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Posts posted by marrickvilleboy

  1. @ teejay

    The example that I provided is the example that my professor provided in class, believe it or not, he was actually the guy who was being asked by the police. However, the actual question does not pertain specifically to that example, I thought i'll throw that in for those who may want to visual what the question can relate to, but its not verbatim in that we don't need to answer the question in reference to it.

    That being said, it does appear that the question is very very vague in some sense, I was originally thinking, is it asking if its fundamentally different? as in the two considerations, but what is fundamental? and where we do draw the line?

    Just so everyone knows, this will be my first and last philosophical class, its too complex for me and I've spent way too much time thinking about it.

  2. To go back to the original question, yes. We all weigh up consequences and make value judgements with every large decision we make. If we didn't, society would be different. Every time someone thinks "I hope she won't tell my wife", a balance of risk/reward is made and that's what value judgements are. Your friendship has a value and you have to work out how much that value is.

    "A friend helps you move house. A true friend helps you move a body."

    I like that line. I guess i really shouldn't let this question bother me, i've spent the last 3 days thinkiing about when i have 4 other midterms to take this week.

    What makes you believe that your Professor has any valid answers? He's just doing his job, which at best, should be preparing you for the life-long task of examining it (ie, developing your consciousness), and at worst, throwing you curve-balls which neither you nor he can ever really connect with in the real world - meaning outside the walls of academia.

    Yes your right. I ought to stick with one argument and just try to justify it the best i can. Thanks for putting me back on track.

  3. Sure, but in theory, you have to be psychic to know all of a person's failings before you know the person. ;)

    ps. None of this answers the question as to whether or not this would force people to reconsider their 'never dob in a mate' stance.

    Unfortunately, nor does it help to answer the original question at hand but I guess I should take what has been said into account. They are afterall intrinsic value.

  4. Which quite naturally leads to another and very important question, namely, why would you consciously or unconsciously choose a rapist to be your friend?

    The problem is that we often don't see that side of a friend. Hence the reason why we befriend them in the first place right?

    now the question at hand is that ONCE you see that a friend has raped someone, what do you do? tell on him? or turn a blindeye.

    In this very example, I think some of us will end the friendship and cease to contact him whilst some would turn and testify against him. It really falls down to how severe his crime/unconventional act is on my scale. The issue with the drug dealer is that his crime is NOT consider as high as say rape or killing, hence why we would have this dilemma. If my father went about intentionally killing someone, I will report him. If he accidentally killed someone out of self defense or another justifible reason, I may not.

    See how these contingencies can change the result of our thoughts? I can't answer my original question by adding these conditional factors, it'll be too easy for my professor to find weaknesses.

  5. It's difficult to say this without sounding sanctimonious, but that's just not my style. Once, when the husband of a friend started giving me rides to-and-fro, I stopped it suddenly.

    It's not because I'm a saint, but I firmly believe that you don't put temptation in your way.

    Actually, this might go a little way to explaining why I suddenly clam up with certain people. I'm a very flirtatious girl, and I fear hurting guys because I'm very loving. But do you know, when I have broken up with guys, almost all (with one exception) remained my friend? One serious ex-boyfriend even named his daughter "Victoria", I recently found out. Anyway...

    In my mother's family, it was and is a given. Didn't help that they had "marriages de convenience". :yuk: But fortunately I come from a bourgeois, boring British family on the other side. Having one's mistress attend the funeral alongside the widow,

  6. .........guys I think it would be wise to close this topic....don't you think?

    I really dont want to drive you guys up the wall too (moral view)

    but I like to get feedback and suggestions (personal project)


  7. I will NEVER, EVER... dob on a mate. It's just the way I've been brought up... it's an old Aussie saying.

    I agree with jdfaker... the guilt is just too great. The dobbed can be jailed for life... or in some Asian countries, be given the death penalty.

    Sacrifice one for the sake of hundreds... seems logical. But not when it's someone you know and love.

    Good point also but this idea of "never ever ratting on a friend" is a conventional moral view isn't it? If we all adhere to this ideal, its conventional right?

    So now we have a problem, it seems personal projects and commitment can fall under conventional moral views.....see why this question is eating me up? its like it eats itseft up despite the fact that nothing can eat itself up :S

  8. The "guilt" felt about turning in a friend is not the same as the greatest good argument. Reluctance to turn in a friend only stems from the threat of personal loss.

    People are worried about alienating friends/losing loved ones. This isnt a moral character consideration, its one of selfish bases.

    Great point! but your "greatest good argument" appears to pertain strictly to utilitarian ideals. I feel that benefiting society and benefiting family/friends/lover are both moral views in its own right. Lets look at it this way:

    In hypothetical terms with regards to the drug dealer scenario, you can turn you friend in and society will not criticize you. Similarly, you can protect your friend, and society will also not critcize you. So essentially, you can walk out of both situation feeling you have done the right thing. This "right" thing is what society itself has taught us to do - so kind of two fold in this case.

    But I do think that you have raised a very valid point, the interest of a friend is one personal basis and nothing else. I guess there is no real answer to this question but I'm having some trouble siding which way and how to construct a plausible argument. It seems that I need to introduce contingencies which I feel will only weaken my argument.

    Thanks for comment.

  9. Ok so I thought I might post a philosophical question out to you guys. Its for my philosophy class.

    So bearing that we make decisions day to day, a philosopher, Bernard Williams, proposes that there are two distinct kinds of normative considerations that may enter into our moral deliberation. On the one hand, there are those considerations stemming from an agent's 'conventional' moral views (such as utilitarian's belief that an action ought to maximize aggregate utility), while on the other hand, there are those which derive from one's personal projects or commitments. Do you think that Williams is right to distinguish between these two sorts of considerations?

    We can look at an example: You have a friend who is a drug dealer, the police confront you stating that they dont have enough evidence but if you name him, they could put him to jail. So now you have a moral dilemma, social responsibility says that you should turn your friend in (we are considering that drugs is illegal and is harming society), but on the other hand, you dont want to turn him in because his your friend.

    What do you guys think? is Williams right to distinguish between these two considerations? (to an extend where we can even assert that they are fundamentally different)

    any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated!

  10. I always remove the stem in the time-setting position. Why? Because I don't have The Zigmeister's skill and I'm not prepared to release the main spring like you're supposed to. The thought of unleashing the tension in the spring carefully scares the bejebus out of me. :)

    So, yes I do it wrongly, but I feel better about it.

    That doesn't make much sense Pug.

    Regardless whether you remove the stem in winding position or time or date setting position, it will not affect the mainspring. The mainspring is held in position by the click spring, which unless manually adjusted, will not release the mainspring. Now like Rob has said earlier, the safeist way is to remove the stem while in the winding position, the keyless works are in its natural place and removing the stem will be least likely to tamper and misplace the setting components.

    It is very common to mess up the keyless works in the 2824/2836 movement when removing the stem in the timesetting position so try to remember to leave the stem in winding when removal takes place.

    Hope that clears it.

  11. I like my Silix strap, but the gen does NOT have these seams running down the side from the mold it was cast in. They are more visible on the keepers, but apparent on the strap as well. Maybe they can be sanded off?

    Also, I'm curious what people have used (silicone?) to treat the rubber. It's not so much that it attracts dust, but the material itself has a dusty appearance unlike the smooth natural rubber Omega uses.

    Third, I tried all sorts of fatter spring bars and the bottom/longer strap still pops out at the case. The reason is not the bars, but there is not quite enough rubber "lip" to hold the bottom edge of the strap in place. The (inelegant but effective) solution was to stick a thin sliver of a folded up Post-It note between the lower edge of the strap and the case. It can't be seen, and it works, but it bugs me knowing it's there.

    Even with these issues it's a great strap, and as nice as the UPO bracelet is I won't be going back to it for a while--at least until QOS is out....

    Read my post about getting the genuine springbars. I had the same problem but not anymore.

  12. this is a very good and informative write up. However, I do have one suggestion:

    When you remove the stem from the movement, you should NOT have it in the setting time position. It should be in the winding position. You will find that alot of the keyless works problems are due to this issue.

    Hope that clears it.

    Just to confirm this again with you all.

    Here's what The Zigmeister has stated as well.

    Click here

    I'm not trying to power-trip but we all rather do things the correct way, especially considering its in a guide on HOW-TO. We don't want other members making mistakes that don't have to be made. Again, great write up and we all thank you for your time. Please edit that portion as we have too many members having keyless works issue due to not releasing it in the correct position.

    Thanks :)

  13. @ Lanikai,

    Your thread I do believe adds value for our members on this board. However, I believe that finding a modder is essentially the same as finding a seller on this board. You don't just buy what they provide, but you also want to buy peace of mind. What would you consider as a certified modder? I believe most of the modders on this board are self-taught. Does that mean you're going to cross out Rob, Chief, and Repaustria? of course not.

    In contrary to what you've said, I certainely do not believe that price ultimately dictates the quality of workmanship. I always stand behind my work and I only charge a low price because I believe i'm giving something back to the members on this board who thoroughly enjoy collecting replica watches. That is why I only stick to a tight schedule and only offer service to a limited number of members on this board. To me, its more of hobby, I enjoy helping out members and getting their watches the way that they like it. I find it very enjoyable and it does take my mind off the throat-cutting academic atmosphere here at Columbia =)

    Just to re-iteriate, I believe each member here do suss out their potential modder, they go through the price range, reputation, activeness, and distance factors to make their best judgment. Generally, they will stick to a modder who has served them well and change to another if otherwise. I feel that we only need to let our members know that they should always be weary of potential modders on this board, ultimately, let them make their own choices.

  14. I obviously don't know much about the watches, definately nothing about the lumes, except that they glow in the dar.

    I did not care if the glow will be green, yellow or whilte. As long as it can be applied to this and the accent would still look yellow and it can glow (any color).

    Would have been gread but looks like it is not possible. How about the minute hand at least I can tell the time, right now I can only tell that it's now 2 past something. :D

    Like I just said, we can apply a standard C3 lume (not superlume) and it will glow well. Just won't glow yellow, it will be the C3 color of green/yellow. It will still look yellowish during the day.

  15. I have never seen yellow lume, not even sure if RC Tritec sells yellow lume...

    If yellow lume is available, it can be lumed.

    The other possibiliity is to take C1 white lume, and add yellow paint to it, the only problem is once you get enough paint in the lume to duplicate the yellow in your picture, it's not going to glow at all...


    Perhaps use standard Lume and cover the yellow on that watch? Since alot of standard lume utilizes the background color to actually achieve its opaque appearance. It probably won't glow yellow but it will glow - a better alternative than adding yellow paint - which will only minimize the lumiousity.

  16. nice story.

    There was this one guy who I met tonight that kept eyeing my Omega SMP electric blue. While we were talking, he would glance at it from time to time, I thought maybe he would bring it up (he wasn't wearing a watch), but he never did. Maybe it was just the blue color that caught his attention. Anyway, definitely more than 10 seconds, but never said anything......

  17. That was the 'for 2 weeks only carzy sale' introductory price!

    I still have the birthday card Paul sent with mine :D

    You mean the card that has just scribbles in the inside? with illegible "wishes" and "signature"? hahaha..I threw mine away! insulted that he couldn't spell my name right!

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