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Posts posted by Ronin

  1. As I start my 1680 project, I am looking for tips/tricks/consensus on Cyclops to date window alignment.

    In a perfect world I would love to assemble the case entirely before the movement goes in. So I wonder, what do you guys do?

    A.) Install the movement w/dial, then crystal and align cyclops

    B.) Build up case, install crystal, using tube/crown as a reference


  2. I have an extremely hectic work/social life and travel for about half a month each month. Honestly....do not get the time to exercise much.

    I think this is a key item. Having been a road warrior in the past a few things are for certain. 1.) You will eat like $hit, and 2.) Have little time for 'consistent' exercise.

    Best tips that worked for me. AVOID the Crapplebee's, TGIVomits, and most chains-- in addition to the fast food places.

    Your Fork and Spoon are the best pieces of exercise equipment.


    1.) Avoid Soda/Pop, any beverage with High Fructose Corn Syrup

    2.) Given-- traveling on the road, some "Important Dinners with the customer, boss, team are inevitable". Seriously, attempt to only eat HALF of what you are served. (Resturant portions are way too large. The average single restaurant portion today would feed 4 in the 1970's.)

    3.) Avoid the fast food joints or stick with a healthier Subway 6". Better yet if you are flying solo, hit the grocery store, buy some "real food" and DIY, or even some of the healthier prepared stuff.

    4.) Take the stairs.

    5.) Park furthest from the door.

    6.) Time permitting, think old school Gym Class exercises. Jumping Jacks, Sit-ups, Push-Ups.

  3. Bring it. The nets are alive with iPad hating...

    In todays news:

    Apple being bashed for App Store. They just removed all Wi-Fi stumbler apps.

    Apple being bashed for anti-competitive practices with Amazon

    Apple iPad named worst product name.

    Apple issues with 27" iMacs

    Apple at war with Google and Adobe (Apple will loose the Google war)

    Microsoft actually innovating again with some killer new products

    Android rocking!

    Funny how Microsoft was the evil company as little as one year ago. The tides have shifted, and the educated tech crowd seems to be turning a bit anti-Apple at the moment. Strange...

    Apple can only make "Fischer Price" style gadgets for so long. Well, maybe indefinitely, if the average IQ continues to drop. ;)

    (I still use Apple products daily, not sure how much longer. Switching to Android phone.) :victory:

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