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Posts posted by cornerstone

  1. That´s easy. Lobsters only become orange when they get cooked....

    YES!! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    But the most important question is...

    why the heck do British Spies pose like Canadian fisherman in WW II ? And where ?

    An even bigger brain teaser! :lol:

    (For the record NFI - I think the game just made it up! :blink: )


  2. Pugwash just pipped that one! WINNER! :1a:

    Okay, here's my swansong for the night....

    During World War II several British naval spies on the lookout for enemy ships and activities posed as Canadian lobster fishermen. They had large numbers of plastic orange-coloured lobsters made for their covert operations. These lobsters came in various sizes with authentic markings. At night the spies loaded the lobsters into traps and threw them overboard. At daybreak they would hoist the traps aboard ship. The locals spotted them as fraudulent fishermen from quite a distance. How were they so easily detected? :o

  3. Birds need gravity to swallow ?

    This was correct. Apparently birds need gravity to swallow.

    Nice work @gamefreaks too! ;)

    Here we go!

    If someone said to you, "I will bet you $1 that if you give me $2 I will give you $3 in return," would this be a good bet for you to take? (And why?) :huh:

  4. 37 days

    :thumbsupsmileyanim: WINNER!

    All right....

    NASA was considering sending canaries into space to study them under zero gravity. The project was scrapped when someone realized that in spite of having sufficient water supplies, they could die of dehydration within a few hours. Why? :o

  5. Year 20 BC

    Goal Melvin! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    A worm is at the bottom of a forty metre hole. It can crawl up at the rate of four metres in one day, but at night it slips back three metres. At this rate, how long will it take the worm to crawl out of the hole? :g:

  6. His old friends name was Jack and he shouted "Hi Jack" and went to the pilots...

    WINNER! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    King Tut died 120 years after King Eros was born. Their combined ages when they died was 100 years. King Eros died in the year 40 BC. In what year was King Tut born?

  7. Okay cool! Cheers! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    ....this is a bit different!

    As Sam boarded his flight to Israel, he noticed an old acquaintance at the back of the plane. He shouted a greeting to his friend by name, then knocked on the cockpit door to say hello to one of the pilots, who was also an old friend. Several moments later Sam was arrested, why?


  8. Okay, quick money round ;)

    This is as old as the hills - but will buy me some time to find a decent question!!

    A completely black horse jumped over a tower and landed on a small man, who then disappeared. In what situation could this be possible?

    ...and go!

  9. LOL! Excellent!!!! :lol::lol::lol:


    Late as ever, I had this:

    Mildred Ubenflaffer! aka Miss Understood.

    He was to learn soon that no woman could produce as much awe under a bedsheet as this woman.

    Some had tried before but they were more "Awe naw!"

    It all came back to him. The evening started out on his own. “A couple of beers and a takeaway curry” he thought.

    Ramalama, the Indian barman and owner of Ding Dongs, poured him another cool Tiger beer and John settled in to his seat to watch the game on the big screen. France were playing Italy in the World Head Butting Championships and there were only a total of five men still standing out of each 38 man team AND there was only 4 minutes left. It was a nailbutter!

    Just as the excitement in the bar was reaching fever pitch. “CRASH!” All three men and the West Highland Terrier in the bar were instantly distracted by the shape of a well heeled, fairly buxom, if a little conservatively dressed, woman in her early forties falling through the doors of the bar muttering “Help me someone, help me” At that moment she collapsed on the floor.

    Ramalama called for his wife, Mingeeta to attend to the woman. After reviving her with some smelling salts and a slug of Buckfast wine, the woman gathered herself and apologized for the trouble she had caused.

    Her eyes instantly fixed upon John and she seemed transfixed. He was a handsome Scots lad, 6 foot 1 inch tall with short blonde hair and baby blue eyes. The kind of looks that sent women immediately to the toilet to wring their knickers out.

    After the strange woman came back from the toilet, she introduced herself to John. “My name is Mildred Ubenflaffer, and I am a journalist. I have been on an assignment for the last 2 years investigating the counterfeit wristwatch industry.

    My travels have taken me all over the world from Albuquerque to Alice Springs, from Zafra to Zunyi. I have learned that there is one man who sits at the top of the tree and controls the whole murky industry and this night…” she stopped to take another large swig of her wine and to take a breath…”…I think I found him"

    Mildred went on to explain more……

    “I had managed to infiltrate a small clandestine organization known as rwg.cc

    They took me on as a kind of agony aunt, working with their associates, dealing with small problems and personal hygene advice among other things. They called me Miss Understood and for a while it yielded very little. Some cock and bull story about a guy called Blade and some missing watches – but nothing that was worth anything.”

    “And then I kept getting these strange suggestive seedy messages from one of the guys, who called himself Nanuq. At first It seemed that he was just lonely and needing a bit of female company – he was stuck up in Alaska with a half a dozen huskies to keep him company and nothing more.”

    “I played him around for a while and then we decided to meet. That meeting was tonight.

    We agreed to get together and met in a club down the street called ‘The Loony Bin’ run by one time uber-pimp Two Tone.

    At first the chat was polite and pleasant, but a few drinks later it got a little more salacious. It all culminated in Nanuq unbuttoning his apparel, pulling back the material and whipping it out in front of me.”

    Mildred stopped again as the shock of that earlier vision returned to her mind.

    She gathered herself again and went on.

    “I had never in all my life seen such a thing. I had been brought up to believe that these things were one offs. That they were unique and that no matter how anyone tried, they could never be copied.”

    “It was the most beautiful 6204 vintage sub. Definitely the best I’d ever seen. He even slipped open the caseback and to my astonishment there was a gleaming and perfect in every detail, caliber A296 movement. He said it was a replica and I saw that it indeed was a work of art and he told me that he could give me one………of the watches.

    I asked what he was charging and he said it depended on whether I wanted the Swiss or the Asian 296, but that I wasn’t to worry and that he was sure we could work something out. He made a suggestive comment about how he’d like to know how robust I was. Earlier he talked about how he liked to test things to destruction and described all manner of horrible experiments he had carried out on watches and “other things”.

    At this point I had had enough, he could stick his best sub up his jacksie as far as I was concerned. I moved to leave and he grabbed me and threw me back into the booth, yanking at my undercrackers. He was rough, uncouth, with big rugged hands and on any other day, in any other town I would have succumbed but this lady is made of stronger stuff.

    I gave him one swift boot to the family jewels and ran out the door and now you find me here.

    The thing is he told me earlier that he could lay his hands on anything I wanted in the replica watch world. He said he was the man, and he had all the best factories working for him but that I shouldn’t contact him by pm as his mailbox was full.”

    John had listened to Mildred’s story and was dumbstruck, awestruck and even just struck. He was infatuated, elevated and ingraciated. He was……………never mind.

    He finished his drink, took her by the hand and took her back to his place and shagged her.


  10. He remembered the clock was broken. He looked back instead to his Trusty Watch.

    "Guy said he'd fixed the clock last service," he said to himself, chuckling inside. As the 2nd movement died down, he had Time To Kill the CD before the third started, as it wouldn't do to be depressed at this time. that piece was the one that reminded him of the Precious Time he spent with the beautiful twins before their death, Perfect Clones of one another, yet different in every way. He would Aspire to rid himself of those torturous bitter-sweet memories of hope and loss and keep his thoughts Pure.

    "Time to go," he thought, slipping the car into gear as he planned his dinner, a farewell dinner fit for a King. "Watch the road," he thought, remembering how the Thai watch sellers would run out into the road, accosting the tourists with their cries of "Narikaa, Lolex!"

    He would have to drive carefully, several hours and considerably more miles away, towards his final dinner with his friend Eddie. Lee couldn't make it, which shocked him as he was the gloating type ...

    Oh, god - it's the ghost of Richard Whiteley!

    From Yorkshire to boot....


  11. Sue is naked so she is the native one.

    :blink::lol: I have no idea how this works.......but I like it! :yeah:

    Actually I think Sue is the visitor because she told the truth. :)


    Yes Sue is the visitor because she told the truth about there being one native.

    You win an extra special prize for getting this right : click here: Australian competition with strikingly similar question

    They don't actually say what the prize is....but if you're lucky it might be more junk mail!! :Jumpy:

    This should be a quick 'un:

    What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, yet never in a thousand years?

  12. That's right Puggy - I knew what you neamt anyway! ;)

    And I think Ken explained it better than the card did!

    There are lots of similar puzzles to this, but worth a whirl once I reckon....

    Sam was taking a holiday break on BIN Island, an island where the girls are often sans underwear, the natives always lie, and the visitors always tell the truth :blink: He was strolling along the beach one day when he approached two ladies tanning themselves. One of the ladies got up and said, "I'm Sue and this is my friend Dolly." One of the ladies was a native and the other a visitor. After her introduction Sue said to Sam, "one of us is a native." Which one is a native and which one is a visitor? :g:

  13. 64 ;)

    WINNER!!! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    And, of course, it's a bit like asking how many gaps there are between the hour markers on a watch. ;)

    Captain Frank was out for a walk when it started to rain. He did not have an umbrella and he wasn't wearing a hat. His clothes were soaked, yet not a hair on his head got wet. How could this happen? :o

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