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Everything posted by JoeyB

  1. It is racist. When the census says 78% of Americans are white, I'd say more than just "a lot of white" people voted for President Obama. All classes.
  2. It is so wrong that it is not only worth mentioning, it is worth fighting. Racism violates every principle, ideal and value we in this Nation so love to brag about. Racism is quite simply ignorance, and has no place in my country, and certainly no place in the firearm debate.
  3. There is no mention of who anyone voted for, let alone evidence that they voted at all. What else ya' got?
  4. That's nice, but it's not what you said. You said: "We have approx ~9000 firearm deaths per year on average, the majority of which are perpetrated by Obama voters." Then I said: That doesn't sound right at all. Do you have anything to validate that claim? So, do you have anything to validate the claim you made?
  5. That doesn't sound right at all. Do you have anything to validate that claim?
  6. No, it does not. "nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." That's quite different. If it had said instead "equal", you still wouldn't qualify because no foreign nationals, enemies of state or both foreign and domestic terrorists of the U.S. give a rat's toukas about you.
  7. I hear bandoleeros are coming back in style. We can come up with scenarios all day long with body armor, force fields or humans who can take multiple head shots and go have a burger and coke. I'd accept that anything can happen. But the likelihood of anyone needing more than 10 rounds defending themselves in a home invasion or street shootout is remote. I think the home defender would be dead in 6 rounds. In the U.S., in most states I know of, we are allowed to have 3 rounds in a firearm when hunting. Bear, boar, or my favorite - two legged deer - 3 rounds are deemed enough. Now, they don't shoot back but that still leaves 7 rounds. Trying to use the President's SS Agents, or his daughter's body guards as some sort of measure for civilians is absurd. They are being protected from foreign nationals, enemies of state and both foreign and domestic terrorists who are not interested in their wallet, TV or silverware.
  8. There is a length restriction on conceal/carry knives in my state, maybe nation-wide, I don't know. There is a U.S. ban on switchblade or automatic opening knives. Enacted in 1958. I wonder if the 'National Knife Association' wanted to impeach Eisenhower. We hope that someone can get to the shooter, as they did in Arizona when Gabby Gifford was attacked.
  9. That's not a GMT Master II. It is a 1675 pointy crown guard. Depending on how deep the scratches are, it can be polished out. It is supposed to be over 40 years old, from th eearly to mid 1960s. From it's very clean/new look, and 6mm crown, it looks like one of RolexAddict's builds. You can buy a brand new Clark's 25-116 acrylic crystal on Ebay for $5.65. That's what RA uses.
  10. JoeyB

    Rolex 6200

    I am a GMT guy, and certainly love the 6542 no crown guard. But the only Submariner I own is one like yours. Mine is a 6204.
  11. I've reduced no such thing, but instead expanded it. I think you miss the point of this Nation. Yes. I believe our leaders are very aware that Americans are armed, and why. We just saw an election with each candidate for president spending about $1 billion each for your vote, and my vote. That is part of our process, but not all of it. What stops a leader in this Nation from making a dictatorship? From attempting to command the military to seize power through force? I think you are "delusional" to leave out "that thought". Our Founders didn't leave it out.
  12. Nope, not in the least. Our leaders know we are armed. I trust the Constitution and 2nd Amendment to do what it was and is designed to do, keeping our government to serve us. Don't confuse knowing my rights, knowing my charge by our Founders to "form a more perfect Union" to be a nightmare or paranoia. The Constitution and 2nd Amendment is more a security blanket there to protect our rights to preserve our Union. Without the Constitution we would all need to be paranoid and have nightmares.
  13. We have laws, as previously posted, since 1968 banning civilian ownership of bombs, which includes RPGs. You are mistaken about Japan. They still have opposition "mentality". They certainly argued fiercely how to handle their disaster from the tsunami. And they have home terrorist groups who attack the civilian population, as in the subway attack.
  14. I'd guess it is worse in the Chicago area than yours. But over all the nation it 'evens out' more.
  15. Yes, it is absolutely possible. I agree. If an insurrection were ever needed, the weaponry would be attainable.
  16. The responsibility of fathering a child It is certainly not lacking in only "ghetto fathers", and "ghetto mothers" are absolutely not alone in have several children by different fathers. This is not a race issue.
  17. You're just not going to like this reply. People kill people. A firearm is simply a tool. It cannot kill on it's own. It is not only NOT a "lost cause", but it is as we set up in 1781 and have worked on perfecting since, and as We, the People of the United States want it. As I addressed it several times now, each time to you because you try to use your political views to make judgments about U.S. political subjects, you've obviously realized nothing. As I've told you several times now, 'Who cares what the leader of a "hobby group" says?' Anyone can say just about anything they care to in this Nation. It is encouraged. And as I posted before, a quote that sums up our view of rights in this Nation: “America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours.” Now, insulting the President is certainly frowned upon by most Americans, but not against the law. As we just witnessed in the last election, that sort of behavior can cost a person their job. But you better bet your 6 that we get upset. This issue is being debated all over the Nation, by people who look reasonable on the media bit, and the ones who look crazy on the media bit. We try to view all sides of an issue, then debate, argue, fight, scream and holler, refuse to comply in defiance, and wind up complying as Americans. It's not that you "realise", but it is that you don't. You refuse to look through our eyes, or walk in our shoes. And you have every right to view it wrong. Americans understand that right too.
  18. I would describe the lume I use as freddy wrote, "it looks similar to tritium with a soft glow that quickly fades within a minute or so...if done well, yield very accurate-looking 40+ year-old tritium." The Glow Paint does have that "granular" look when dry. It is what I use in the 6542 inserts as well for that very reason.
  19. Yep. You can find water slide decals on line or at hobby shops. They come in inkjet or laser, clear or white because inkjet doesn't print white. Obviously you can print anything. I use my photo program to do all the work, sizing, all of it. If you have a Hobby Lobby near you they carry them under the Testor name for model cars and planes, etc. You can print a 40% off coupon on line and it costs about $7. To seal the decal after printing the best is 'Krylon crystal clear'. It is compatible with the ink and dries quickly. Comes in gloss, satin and flat. Takes a little practice, but works very nice. Over $6 at Hobby Lobby but $3.59 at WalMart.
  20. Otto Frei has blank dials to fit ETA, about $4 each. The date wheel lines up to the ETA datewheel, but not Rolex. Then a water slide decal and your printer and you can do most anything.
  21. There is no such place on this planet. It is better here than most places, but make no mistake,.the world is not safe, and never was safe.
  22. I understand how it might feel like 15 or 20 years, but it is much longer. They didn't call the AK47 or the M16 "assault weapons" in the media back in the 1960s. The National Firearms Act enacted in 1934 outlawed the use of machine guns and other firearms. The Thompson Submachine gun was the primary target of the act. Gangs used the Thompson, an assault weapon before they were called assault weapons, in their illegal enterprises. The The National Firearms Act of 1968 further defined the weapons banned, including bombs.
  23. Well, opinions are plentiful. Here are a few of a bunch on the subject.
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