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Everything posted by Demsey

  1. Jesus Saves! Passes to Gretzky..............Gretzky shoots.............HE SCORES! I wore that T-Shirt out. In Florida. That's below the Bible belt. You get looks. Hockey Rulz.
  2. Now that just hurts Gunnar. Many returns of the day Dave! Cheers! Dems
  3. Great photography, great way to launch a new year! But, I must say, I'm more impressed you thought enough of your replica to, first, treat it to a holiday, much less it's own bed in a double occupancy cabin. You rarely see such consideration. Prosperity to you both in '09.
  4. PM 'Omni'. You'll more than likely have to wait until he fires up his "Red Devil" martini shaker, but you'll get a holistic response. Let me prepare you though; "You can't handle the truth................." Col. Jessep
  5. Two words; Love. It.
  6. Plus
  7. God built a house. He called it "Heaven". They call it "Alaska". You can actually drive there from New Jersey. His gifts are plenty.
  8. "I hope I die before I get old........." You have me beat to 50 by a few short months John, post how it goes in a few weeks so I'll know if I should stop ageing, or not. Actually, they say 50 is the new 40, so, if you think linearly, you are younger than the board median. So you have that going for you. Which is nice. Personally speaking; I've always maintained you are as young as the noise coming from the amplifier. "Dems? Are you always going to play that God aweful rock?" Yes. "Don't you want to expand your tastes, perhaps take a few lessons and improve?" No. Cheers!
  9. Were they of any service?
  10. Hey CM! Good to see you, er, your avatar....... I haven't bought a watch in years, but am keen on the DW vintages. A lot of research to be done there, I did not know models with 7750's were available until recently. Those 'mystery' movements scared me like things that live under beds............... Thanks 'Shundi' ! @ John, thanks for the PM, updates and re-connect! I do remember many, many good exchanges at the 'old swamp' but narry a day goes by I don think of you, when we are blessed; Nae skiddies! and you just know good fortunes are coming your way that day.........................
  11. I've waited until more informed responses chimed in, and it seems they have to your satisfaction T'J. 2p; To look at it from another perspective, I think your predisposition one of reasonable responsibility, to perhaps, loved ones and significant others? You say you were separated a few times when young. I was as well, to some degree we all have, more than my own predicament, the thought of my parents, especially my mother, frantic was forefront. That is what scared me. Her worry, and perhaps my father's belt? Maybe that is what drives the issue (the former)? Consider the recent conclusion to John Walsh's son Adam's murder and disappearance. Those decades without closure must have been hell for those people, certainly the circumstance doesn't apply, but if you can take steps to reconnect you to "where you belong" then they should be taken. Seriously. I always file flight plans even when not required by regulation (think of Steve Fossett's family!), 'float plans' when boating off-shore alone, check in with Rangers milling around fishing rivers, fill out those wallet cards that come with bill folds, etc., etc. I think it only taking a responsibility and a courtesy to others in the event of tragedy. Not paralleled certainly, but perhaps in the same vein as life insurance, annuities, college funds, financial support for your family in the event. "What do I care? I'll be dead!" Honestly. What normal person thinks like that? Would not consider the lives of those left to deal with the reality of the 'thing'? I think taking real responsibility, the kind where, if you take a casual attitude, dire circumstances to others would result, should be somewhat unnerving. It's a natural response to ensure you do the right thing, it should nag you until you put it in order . Perhaps if you take these further measures discussed T'J, do all that you can do within reason, then perhaps the urgency will quell. I know I sleep better at night, checking all the locks and handles. Twice if I have to...................... @ Fakemaster You would be missed. And have been! Not to drag it all up here, but I was sick about all that business 'over there', to the point where I do believe I have 'banned' myself!
  12. Demsey

    RWG rings

    It's a nice ring John, in the vein of being a noob, I'm showing unusual restraint with further "Demseyista" comment, so yes, it is a beautiful piece. ps I found some of your links 'broken' or dead ended to your music, they were old, old threads tho'. I made a shout out to Phoband with regard, anything new? Good to see you.................
  13. Woof. Congratulations. Not much finer in Rolex rep IMO...........................
  14. *basement bump* Actually came across this thread searching for a 'Topic' where members post home vids of musicianship. After 20+ pages of Search Keyword Music/Guitar/Video, I came across a few quick links to '2005SUBMARINER', a lot aof allusions to "I will, or I was gonna"..............a couple of dead end and broken links to 'jonthebhoy' (whatever happened to him?) and a few luthiers but? phoband? Anyone? a link? Gratsi......................... Anyhoo, I got a "Flip Video" recorder for Xmas, the type where a USB connector extends and you can upload direct to YouTube? I am having fun with it, and dusted off my kit. Hmmmm, I'm losing my chops. Never get old kids. It just dates you...................here's a one take dirty cut after a day of run throughs. Lord, there was actually rust on the strings! Not good.
  15. Well, I got nothing. That hasn't been said already. Save; Exploring the site this Christmas I feel as though I have come out of a coma. I have "0" regrets for the past two, of the greater, four years, 'on line', certainly. Everyone a little more long in the tooth, but, intact and 'better' for the trail. I feel lucky, unique, and gifted, like an explorer, come home to declare; "It's out there, but in the end, we all tend our own gardens". I think Voltaire said that. The French, they have it all figured out. Nice thread.
  16. That is just plain frightening. Is this one of [censored] Chaney's side projects? Orwell was right. lol "Richard", [censored]. Everyone loves irony, but no one want's to pay for it.........................
  17. Holy guacamole! DMC, Dee-em-see, 'Demsey', you're either my sister, my brother, my father, a Scot, have an uncanny memory of my four year old "Of Screen Names and Avatars" post on RWG, or you're just plain freaking me out!
  18. Funny! I think we need to hack NATO SAT ATC for real time though. Departure is 2359Z on the meridian, and estimated expect further clearance for approach time is 0000 back at base 0001Z. I'm not sure how it works, but I think you have to have a working knowledge of Einstein's applicable theories. Which I don't, suffice, it's a honkin' IAS adjusted for global density altitude, global temperature, compressibility, instrument and installation factors (it's an old sleigh). I wouldn't know how to approach a weight and balance comp with regard to 'every good boy and girl' 's payload and fuel burn (reindeer dump at altitude). Amen. +100 Of military heros, international major air carriers, stunt pilots, record holders, Reno racers, test pilts and Richard Branson, absolutely. Of Flight Instructors? The run to fast food at noon is the best part. and still, I would gladly fly squawking 1200, in the blind, on my own pilotage knowing a worthy aircraft maintenance technician Ok'ed my bird. A monkey can steer a Cessna 172 around the sky. I'm here to tell you. But Mr. Cessna and the AMT allow him to sleep in his own bed at night. I know your kidding Robert, but I'm not too sure....................it never happened without pics.
  19. Hey! I didn't vote for Obama (familial predisposition to the military) but am now a staunch supporter of the Democrat party. Who knew? Like there's a choice? Godspeed President Obama. And for the love of God and Country stay away from any grassy knolls. I lived through that last one. Once in a lifetime is one too many. Good to see you.
  20. You can rest assured; whatever rock he is hiding under, it is dimly lit, by the lume, of a cheap Kowloon open market Panerai. That horrid 'California dial' on Burgundy Croc. No doubt. RWG1 is into the ethernet, archived in some .gov mainframe, somewhere between the wire taps of the Patriot Act, and a GAF "Bloopers" microfiche. R.I.P
  21. Hey RG. Too long. Looking forward to your recent contributions. Glad to see you are still one of the cornerstones. @ Bll, Yeah, 'clivecliff'. What was up with that guy? Funny mans. Good times. Thanks for the welcome!
  22. Thanks all, very enthusiastic and comfortable already. Was thinking of you the other day 'Nanuq', rebuilding my photo album on drive from a disc; "Watch stuff/RWG" in preparation for some posts and came across this; I remember posting; "OK, Nanuq, Where, When, Why?............" You; "Russian River, Kenai Peninsula, a half mile East of the confluence, site 62, late September, Second Silver run". I fell out of my chair. But, to be honest it was site 64, tents, no hook ups............... You too T'J; This combination was born from your suggestion, against my collection. Was a fav pseudo-formal, but have since gifted off the watch as I can not reasonably pull off TT, saved the Croc of course and it's back on the GMTII black bezel............... Cheers Stephane!
  23. Inspirational 'pafre'. If 'Panerai' are gleaning this site, I think they are going to 'infringe on your intellectual rights' for a holiday marketing idea. Great shot. I don't know why this watch says "Christmas", maybe it doesn't, but, it's big, garish, overkill, and self indulgent. Hey, it does say "Christmas" !
  24. ...........................is how I started it, November 1, 2004 on the original RWG. And now reset the 'post' count to "1". There are many familiar screen names here to me, and to those perhaps no introduction necessary but; a fond flood of memories discovering 'replica' and 'watches' together and from the diverse multi-cultural, multi-demographic membership, so much more. Good to see you all again, and to be back in the ranks. To those I am unfamiliar, how do you do. As you have attached yourself in one way or another to this group, you obviously are doing well with regard. A certified Rolex head, at one point owning upward of twenty five 'sport' models in 'replica', but now pared down to seven 'keepers', I have learned to appreciate some other brands and genre. Having been 'out of the loop' for quite a while I know I have scant input on the latest developements, which by the '04 standard of the day, are just amazing. Pieces that would never pass the scrutiny of the WIS now, were once coveted, 'megalodon' crown guards on Taiwan Best cases be darned. As a point of reference; dealer TTK broke news that, dare we dream? The NEW Submariner Lunette Verde would soon be available! Say it's true! Will Eddie Lee have them too! Regardless, the new RWG, as I explore it, is an achievement that now stands, obviously, as the new 'standard' since the closing of TRC's doors. I couldn't be more impressed, or more overwhelmed with the resources. This all is a 'redesigned wheel' certainly. I had no idea. Congratulations. As a self engraciating side note, to all those members here who stopped by periodically these years to make a deck call on the "Flying Dutchman"; 'Omini', 'Two-Tone', 'Offshore', 'Nanuq', 'Kenberg', others, a special thank you to 'By-Tor' for posting his amazing reviews, and certainly to mention 'Ryyannon' who flew as my wingman for as long as he could stand it, your appearances were not wasted, but much appreciated. Towit; if anyone were puzzling over the fact; "Demsey @ RWG1, I just don't get it..........." Neither did I. Really. It was merely a social science experiment that drew discovery, and data, but in the end, no real conclusion. "fascinating..................." rya once posted. Enough said. And well, here we all are. Looking forward, more than I thought, to the company and contributing good input. Uh, maybe more the 'company' side of the equation. Thanks 'Kenberg' and 'Two-Tone' for the welcome and gestures. Cheers! Demsey
  25. Stage Direction: buncha 'ole crazies to wings stage left exeunt
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