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Posts posted by Ronin

  1. Search for Lanikai's post on the 7750 stop issue.

    Magnets, from my experience make the watch run super fast once magnetized. A magnet will stop it momentarily, but not permanently.

    The one of two things that did my wife's Breitling in was her reaching behind our Velodyne Subwoofer to switch it off, and/or, it was near the solenoid when stored in the safe. Many electronic safes have a solenoid that causes the bolts to unlock. (I still use the safe watches, and have not duplicated that issue, but I no longer place watches in the area directly by the electronics. The watch ran like 8 hours fast per day.

  2. I'd say FR is much better, but recently I haven't been able to get its "View New Post" feature working on RWG, which absolutely blows.

    FR has been nothing but trouble for me on an iPad. I read the forums by "view new" and I mark all as read when done. Forum Runner has NEVER allowed me to view new, new since last visit etc. It is a pile of dog $hit.

    I am pretty much back to the "browser" experience, on an iPad.

  3. ^^^^^ Doubtful. We are still/just feeling repercussions from Clinton Glass-Steagall, NAFTA, and the Bush "War Years".

    One man / President-- in really, less than 4 years, and the next 4 years will not be the gloom and doom above. Weather you like the guy or not, voted for him or not, Obama inherited a mess spanning over a decade. To blame HIM and only HIM is simply wrong.

    We have three branches of government. Do your homework.

  4. With steel Daytona waiting lists still in the 2 year range, where did you get that idea?

    Certainly, I prefer the 62xx series over the current range, but I think most would like to see a ceramic bezel as the next update to the Daytona. I doubt Rolex will be making any major design changes similar to your FC.

    According to my AD, stainless Daytona's are held back purposely for preferred customers, and Patek/Breguet buyers ( Buy a $$$,$$$ Patek, get a SS Daytona FREE -- I am not joking...). I bet I could call my AD and have a SS Daytona by the end of the year.

    My post was more a design query. Weather you care for the FC or not, is more about design. The reason MKII Kingston was met with fanfare, and Tudor Blackbay, etc. Even the Sinn 303 (silver) that on some levels reminds me of an Albino 6539. This was more of nudge to Rolex to offer something more along the lines of a PN/Exotic dial. More and more I am interested in design, and what works or doesn't and the inspiration behind a design and its longevity. As many here have been critical of modern Rolex designs, and their Maxi/Ceramic/Bling, I do wonder about the evolution and endurance of the designs.

    If the FC had a Rolex crown on the dial, Rolex fan(atic)s would be crapping their pants -or- possibly panning it like the "Seiko'ish" Modern Explorer II.


  5. 2016 will be another Clinton -vs- Bush contest.

    Hillary -vs- Jeb.

    I am not a fan of Political Royal Families. At this rate we could have Hillary 2016, Jeb 2020, Chelsea Clinton 2024. I am sure there are some more Bush's out there too. Decades of the same people going all the way back to 1980 Regan/"Bush". At least Obama is not part of that lineage.

  6. Don't get me wrong, I love the initial shine and subjective better clarity of a GEN. After a month of long sleeve shirts, cuff links, buttons, pulling on jackets, wiping smudges, and hitting door jambs~~ Your slightly shinier GEN crystal is not going to look any better than a Clark/GS/Sternkruz. (Or a week with with Nanuq) ;)

    Just sayin.

    If they can rep entire watches-- replicating "Baggies" and "Air Bubble Packaging" is probably cake. That reminds me, if anyone has a personal connection to Clark, tell that man to start making Tropic 38's :D

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