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Posts posted by cornerstone

  1. 1/4 Kilogram

    Yes! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    And 8 troy ounces of liquid gold as well! :victory:

    (65 ancient roman denarii if it's any use....no? No. :(;) )

    Right - before I shoot off.....

    A man and a boy who are walking together step out with their right feet first. The boy walks three paces while the man walks two. When will they both put their left feet forward together? Explain.


  2. Yes, he bent it in half.

    TWO minutes! :rolleyes:

    Well, technically the card says no (it's a good bet for Arthur not Jimmy) - but you've obviously got it. He would bend it in half.

    WINNER! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    A balance scale is perfectly balanced when there are three cans of beer on one side of the scale and one can of beer and one-half kilogram bar of gold on the other. Since all the cans of beer are exactly the same size and weight, how much does one can of beer weigh?


  3. They played against different opponents

    Ach, THREE MINUTES! :rolleyes:

    :clap2: WINNER! Yes, they're not playing each other.

    By the way everyone - print these exact questions off and you'll not only have a great family game.....you'll have a great family game THAT YOU ARE VERY GOOD AT!! :lol::lol::lol:

    Arthur tore one paper match out of a matchfolder, threw it in the air and noticed that it landed on its side. Arthur continued to pick up the same match, toss it in the air, and each time the match landed on its side. Jimmy, who was standing nearby, could no longer contain his curiosity so he walked over and asked Arthur what he was doing. Arthur explained that 26 out of 26 times the match landed on its side. Jimmy looked at Arthur and exclaimed: "of course it landed on its side, a paper match always will." Arther smiled and said "Jimmy, I bet you $100 that if I give you this match and you throw it in the air, it will land on its edge." Would this be a good bet for Jimmy to take?

  4. :lol:

    The pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won. The pastor was so

    pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the race again, and it

    won again. The local paper read:


    The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the

    pastor not to enter the donkey in another race. The next day, the local

    paper headline read:


    This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the pastor to get rid

    of the donkey. The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a nearby

    convent. The local paper, hearing of the news, posted the following

    headline the next day:


    The bishop fainted. He informed the nun that she would have to get rid

    of the donkey, so she sold it to a farmer for $10. The next day the

    paper read:


    This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the nun to buy back the

    donkey and lead it to the plains where it could run wild. The next day

    the headlines read:


    The bishop was buried the next day.

  5. A ring is hardly bottomless, to be honest, and it's not a container either. <_<

    I shall lodge your complaint with the publisher immediately ;)

    Oh yeah, and....YOU WIN! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    What are the next two letters in the following series: (According to the back of the card!)

    A E F H I K L M


  6. And then….. HE REMEMBERED!!!

    "Of course!" He said, slapping the wheel.

    Killing the engine, he snatched the keys from the ignition and clenched them in his fist.

    With renewed purpose, he sprung from his car, ran out his garage door and started sprinting back towards the front door.

    "I'm sure of it," he thought.

    It all fitted together. The new Panerai on his wrist. The bottle of brandy. The other bottle of brandy. The lady in his bed.

    Running up the stairs, beginning to lose breath, he turned into the doorway of his bedroom and darted towards the bed. That girl, lying so still. He whipped the sheet from upon her, and it all came back.

    Her eyes opened, looking up with a start.

    "Yes, I remember now!' He said with a grin. 'You're Eddie Lee's friend aren't you?!"

  7. Like I said, it's 30

    Yes!! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    You can work this question out going backwards - or failing that use my patented brute forceTM approach to maths problems, stick in the numbers until something works. ;)

    Maybe you'll get this in a flash, but I still kind of like it.....

    King Henry VIII gave his wife a bottomless container to put flesh and blood in. What did he give her?

  8. Speaking of donuts, I'm taking Ms. Nanuq out camping this weekend and I'm bringing the ingredients to make campfire donuts! She has no idea just how much yumminess is possible from a campfire. She's in for a treat!

    That DOES sound good! Actually, I had no idea you could make doughnuts without deep frying them - so this gives me an incentive to try this with the Webber! :thumbsupsmileyanim: (In Aussie BBQ terms I have managed to barbecue a Baked Alaska = lightweight novice ;) )

    Speaking of doughnuts, this looks like an Australian ad - not sure though...


    According to his PO, 12:59.

    GOAL! And in record time too, what was that - two minutes?! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Okay - this is uncontroversial....

    Taiwan Ted sells the best reps in the business. He sold half his reps plus one to his first customer of the day. To the second customer, he sold half of the remainder plus one more. To the third customer he sold half the remiander plus one more; and to the fourth customer he sold half the remiander plus one more. Taiwan Ted had proudly sold all his stock. How many reps did Ted have for sale at the start of this fantastic day?

  9. How about must run or stand for election :unsure:


    Two correct answers but this one clocked in first! :)

    Yes, 'must be elected' is the other requirement... :rolleyes:

    And Nanuq, I can only assume that you've been hungry with all this donut talk (I know I am)! Casting my mind back, at school we had a Physics teacher who had a delicate way of explaining the inner-intricacies of the universe. Whenever we asked him to explain a difficult concept he would bark, "because it just does!" (Occassionally before launching a book across the room). I don't know why the hole in the iron ring gets bigger. But that appears to be the observed consensus of heating iron rings.

    Here we go before I shoot off for the day....

    Buck has a bow and sixty arrows. If Buck shoots the first arrow at exactly noon (according to his 4th gen Planet Ocean) and continues to shoot one arrow every minute thereafter, at what time will he run out of arrows?


  10. I don't get this. You put them nose to nose and they can see each other.

    Are you sure you're asking it right?

    It was that easy! :lol::thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I guess without just googling for it....

    Based on the laws of the US Constitution, there are five requirements a person must meet in order to become President of the United States: the candidate:

    + must be at least 35 years old

    + must be a citizen of the United States

    + must have resided in the United States for at least 14 years

    + must have been born in the United States

    There is one more requirement. What is it? :unsure:

  11. Holding a b in your right hand, but to what end I have no idea.

    And another win!! No date though... :(


    Two sheep are grazing in the same pasture; one is facing exactly North, one is facing South. How is it possible for the sheep to see each other without turning around? :g:

  12. The name.

    Aye, yes!

    Sheesh, should have guessed the Captain would know that! ;)

    @JTB: 18 wives - surprised you have the energy to type!

    If you saw your mirror image holding the letter 'd' in your left hand, what would you, in actuality, be doing?

  13. Tragic really if only John had remembered to juice up the car, they would still be one little happy family, but alas John will now have to raise the child without the help of his beautiful bride.

    The child on the other hand will turn out maladjusted for not having the Mothers influence and will run away from home at the tender age of 14 never to be seen again, leaving John to die a sad and lonely man..............and all because he was trying to make it to the next town where he could use his shopper docket to get 2 cents a litre off the price of his fuel.


    That's not what it says on the card.....but it's how A Current Affair and Today Tonight will put it :lol:

    (Still looking forward to their insightful analysis when interest rates go up :rolleyes: )

    Here we go:

    When Claire was purchasing her new parrot, the salesman assured her that it would repeat any word it heard. About a week later Claire returned the parrot complaining that it hadn't uttered a single word. Given that the salesman had spoken the truth about the parrot's abilities, why wouldn't the bird talk? :whistling:

  14. Can you call a newborn baby a stranger?

    Yes, I guess you can! :yeah:

    The card says that the woman died in childbirth, and the child was the stranger.

    With the jar lid, it was more supposed to be an example of how the metal expands proportionally. I found this explanation of the whole hole thing here:


    Thermal expansion : expanding holes

    Consider a donut, a flat, two-dimensional donut, just to make things a little easier. The donut has a hole, with radius r, and an outer radius R. It has a width w which is simply w = R - r.

    What happens when the donut is heated? It expands, but what happens to the hole? Does it get larger or smaller? If you apply the thermal expansion equation to all three lengths in this problem, do you get consistent results? The three lengths would change as follows:


    The final width should also be equal to the difference between the outer and inner radii. This gives:


    This is exactly what we got by applying the linear thermal expansion equation to the width of the donut above. So, with something like a donut, an increase in temperature causes the width to increase, the outer radius to increase, and the inner radius to increase, with all dimensions obeying linear thermal expansion. The hole expands just as if it's made as the same material as the hole.

    Here was another way of putting it that I found on an ABC discussion forum:

    The hole would get larger. The way to think about it is as follows.

    If the plate had no hole in it, the whole plate would expand(as expected). All components of the plate would also incease in size.

    If you cut a hole into the plate, the disc associated with the hole, would also expand when heated. As this disc must still be able to fit in the hole after heating, the hole must also increase in size.

    I don't know much about the details, just copying and pasting ;)

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