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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. wow- a whole controversy i was able to avoid. its a good thing. I can understand how you would take something personal and be offended. I had it happen to me, with my friends in a fantasy football league. Fact is - its part of our culture now - you can be fired over sms. its much easier to be bold in email, sms, or on a forum where there are no direct consequences. - My advice is - don't take it personal. realize that on an open forum such as this - there will always be good and bad seeds. However, it appears from some of the comments above that you bring value to the forum and for the sake of others, we would love if you could get past some of the BS that happens to everyone now and then and give it another try. - Worst that could happen is you waste some time. but the best that can happen is we learn from you and you from us. I think that you will find a majority of our members are good and honerable types and very open minded. I'm not suggesting of course that you need to go hire a lawyer and pleade your case. But what i am suggesing is the majority is willing to listen to both sides of concerns. Its nessecary for us to police ourselves as there is no one else that can and sometimes the innocent get accused. I have not met you nor read the depths of the controversy. Nor do i really care what its about. Seems to me there is still a potential for a relationship based upon my reading other posters commetns. happy weekend to you and best of luck either with us or out in the either somewhere else.
  2. Thank you my friend for your craftmanship and commitment to top notch work. The Zigmeister = a True Artist
  3. Dear Sir - i must commend you on your research abilities. I for one always recommend that reading the board is nessecarily a pre-requisite to happy rep collecting. But HOW THE HELL DID YOU HOLD OFF SO LONG? that sort of self control is rarely seen in this day and age of instant gratification. Here here my friend here here
  4. what did you do in photoshop. i'm curious
  5. i have personally experienced checking a tracking number for something that was delievered 2 yrs prior and was reusing the numbers if you got it from one of RWG's recomended dealers fear not - you will recieve your items best of luck
  6. very nice - wear it in good health - and prepare to drain your bank account betcha can't eat just one
  7. ahh - this is that site you found recently. So it appears you ordered something - so, was it as adverised? how was the experience
  8. dude your link goes to an rwg search?
  9. how cute - whos a whootzy cutzy submarnier - yes you are, yes you are. where did you find it
  10. Sure - Instead of having to email your word doc to everyone. You could put it on a web server. if you don't have one, i'm sure we can find you one for free or someone would be willing to donate. I could probably do it. Then in your signature you could put a link like. For all questions regarding services available and pricing please see the most recent version of my Capabilities list which you can download here (Updated 8-29-06) please review this document BEFORE you pm or email questions. downside is you have the doc floating out there and without as much control. Upside is, you don't have to send or answer as many emails or requests !! i could hook you up with a cool domain name like The ZigmeistersList.com let me know if you want to try something like that. I"m happy to help out.
  11. yeah i'm sitting at home to, waiting for the tropical storm to blow over. i know that its not hard to write the xml. But i think that would be the finishing touch on the system. So - is it possible for you to create a small prog that we can use - put in our various tracking and have it either email or go to an rss feed? that would be cool. Obviously we would have to input our tracking, tracking service, pop server. oooh how fun
  12. The Zigmeister, i would recommend that if you can, post a link to the hosted capabilities file in your signature with a date as to when its been updated. If you don't have any server space i'm sure we can find you some.
  13. although i hadn't even thought of goign there i won't be impressed till you output the results to an rss feed.
  14. Just was curious if everyone was as nuts as I
  15. fyi for Smat's pricing and email http://s31.photobucket.com/albums/c388/pam...mgAnch=imgAnch1 for machine made and - hand made and exotic here http://s31.photobucket.com/albums/c388/pam...mgAnch=imgAnch1
  16. this shortcut for google earth gives live hurricane and typhoon tracking and projected forcast. its pretty sweet - ernesto is coming for my house Ah not this again. Hurricanes_lives_positions.kmz
  17. I just ordered a watch travel case from them. haven't had their straps. but for straps in this price range - i SWEAR by Smat - http://s31.photobucket.com/albums/c388/pam2pam/ his Legizio straps are 49-59 shipped. i have this one on order - its a distressed brown - 49$ shipped i already own this one and this one
  18. interesting - well there is 1 more reason i have to give to my wife to pick up reps now - i'm really saving us money honey by the way, sept 1st, allofmp3.com prices are going up - they are a russian mp3 site - apparently they cut a deal to get the record co's off their backs - no idea what the new pricing is. You know when ebay was young - LOTS of great bargains to be had. Then it became too popular and the market became tighter - and in a tight market bargains are scarce - seems that the intellectula property revolution of the early 2000's is starting to kick in. By the way - i bought my replica of a replica football jersey today on ebay - miami dolphins culpepper authentic - normal price - 320 bucks. same exact damn thing put together in some chinese factory for 50 bucks on ebay. same thing with early mp3 trading soon we won't be able to use copied MS office disks. oh the world won't be as fun in the future The sad part is. If it weren't for me being able to have pirated versions of Photoshop. I wouldn't have had my office buy the real liscense for me to do some work on it back to the point - I hope the ride isn't too ruff - we'll see what the market bears. - there is alot of fat built into our supply chain - i'm sure everyone will take a hit, not just the end purchaser
  19. i hope you enjoy - what type of material is it seem to be made out of
  20. yup i posted about this guy a few days ago - i also spoke with some of the dealers who indicated they may be looking at carrying something similiar in the future
  21. good luck my friend - i'm 1 week into the adventure - and damn, i need a nap
  22. one thing you must remember is that there are ALOT of people in the world. The number of people that are in the world - your not able to comprehend, so don't try - our brains aren't capable. everytime i think, Ok, what idiot would pay that for this - or how can there be so many people would want pickle flavored potato chips. But there are. or how can they keep building HUGE cruise ships year after year - cause there are that many more people that will fill them. yes, the hi end rep community is growin - that is GOOD for us - when you have demand you will have supply. Even on top of that - there is probably less then 1/2 of 1 percent of the world population that can afford to spend $300 on a watch - and a fake one at that, that may die in a year with an asian movement. In the state of Florida - only 60% of the population has a high school diploma. Only 20% has a college Degree and less than 2% have post bach degrees. 90% of hte people i know have college degree. makes it difficult to really understand the "real" and "large" world
  23. I'm not a big rollie fan - however, this piece, i think is special its a 1950's chronograph http://perfect-clones.com/rldv10015-dayton...7750-p-525.html the breitling GT and many of the pam 42 chronos are overlooked - they are super classy - dressy yet sporty and i think some have a very retro feel This being the one i would suggest the most wempe http://perfect-clones.com/pn20401-radiomir...nos-p-1697.html check out the pics linked in my sig for the pam 47, very similiar model
  24. Welcome friend - we recomend you spend some time researching the watches and dealers here on the forum there are ups to all models and dealers and downs. Its really a personal choice - as we say - Choose your dealer, THEN choose your watch. I believe you will find these GMT models well covered on the board. I myself have them on a shortlist to pickup as soon as some disposable income becomes available. Knowledge is Power - and this board is Way Powerful
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