment on the AR i think the tobbaco strap from MF is one of the best. I do have one i like better, just cause its thicker - the its the bottem one here- custom made leathers by V - i recomend his stuff, super thick. I have his tan one on the way i use the MF on my 42mm Radiomar pam 47 and the V on my 177h all sorts of photos when i get them back from zig of course
  4. i have seen the rubber rep. it shows you how spoiled we are here. i had a friend who bought a 200 rolex rep from king, but it was the wrong one, she sold it on ebay for 450. mind you that was after i had it listed here for 200 for 2 weeks and no one would touch it with a 10 foot pole
  5. it looks cool, but with the silver bezel, and in the 2nd picture it gives the illusion of the black on black hands, there is something sinister about it.
  6. you know, there is a really good thing to being a newb - all the great discoveries and great watches are still ahead of you.
  7. I feel so left out - being jewish and all - YOU MEAN CHANUKAH HARRY ISN"T REAL!!!!!
  8. my deepest condolences for you and your family.
  9. this is a good idea overall, would also be a good subject for a supporter section or some sort of status before you can have access to the regional list of friendly repair ect ect ect. this is an extra benefit the forum could offer above its regular benefits
  10. of my 20 gen and reps i have owned, the only watch that has completely died on me is my Gen Movado SE a 1k watch that has a quartz movement and no it wasn't the battery another friend of mine just got a rolex datejust - i said its very nice, but take it back the dial is misaligned- tell them tmo fix it she was like, oh, wow, it is Huh
  11. doesn't get much better than that for a rep nice, review nice photos - very nice addition to the board
  12. We all make mistakes this is a rather inexpensive one comparativly
  13. yeah that was a bit shocking - probably stoned
  14. must have been your avatar looking over your shoulder - nice catch that looks fantastic, have you ordered from there?
  15. so, why is it we can't just get watch crystals from here http://www.ofrei.com/page_168.html for the omegas. I mean, maybe the watch we have has a different crystal than the gen, but they probably make one in that size don't they? and wouldn't it come with the proper AR coat? i mean for 25 bucks, its way cheaper than sending it off to AR specifically i am wondering about 45mm POs
  16. "brand new aftermarket 20mm orange faux alligator strap" aftermarket - not gen sounds like he is selling the rep straps
  17. great photos - who is the rep from? and how long have you had it.
  18. http://www.replicacollector.com/members/in...showtopic=26985
  19. one of the best movies i ahve seen in years!!!
  20. Sure here you go http://froogle.google.com/froogle?q=SEIKO+...e&scoring=p
  21. there is no gen MOP that i know of. but i do hope for 2 tone
  22. THIS MOVIE WAS F-IN AWESOME The best movie i have seen in years. it made me want an omega
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