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Posts posted by Ronin

  1. I think I understand your logic now Pug. And to put it into the context of a "Watch", Apple is basically the "Quartz Revolution" and the iProducts might as well be a swanky looking All Digital Quartz watch with a nice display and easy to use stop watch and Alarm function.

    NOW I GET IT!!!!! :whistling: Anyone can now tell time effortlessly and not be hindered by winding, winders, etc. On that note Pug, please sell me your awesome IWC rep since it is not as user friendly. :D:victory:

  2. To say Cory is just wrong is, well, wrong. His point on Infantalizing, Wal-Martilization I feel are very apt. "Idiot Proofing only creates more idiots". You, of all people with Apple II roots I thought would understand this.

    For geographic and privacy reasons I am not going to provide you with a list of sites. If my word is not good enough about my wifes Yoga site, and the hand full of restaurants then ohh well.

    You make valid points in most cases, but also micro focus on many of my points -vs- dealing with the big picture / technical merits / business model as a whole.

    There is NO question that this will be a successful product, and I will most like lose my bet to you. I just question the blind loyalty, consumerism mentality that the people and this device is all about.

    As far as your shot at the Netbook, I am at a loss as to what to say. It DOES deliver a FULL web experience and then some. A 10" screen and 90% keyboard make for an above average "Computing Experience". I can run Windows on it, I can run Linux on it, I can make it a Hackintosh, I can multi-task, make skype video calls on it, I can plug in USB devices and SD cards and watch VOB/DVD files on it. It is clear that you are more interested in the "Consumer Experience". I like having choices.

    :victory: Peace,


  3. Not even close. It's been Steve's open and visible mission statement from day one to change the world for the better.

    Usability, usability, usability. The design is a slave to that.

    If you still think Apple's priority is design aesthetics, you're missing the big picture. It's like a finger pointing at the moon.

    Have you tried one?

    And once again, tell me what sites we can't use because of no Flash. Farmville? Oh, whoop.

    Find me one popular NON-VIDEO site that won't work because of the lack of Flash. If there is one, would it work with a touchscreen and without a persistent mouse/keyboard in the first place? If it's as important as you say it is, find me three.

    Great if usablity is such a priority, how come it can't deliver the same FULL web experience as my little Asus eeePC that I am typing on right now, at half the cost, and support for any video or audio codec, etc....

    Usability, hahah, if I hand a new "buttonless" iPod shuffle to the average person, I bet they will be lost.

    As far as sites go, most of the "trendy" restaurants in my city, fashion sites, and even the Yoga studio my wife attends does not work on an iProduct.


    Ok, so here is the thing. I have been a borderline Apple Fanboy myself having grown up with Apple IIs, and once OS-X arrived, followed by the iPod I was a pretty big fanboy. I even appreciate what the iPhone did (that was revolutionary).

    Then something happened. I realized, as a user of many operating systems, and "other" products here and there, that this whole notion of "Picking Sides", and "Product Loyalty" was actually ridiculous. Enter Windows 7, Nexus One, Android, etc, I realized that Apple, while good, was no longer the only decision.

    Competition is good. I had someone ask me the age old "Mac or PC" question the other day. My answer has changed from "Get a Mac" to "With Windows 7 now, get what you can afford and what will work best with your school/business should you need to bring work home".

    Call me when the iPad has a 16x9 display, supports a FULL web experience, camera for a skype call, etc. Call me when it is truly a technological break thru/marvel. Not just a "media consumption device-- of the kind of media they want to support".

    Keeping an Open Mind,


  4. Again with the Flash thing.....as Pugwash pointed out way back when in this thread. Yes, Flash would be nice, but it obviously hasn't hindered the sales of the iPhone in any way. And based on the info I just posted above, it's clear that the lack of Flash will in no way hinder the sales of the iPad.

    And to be honest, I really think that HTML5 will take over from Flash anyways so maybe the lack of Flash is more likely forward thinking.

    On a phone, sure, I think people are more accepting of its limitations. I think neither Apple nor Adobe were forward thinking here.

    Honestly, I think this is all FUD (Flash crashes, etc). On my Win & Lin boxes I can not tell you the last time "Flash" has crashed or caused an issue. The Mac, in my experience, is a bit more susceptible, but really a non-issue as far as I am concerned. I do find it odd that the Mac's error handling in regards to Flash seems inferior to my Win/Lin-Firefox configured machines. I agree Flash is bloated and could use refinement. 87% of web sites still use Flash.

    I am pro HTML5 as well. My point is excluding a technology that is ubiquitous with the internet is just flat out ridiculous. I would rather have an iPad and the occasional crash than not the full web. This is not a progressive Apple move like the Floppy or Dial-Up Modem.

    Don't $hit yourself the "customer" is not Apple's top priority. I just had a conversations with a friend and we agreed/speculated-- with Steve at the helm the Apple priority tree goes something like this: 1.) Design aesthetics (thanks Steve) 2.) Profit/Shareholder Value 3.) Customers

    Any device, slated to be a magical, revolutionary "Internet Device" that can NOT deliver a FULL internet experience as the internet exists TODAY is simply ridiculous. Nuff said...

  5. One other thing to try. You mentioned having a Bergeon, correct?

    Do you also have a Horb/Ofrei Sticky ball?

    The problem with the Bergeon in this is case is you WILL slip with its handle unless you have a good case holder.

    Ok-- Using the Die only from the Bergeon

    1.) Set the watch face down on something that will not damage the crystal/cyclops/etc.

    2.) Put the Bergeon Die on the case back

    3.) Put the Sticky/Ofrei Ball on top of the Bergeon Die.

    4.) Use some of that muscle with some downward force to keep the die from slipping off the caseback. (careful)

    Maybe, just maybe this will do the trick...

  6. This is my out of the box red sub! again not a perfect rep! post-27094-12701489105_thumb.jpg post-27094-127014911005_thumb.jpg post-27094-127014928819_thumb.jpg the thing that i wish is they would tone down this yellow colour its too bright i would prefer a pastel white with a creamy tint!

    Just for fun i adjusted the colour slightly for the next photos post-27094-127014936263_thumb.jpg

    post-27094-127014943646_thumb.jpg i was not pleased when i recieved this watch i ordered a white background date wheel

    and the description said it was the best magnification cyclope! i dident find the date mag correct and as a result put this watch in a drawer and never wore it! but now i have started to wear it despite its flaws and its a perfect time keeper too!

    Just to clarify, this is not the new offering but something else you had already, right?

  7. As someone above said, they pretty much abandoned their vintage products for parts etc.

    It is funny the difference between the watch market and something like the auto market. When a auto mfg stops making parts for a car, the "aftermarket" is all over it. If you can't get that rare/discontinued Porsche part, chances are good you can find an aftermarket one. Jump to Rolex, and god forbid you need a new coin edge bezel. Sorry, you must either find an equally trashed used part at exorbitant prices or become a "fake/counterfeiter propagator".

    I am not defending Yuki or anyone that passes rep as gen.

    This might be a left field idea, but, is Rolex not aware of the popularity and heritage of their vintage product line?

    We have seen manufactures revive, re-introduce, reinterpret some of their older lines. The retro thing. Take the Breitling Heritage series, or even the basic Doxa still 1960's based look.

    Wouldn't be in everyone's best interest if Rolex introduced a Heritage line? Maybe even dusted off some of the old tooling's and made limited editions? If people could walk into an AD and buy a Heritage 6538, or Subs/SD's were offered with LE Red writing dials it might de-value some of the vintage crazyness/prices.

    Just a thought...

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