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Everything posted by chronoluvvv

  1. i lost interest after the 7th question ....
  2. saw this just now check your inbox, bud
  3. i support my 5 yr old's Glen Cove Iron Works team heck it's my turn to bring snacks next game/practice so let me ask you this - Are these brats sugar sensitive or allergic to nuts in any way ? Can i get by with popcorn and soda ?
  4. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ details on that green strap please ?
  5. glad to see you're doing ok what you see today is what flows down tomorrow i guess i better re-stain my deck huh ?
  6. I've had a buncha Droids and iOS devices, still do if you all you want is email and fakebook, stick with the BlackBerry
  7. Thanks, its an entry-level 21j movement with closed case-back and the strap is a generic $20 deal from eBay
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