I visited this place back In July of 09... while on vacation.
It wasnt the best pizza I ever had... but It was pretty dam good.
I got the spinach/marinated mushrooms/ garlic pie.
Here's a Interesting video for you Pizza freeks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3qoqi8J4Qc&feature=related Moomsie Is a monster...dam.
After two days without any comfermation or communication..I say... sell it to the person you want to sell It too.
When I agree to purchase something from someone...I pay them within a few hours...thats if I serously want the item
Anything less shows a lack of Interest/commitment Imho.
It's that 'snooze you loose" sort of thing as far as Im concerned.
But thats just my opinion..Im sure others will feel differently.
Good luck with sorting this situation out.
Mike...PS..I guess giving the first guy a heads up would have been a good Idea.
I will have to check those out REDBULL MAN..never heard of them before.
Thanks for sharing bro.
Mike.....PS...Have ever seen Shawshank Redemption?...probably my all time favorite movie...I've seen about 25-30 times..lol..and Im not that big of a moviegoer.
This will be my last post In this thread...since Ken has suggested we move on.
"As If the world stands still"..no of course not...but the choices we have today are far beyond what we had several years ago.
I think It's Important to remember that we as a community are Involved In a underground hobby...better to fly under the radar..If you will.
It's not going to hurt my feelings If someone wants to try a new dealer...If that dealer turns out to be honest..well who knows.
But the dealer In question had some obvious red flags...most everyone here Including myself said so and suggested that the OP stick with the trusted dealers.
I think the final results speak for themselves.
Most people I know dont have a extra $200-$400 to crap shoot with...If they choose to do so...again... not going to hurt my feelings.
As far as "following my dogma"...well I dont know about all that...but sometimes following ones own common sense does the trick.
The old saying Is so true..."If It quacks like a duck...and If It walks like a duck....has feathers..webbed feet and [censored]....well you know.
I personally cant understand how someone could do this to themselves.
I understand the whole Idea behind self expression...but...
Oh well..to each his own.....I guess. I do like the music though.
The new SOH are not very good at all...I would wait for a better version.....or go with the V2.
At least the colors seem to be pretty good on those.
Lesson learned
But it Is kind of odd to ask for advise..then go against that advice.
But we all learn lessons In this hobby..you obviously have learned yours.
Best of luck from here foward.