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Posts posted by Ronin

  1. The "Reasons" everybody states for being/staying on FB is a lot like standing by and watching [insert horrible tragic event] and doing nothing. You don't need FB to share photos. You don't need FB to stay in touch with people you REALLY care about.

    The "Corporate" use of directing you to their FB page is an insult, and an atrocious marketing practice. Here is why. FB has a TOS (Terms of Service you must agree with, and join) it is not an open public site. In effect, a corporation is telling me to ACCEPT the TOS of a 3rd party entity who does not protect my privacy, and in fact sells my information to other 3rd parties.

    Take a stand people. Just because something is FREE or CONVENIENT does not mean you should turn a blind eye.

    "If you are not paying, you are the product."

    "You can't get something for nothing,

    You can't have freedom for free" -Peart

  2. Amen.

    I work in a related industry and WITNESSED first hand, a hacker demonstration that:

    1.) Take a picture of a person in a bar. Girl.

    2.) Using Facial Recognition / Search (some servers in Cambridge) - Gained basic identity information from open FaceBook pages and images.

    3.) Said hackers in previous years demonstrated a successful brute force 'crack' of Social Security numbers with 60% accuracy.

    Result -- Taking a photo of a random girl at a bar on a smartphone was able to garnish:

    1.) Girl's Facebook / Match.com profile, leading to

    2.) Name

    3.) Address

    4.) Date of Birth

    5.) Social Security Number (60% chance)

    So yeah, fsck FaceBook. FaceBook has turned into "the internet for dummies" IMNSHO. FaceBook might as well be AOL (a walled garden) minus the CD's in the mail, and with a lot less care about you and your personal data. I have a Google+ account, and if they stick with their 'don't be evil' credo it could be promising. I guess I would trust Google over FB/Zuckerberg, but could live without any of them.

    Long live-- Forums, Photo Sharing Sites that YOU control, and even basic email / instant messenger and SMS.

  3. Interesting timing. I just REMOVED my 704 from my 1680 and installed a more period 703. Plus, the 703 has the illusion of being thinner since the knurled area is 1/2 a mm less than on the 704.

    703 and Two 704 Mono's. Amazing how much FATTER the Crown looks because of the larger knurled area.


    but the old giant crowns on the vintage 703s are so cool looking! plus the modern ones seem to leave a bit of gap where it usually meets the case.

    True, but there is something to be said for the "Crispness" of a 704.

    The gap between the bottom of the crown & face of the case may be due to the way the tube was installed. You often see that gap on vintage watches coming out of Rolex service, which is why I always (consciously) try to install tubes to mimic that gap since new watches (including reps) rarely have a gap there

    Good point.

    - This is easily accomplished on an MBW case simply by NOT countersinking the tube.

    - I also just discovered two different "600" modern style replacement tubes. One has some extra thread that causes the 600 crown to create the gap since the seal meets the threaded area sooner. (6239 project I am working on).

    - Finally, on a Triplock 703 you can also add a gap by using a RXJC700 Crown Gasket from the Ofrei MSA 99.136 kit.

    Just goes to show, there are no hard and fast "it must be this or that" in the Rolex world.

  4. 1st off you shouldn't need the plastic ring. That was to take up slack on the PT crystal. If the steel bezel is still to tight, you need to open it up using a Dremel. A little at a time. Take your time. Sand a little, heat, test fit.

    Also, a 30mm 12 point socket is what I use as a makeshift press. (I use a "Great Neck" socket sold @ AutoZone)

  5. Random thought:

    There are probably a dozen or so people out there with Freddy333/Ubi/etc.. talents. Those similarly talented people are "assembling" Rolex's with Gen parts, and even a mix of Gen and quasi-acceptable aftermarket components. They are also, most likely, flying under the radar so as to sell those wares for profit on eBay and elsewhere.

    That said:

    It is admirable, that we share openly here. F333 could have constructed this item secretly, and probably sold it with a clever back story/description for $$$$$!

    Now to OS's point, and drawing unwanted attention. Some bridges have been burned, and a lot of information has been shared that could even burn some outsiders who have/had a hand in making parts, etc.

  6. Wow, this has been a heck of read. I have not seen such a good volley since I ran a Commodore 64 BBS in 1985!

    I love the watch personally. I think Nanuq summed it up best above.

    HOWEVER, the Acid Test-- Post it for sale on eBay, and take bets on if/when it will get flagged down.


  7. It should also be noted that many of the senior members of gen forums routinely have their watches serviced by indy watchsmiths (Bob Ridley, Michael Young, etc), who must often swap defective parts for used or aftermarket parts, which, by definition, results in a Frankenstein watch. Had my watch been assembled by Bob Ridley, none of these gords would ever dare utter a discouraging word or complain that the pics were posted by someone affiliated with RWG. But because it was an RWG member that performed the same work, it gets some gen owners' (& those two-faced, double-agents) panties in a whirl.

    Bottom line - it was a well intentioned idea that probably should have been handled differently.

    Excellent point. Also, in all seriousness, all the parts, dials, cases, etc, that are listed for sale on VRF/TRF -- where do those guys REALLY think they are going? Are there REALLY that many people / GEN owners buying 5513 dials to swap with theirs?

    If you wait long enough, you can buy every part you need to construct a GEN watch. How is that bad? I bet the majority of 1665 DRSD out there are "build up's".

  8. The 606092 has a 1 star rating on Amazon.

    Honestly, look for a GEN on eBay. They depreciate pretty quickly. Similarly styled Movado's like that one are going for between $250 and $400.

    Unless you are looking for a $50 Canal Street special, just get a Gen.

  9. So, I have to believe among our admin ranks we have 'technically' minded people who could:

    1.) Query VRF (since they openly post IP addresses)

    2.) Cross reference the Logs here at RWG

    ...and thereby identify users on the Gen formus VRF+TRF and RWG. :whistling:

    Extracting the data from VRF would be easy, and a simple Pearl script to tear through the data. :D

  10. I am a member over there as well. It was funny when Nanuq posted his photoshopped "33" date GMT on TRF. It took, like 6 posts for people to realize it was 'shopped, and not a "dual wheel". LOL

    On a side rant: Timezone and VRF really need new forum software, I don't go there anymore because I hate the threaded old school forum.

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