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Posts posted by Ronin

  1. I just checked my 'local' water companies reports. In my case they only found 1 part per trillion. 1 ppt is the equivalent of one drop of water in the equivalent of 28 Olympic swimming pools.

    That said, I am not worried. Even if I manage to drink that one drop of water. I would be more concerned about the antibiotics, growth hormones, etc, that are being force fed to cows, chickens, pigs and other GMO crap in our food supply.

    Knowing where your food/water is coming from is key, and YMMV. Fortunately, my water supply is excellent, and I make sure my food is organic / non-GMO, non-factory farm when possible.

  2. I just use a cool colored fluorescent bulb. they have ample UV output. I read that higher UV levels can shorten the life of lume.

    I think this is a bit of a myth. Nothing is more potent than being out in the good ole' Sunshine. Hanging your arm out of the car window on Sunny day is going to expose your watch to a ton more UV than a little blacklight. Fear not!

    The mini gas lights used my the likes of Ball, Reactor, Luminox, use Trituim + Superluminova IIRC, the Tritium that always glows amps up / keeps the luminova charged 24x7-- and these are rated at 25 years!

  3. @freddy333, any thoughts on the pillows that hold the watches? Based on your wristies, we are probably close, so guessing you are successful with the pillows minus the 'large' sleeve, as am I?

    Some random thoughts: The 650 TPD setting keeps my Seikos, Gen Rolex, and most ETA 28xx wound. If you can get by with 650, you probably won't be slipping the mainspring (max winding) which could add to wear and tear (err on the side of least TPDs). 21J's seem to like 800 TPD, but some 1000. 7750's including a Gen 7753-- even at 1000 TPD (500 in reality) will buy you up to two weeks from a full wind.

    The random, stop points do a pretty good job of not keeping the watch crown up, down, etc. for too long, but I have noticed my watches tend to run a little fast when in the winder for long periods.

    Again, bang for the buck is worth it.

  4. :g: :g:

    So, in the past, I tend to add a little GS-Hypo cement when installing inserts. However, I just positively snapped a Gen insert into an MBW (early) 1665 bezel.

    Should I leave it snapped, or should I pop it out and reinforce with a little cement?

    What to do?

  5. First off, I have been using an Acetimer for 2 years now with no issues. However, comparing and Acetimer with an Orbita is comparing a Toyota to a Porsche.

    Acetimers are all about bang for the buck, and work fine with gens/reps. HOWEVER, the "fuzzy logic" aka wind clockwise for so-long, then wind CCW for so long, does NOT work well with one-way winding movements like the 7750's.

    AceTimer Pros:

    Quite all things considered (mine spins 10 feet away from our bed at night without disturbance)


    Hackable (easy to work on and even hack the electronincs)

    AceTimer Cons:

    Fuzzy Logic is bull$hit. Would benefit from a CW, CCW, Both switch.

    Pillows for watches. Very hard, only really work well with straps or bracelets for ~6.75- 7" wrist or 7.75-8" wrist with adaptor. (If your wrist is 7.25~7.5, or smaller than 6.5 it sucks.)

    (I bought a small AceTimer (2+3) for my wife, but with her 6" range wrist, her bracelets don't fit, similarly in the summer when my bracelets are set larger than <7" they flop around.)

    Not trying to discourage an AceTimer, as overall I have been happy with the 2 we own, just know its limitations.

  6. A little more $, but I have one of these:


    Product Features

    • uv leds can reveal materials that are not seen thru normal lighting and can be very useful in: crime scene investigations to reveal certain bodily fluids
    • document analysis and currency verification
    • leak detection
    • rodent and pet stain detection
    • gemstone verification
    • reving up watch lume

    Also, on the budget side, you can use anti-counterfiting mini-flashlights available at most "Office Supply" stores.

    Here is a cheaper one: http://www.amazon.co...88719242&sr=8-4

  7. Firefox is worthless, it’s like using dos. And it doesn’t work properly with a touch screen display. I love this photo!; tool bars are my biggest pet peeve.

    :g: Hmmm, I have been using Firefox since the collapse of NetScape. Given the extensions available, I would argue IE is like using DOS. (Touch Screens slow me down, so not really valid).

    With my Firefox setup, I never see advertisements, have no-script running to prevent shitty javascript and flash from screwing me up, have the RSS feed from RWG Sales forum scrolling at the top.... Firefox Rocks!

    I did a Chrome trial for a month, and like it a lot, but Chrome is built on Webkit (same as Apple's Safari) and still needs some improvement in javascript compatibility and encryption performance IMHO. Firefox is a bit slower with javascript but handles https better. Chrome is better if you are a big Google apps user.

    Some of my corporate machines are forced into IE, and any time I use IE, I am continually frustrated. Funny thing is, MS-Exchange/Outlook for web runs better in Chrome/Firefox than IE 8 at the moment. :yuk: Tabs in IE still suck too.

  8. thinking about a real GMT-movement :whistling:

    First off, looks great! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Unless you want the slow beat, or total Franken experience I wouldn't bother. The modified 2836's and 21j's actually are the CORRECT hand stack for the 1675 (24/H/M). (It wasn't until the Master II's, that the hand stack went H/24/M). Heck an a21j 21.6 slower beat would be fine even. (Will $1500 + a service really make it that much better?)

  9. I vote for a 'Pass Around' !!!! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    :g:I have 60% of the parts needed to build a second one.

    I would be game, parts needed;

    -Seiko SXK007 donor case/movement (we can stick with Hardlux crystal to keep costs down)


    ...everything else I have. Being a Seiko, it would/should easily survive life as a PAW.

  10. Interesting. Actually, looking at the screen shots it appears rather well thought out. However, @ $105 bucks for what looks like a rather simple Visual Basic/.net application does seem a little steep. Also, Windows only. :-(

    Personally, I just have a simple Excel spreadsheet. For my Gens, my insurance company simply gets copies of the appraisals from the AD, or receipts from elsewhere.

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