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Everything posted by fotoman

  1. I just got my new oppo upscaling dvd player. I have a 73 inch HDTV - its a 1999 - the first year they were available. The problem is, is my tv in the hd mode will only take 1080i Well - dvd's always looked like crap. and even though upscaling dvd players have been out for a while - the damn copywrite worries make it so they only allow upscalled - 1080i version only works through the new HDMI cables. Because the HDMI cable can stop you from pirating the movie -RRRRRRRR anyway so there were a few dvd players out there with remote control "hacks" that would unlock the ability to do upconverting to 1080i using the component out. (the 3 rca plugs) Ok - so i spent alot of hours researching to try to get something i could use on my tv. By the way - if you don't have multiple hd component inputs - i found an inexpensive, HD component - 4 in 2 out - but thats for another thread ok, back to my saga - all of the hacks have been disabled in the newer versions of players- ok - BUT - i did find this other brand oppo, they are out of california, not found in any store i could find, but has good reviews on teh units - this thing does everything, divx, xvid, usb and memory card inputs - plays everything you can think of photos, ect. the one i got was 150 bucks. - Ok, here is the good part. Somebody took to hacking one of the beta versions of the OS - so, now i got 1080i on my main big tv. WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW watching batman begins - wow, i'd say the picture is 80% of what a great HD and it has direct 6 chanel audio out, which i decided to give a whirl - i'm loving it, better sound than my Harman Kardon could produce under its proccessor So - the point of the post is - 1. I recomend getting an upscaling DVD player - great stuff. this is the one i got http://www.oppodigital.com/dv970hd/dv970hd.html 2. if you only can do component instead of HDMI and you want to upconvert. i can guide you to the software to download - burn it to a CD and in 5 minutes, your rocking and rolling. Especially if you have a HUGE tv like mine which allows you to see all of the flaws in dvds My enjoyment of major movies on the home theater has returned again - which is great cause with the little one i won't be going to the movies for a while. and, finally - if you haven't seen batman begins - ITS AWESOME ----- AWESOME very dark - very well written. GREAT cast. Its like - the best superhero movie of all time - 2nd is the new superman. if anyone needs more info or help with any of the above, reply or pm me. ALSO - if anyone needs a good universal remote - anything in the Logitech harmony series. I have had all kinds of touchscreen remotes - programable, macros yadda yadda the harmony is a class of its own. - It was developed by a small company and logitech bought it a couple years ago. Great customer service and tech support and ANYone that can write a word doc, attach it to an email and send it can program this remote - and it sets up its own configuration via its website and downloads it to your remote. AWESOME TOTALLY girlfriend/ wife/ babysitter friendly maybe i should rename this PHO's home theater tips
  2. RRRRRRR i Rememberrrrr this day last Yearrrrrrrrr Rrrrrrr
  3. the world is a bad bad place - personally, i'm looking for a nice comfortable rock to crawl under. I'm not trying to make light of this situation, but could someone start a petition to stop the dolphin massacre thats going on in South Florida OMG watching football this year is painful.
  4. This is the best i have seen a photo of. Joshua used to have it, but hasn't had it in a LONG time. I would love a great zenith.
  5. this is the thread that never ends - it just goes on and on my friends, some admin, started clicking it not knowing what it was - and now were all in trouble just because - this is the thread that never ends . ..
  6. I LOVE that strap. most of mine are in and around that color. That dark, cognac, tobacco, with a hint of reddish I have one from MF handmade - its super sweet.
  7. A+ photos Best of luck with your new piece
  8. most brits were really crap till really recently its not the quality of the rep, but teh quality of enjoyment that counts
  9. fotoman


    looks like the recessed canon pin
  10. how did you take that? well lit or outside with high shutter? very cool
  11. get the 2 gb stick - on ebay never buy memory in a store - check out my modified post all the crazy accessories i got.
  12. Just fyi - i had a sony camera for 3 years, i loved it. But, after doing tons of research - Canon digital cameras pound for pound in the non-digital SLR market you get alot more bang for the buck. The one super cool thing on this one if i remember correctly is the 12x and the image stabilization. which works to take pictures of your kid playing soccer or something like that. Not to tinkle on your new toy - its a great camera - i was considering it. I ended up selling my sony dscv1 which i had zoom and wide angle lenses and 3 batteries ect ect. To get a smaller more, throw it in the bag with the baby stuff and carry it around. The canon sd700. It doesn't have manual shutter speed which i REALLY miss. but, its an AMAZING camera. in the larger canon models with larger lenses - similiar to your new one. I always found that my sister who has a canon - her photos of the same event were a little cripser - with less digital noise. The other thing i recomend no matter what you do is get yourself some huge memory cards and use this as your video camera and join phanfare.com and you can upload unlimited video. at least thats what i did. some very nice shots you have taken. - of course with the new camera i went nuts and got this http://www.amazon.com/gp/explorer/B000EVQ0...4209527?ie=UTF8 and new tripod, some polorizer lenses, OHhhh and this comes at the end of the week - http://www.sonystyle.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP....oductSKU=GPSCS1 oh man, i almost forgot about this - a wireless flash. It can be used by any camera- it detects your cameras flash and flashes then too http://www.buy.com/retail/product.asp?sku=...amp;dcaid=15890 I'm actually worse about my tech toys then i am watches
  13. keeno my friend - you have found yourself walking into the 2 buzzsaws that there are on this forum in 1 week. I actually think this is a record. I realize your new to forums. but we just went over this in the SD thread i don't doubt that you were looking all over the forum, but I am not sure your using the search function i just put "mbw" and hit search and the 3rd hit was this Review Of Modded Mbw Rolex 1680 Submariner, + Reference Guide & Introduction to "MBW" replicas and - when you go to the thread, MBW is highlighted - and you immediately see this paragraph "Very common question among the new members is: "What is a MBW?" MBW means "Maria's Best Watch". Besides "Maria" there have been other dealers, such as WatchMaster, Luckyyy and George who have sold these exact same watches. Thus calling them all "MBW" is misleading, but it has become the commonly used "general term" among the members. I think it's a good term, because it makes identifying them easier for everyone. " here are the search results http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?act=Se...mp;highlite=mbw You need to make the search button your friend. Like we discussed before in the other thread - in order to get the most out of the forum you will have to put alot of time in.
  14. Mine is cuban, but, she is an immigration lawyer and works for a non profit that is focused on helping columbians talk about not understanding foreign languages in a forum - try it at your in laws. and they talk so damn loud. I can never figure out why they have to constantly shout at each other when they are standing right next to each other. My wife says, thats just how her family is.
  15. thanks everyone - it wasn't during the opener - but, man was last weekend tuff, UCF got womped by UF - 587 million to 0 and the phins blew up. This week will be good UCF with effect sweat revenge on USF and the Daunte will put up some super numbers for me in fantasy thanks everyone - its been quite a ride, i'm sure those of you with kids know what i mean. not alot of sleep !!
  16. yup, he has a few of them now, no longer in new items its under breitlings
  17. All time Number 1 guitar song ever - not based on van halen skill or or rush innovation or dream theater/ yes technique or even clapton rocking but my number one favorite song to play - goes to one of the best song writers of all time --- The Wind Cries Mary - Hendrix. Its a perfect song.
  18. sleeping on dad's shoulder during a football game
  19. is it tuff seperating the dial?
  20. i have gone back and forth. So far i have owned or purchased for family probably 15 or so watches. At first i went only eta. Now i'm going all asian because its cheaper. I have noticed with the asian (non-serviced) the winding is different the rotors feel different. - almost like they need oiling and service. Now everyone seems to agree that even the eta movements don't come properly oiled. But i notice more grit with them. I have not had any movements fail or break so far. I think its because i generally take care of them and don't put asians on a winder. I have a bunch of watches so most of them will sit for a week or 2 and get worn for a day. But at the moment, i am moving tword used and asian watches. Trying to get the most bang for the buck. For instance, i got a 177h from josh that was 188$. - i won't have it serviced. because for the same price i can get a new watch!!! So, its a tossup. Some people have had issues with ETA's, some have had issues with Gen's in fact the only watch in my collection that has failed so far is my Gen Movado SE. Quartz no less. for what its worth. I'm going with asians till i find out that i shouldn't go with asians.
  21. I don't think you need to apologize. I commend you for trying to translate. You are much more brave than i. i have been on this scene for over a year and a half now - and i still don't know how to get an MBW best of luck on your searches
  22. Thank you friend, as long as discussion remains in the relm of logic, tone can remain civil. But - re: valuable time i have 2 full time jobs, a radio show, and a 4 week old baby and a watch obsession. if my minutes are not used wisely, not only will i get complaints of everyone not getting enough of my time, but i won't be happy either this board is my escape, gotta do somethign to get away
  23. yeah i'm only a newb in disguise - back in the old days on old rwg, i had over 800 posts - and Ken had a senior wealth of knowledge then
  24. now that you have had the crash course in forums you will find this video funny http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting.php
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