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Everything posted by Agrippa

  1. Indeed, the very same one. I chose asian7750.com for the deal, since Tony there has been recommended by a few people as fast and reliable. The price is $118 from there + $30 shipping. The model above isn't pictured on the site (except in gold), but getting it was no problem. And no, the price is far from frightening, so I'll consider not punching you on the nose if we ever run into one another. It also appears amazingly accurate for a rep at this price point, apart from a few quite small differences. On the original the hour hand seems just a little shorter and the surface of the hands are subtly rounded, not beveled. The back is another matter of course, but I guess there's nothing much to do about that. Oh, and I can't see from your pictures if the dial is textured - the original's dial has a sunburst texture, while the rep appears to have none. Now I just hope the rep makers come out with a bracelet of the same quality sooner rather than later.
  2. You're just too damn good a photographer ebzen02. If your pics had been just a little crappier, I probably wouldn't have felt that overpowering urge to go and get it myself. But I did - and just so you know, I hold you personally responsible for the sudden dip in my bank balance.
  3. Acupuncture isn't really considered "alternative" any longer and hasn't been for some time. The same pretty much goes for Chinese herbal medicine and a lot of other old traditional practices. Well, I don't know about the US of course, but not in most of Europe anyway. The efficacy of acupuncture is empirically proven and has been accepted for quite a while. My own GP says they have better results with acupuncture in pain management than they have with any other therapy (they have two acupuncturists/massage therapists affiliated with the practice). Basically what's left under the "alternative" label today (although what's fully accepted and not varies somewhat from country to country) is the really alternative stuff - homeopathy, all sorts of "healing" of course, playing around with crystals and various other mildly amusing things. Basically the stuff that has miraculous effects according to word of mouth and articles in glossy magazines, but stubbornly refuses to have any effects at all in clinical trials.
  4. No problem, happy to be able to help. Just out of curiosity, if i may: which royal family?
  5. Depending on the estimated final price and on the model chosen for replication, I would certainly be interested in participating in such a project. On the technical side I'd have nothing to offer, due to a case of severe noobitis, but expertise is not exactly in short supply on this board.
  6. A number of Pateks do indeed have crystal case backs - Gondolo, Calatrava, Nautilus and Aquanaut all have crystal case backs or include models with such. The complicated models seem to either have display case backs or include interchangeable display and solid case backs. Consequently you really have to know the exact model to know if it should have a display back or not.
  7. Lamy make excellent pens, but in my opinion their fountain pens are all too high-tech looking. Purely a matter of taste & opinion of course, but a traditional writing instrument like a fountain pen should look traditional too. If that's something you can relate to at all, then you might want to check out Waterman as well. A Hemisphere or Harmonie can be had for $100 or so and are both excellent pens (which I've owned). If you want to spend a little more, Waterman Expert Deluxe is my preferred writing instrument. At $160 it's not extortionately priced and for that you get a fountain pen which really is about as good as they get. The ergonomics are excellent (in my case at least), the nib is first class and extremely smooth in use and the black lacquer/gold finish is positively delectable as far as I'm concerned. The shop links, by the way, are simply from the first result Google gave me. You could well find them cheaper elsewhere for all I know.
  8. Very interested indeed and most eagerly looking forward to the finished product!
  9. This is my first and more than likely last watch with any gold on it (except hands and lettering, that is). Gold, whether TT or full gold is really too bling for me and just not my style. That said, you really sold me good on this one with your excellent review By-Tor and I absolutely adore it. I got it from another member here (surely the best way to acquire a watch, I think) in a flawless transaction and it came with the added attractions of AR by Chief and lume by Vac. And once again, I absolutely adore it. Hopefully you'll excuse the picture quality, as it's been a few years since I last used a camera and I'm still very much feeling my way with the new one I recently got. The pic has a very strong blue cast from natural backlight and I just hastily adjusted it a bit in PS so the gold could actually be seen at all.
  10. You never know though. People are nothing if not consistently inconsistent in what moral rules and regulation they choose to fully embrace or viciously disavow. I'm sure there are replica collectors out there who will hiss and spit when software piracy is brought up during conversation.
  11. For the vast majority of people I'd say there are a number of programs that will do as well as Photoshop. Just like with Microsoft Office, the simple fact is that more than 90% of the people who use it, use less than 10% of the program's available features. It's really just that everyone knows about Photoshop, knows it's the industry standard - and therefore want Photoshop and nothing else. In reality you'll need to be very, very advanced in order to actually NEED the features which only Photoshop offers over and above the rest. Or you're used to working with other Adobe products, in which case Photoshop will be instantly familiar and more accessible. Corel's Paint Shop Pro PhotoX2, for instance, will do more than nicely for most people and at $60 still has far more features than the vast majority will ever use. Other alternatives for most Toms, Dicks and Harriets include things like Ulead PhotoImpact @ $50, Zoner Photo Studio Pro @ $100 and Photo Perfect from Arcadia Software @ $60-270 depending on version. And many, many more I don't know about, I'm sure. Of course if you have no compunction about pirating software (I don't), then you may as well get hold of Photoshop. If you want to retain the moral high ground, then I would suggest that Corel's Paint Shop Pro is an excellent choice. In fact, PPP is probably the de facto "industry standard" among those who do not use Photoshop for whatever reason.
  12. I'm fairly sure that I said nothing of the sort. I'm fairly sure I never said he wasn't. Well, at least he was a husband and father in name. Whether he was so in deed as well is a different matter. Personally I think the only reasonable thing to do is to assume that the court which acquitted him had access to more and better information than I do and hence assume he was innocent. "Innocent until proven guilty", remember? That largely ignored statement upon which all functioning judicial systems are built? Unless of course you are in possession of information pertinent to the case which no-one else is aware of. Who you respect and not is of course entirely up to you. Personally though I try to base that particular decision on things I know and have experienced myself, rather than on things I'm fed by the media.
  13. Respect and the internet are pretty much mutually exclusive. Being an ass is simply too tempting when there is no chance of real life repercussions or confrontations.
  14. Regardless of whether or not he ever actually fiddled around with the dangly bits of his house guests, I don't think that the term paedophile can be applied to Jacko. Mentally the guy was obviously still a child himself and had real trouble relating to adults and the adult world in a realistic way. The guy should have had some genuine friends and some serious help, rather than an army of bloodsuckers, leeches and half deranged hangers-on, but I guess that's show biz for ya.
  15. Considering how many people die every day I'm overjoyed that they're not all mentioned in the media when they kick off. It'd make for exceedingly monotonous viewing/listening/reading, not to mention it'd be neverending. What makes Jacko different is, of course, us - the millions of people who for some inexplicable (to me anyway) reason decide to latch on to someone or other and elevate them to near godhood. Where Jacko is concerned though, it's pretty much undeniable that the guy had HUGE talent and will go down in music history as one of the most influential artists of all time (and I'm not particularly a fan myself). That's reason good enough to mark his passing as far as I'm concerned, since talent is damn scarce in the music industry today. Still, his death mainly reminded me how happy I am not to own a TV.
  16. Lovely watch, but it shouldn't really be called a Railmaster. It's seems to be a an Aqua Terra with, for some reason, a limited edition Railmaster back.
  17. Having recently tried the dry wax method in the link, I can attest to its efficiency. The bracelet on my SOSF looked nice and clean to start with, but I was curious so I gave it a generous splash of Rock N' Roll Gold lube anyway. Result: supremely smooth bracelet action. Enthusiastically recommended.
  18. Thanks for that rundown Toad. That's kinda the thing I've been looking for, only with more details. Then again, like I said, I'm guessing a detailed breakdown of the rep business probably ought not to be in print anywhere.
  19. Actually I'm wondering about the same thing as the OP and after a few months I'm still nowhere near to having a handle on it. Can't say I've found a post yet that have explained it, or even particularly attempted to, though the search function has seen heavy use at times. I'd think that a detailed breakdown, in "print", is probably not in anyone's interest in any case, but I'd dearly like to get a better overview of how this whole thing works anyway.
  20. Although its obviously the sellers decision, it is kind of strange. Nor is it particular to this place, it's basically much the same all over - US folk prefer to sell within the US, while the remainder couldn't care less where it ends up. Personally, if I sell something I can't see why it should matter where the buyer is. Kuala Lumpur, Kamchatka or the next town over hill; neither's any more hassle to post a parcel to than the other.
  21. I've not been around for long and only bought my first rep a few weeks ago, but for what its worth I have to say I was astounded by the quality of the Steelfish I bought from a member here. Despite having read god knows how many reviews by people who obviously know a hell of a lot about watches, I never really believed a rep could be as good as this SOSF actually is before I handled it myself. I tried on the gen at an AD in town before I got it and I've been back afterwards (no, not while wearing the rep) to try it on again and I can say cathegorically that I wouldn't know the difference. Granted there are slight differences, but the gen has no more of a quality feel than the one I'm wearing. $2000 for the gen or $200 for this one? Easy choice.
  22. Anyone looking for inexpensive winders might find some at Easy Source's eBay store. You'll likely recognise the designs from a hundred other internet sites, except these guys are the cheapest I've seen. Nice winders designwise, not to mention the prices, but I doubt they can be trusted to work for all that long. Anyway, if the motor isn't strong enough to turn a single watch it's not going to last very long anyway, so why not just get a refund and save up for a decent winder?
  23. I've been looking at watch winders myself over the last few weeks and it's pretty obvious that all the cheap winders come from the same chinese factories, regardless of whatever name may be stuck to the front or back of them. Do a search for watch winders at www.made-in-china.com or alibaba.com and in no time you'll see where they're all made. Nothing whatsoever wrong with that of course, but the thing is that the "Brookstone" and "Rothenschild" above are both the same winders that are sold elsewhere for $69.95 or so and rely on cheap motors, crappy plastic gears and 5 cent control electronics. At $69.95 that's acceptable, since at least you get some nice wood veneer thrown in, but at $200 and more it's pure humbug. Personally I'm going to keep my money and if I find that I really need a winder I'll get one from Official Time's eBay store. More expensive, but still very reasonable compared to most non-Far-East-made winders.
  24. Good story up until the point where you laugh all the way home at the expense of someone who very kindly fixed your watch for no charge at all. Not exactly a sign of class.
  25. I syncronised my Steelfish, which hasn't been serviced or adjusted, with the laptop about 2 weeks ago and right now it's approx. 28 seconds slow. Quite acceptable I'd say.
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