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Posts posted by Ronin

  1. The rumor is better version is coming from a different factory but it will be significantly more money. It sounds like we will hopefully have the best of both worlds - decent rep for decent price or better one for more money. But I also heard the more expensive version is one of those "coming out in the next couple of months" so who knows what the timing is.

    Looks like a repeat of the "BlackSteel's" V1, V2, V3(Really V2 of V1 Factory)

  2. Not sure if anyone else has noticed this, but I have noticed this for the last few weeks.

    The forum seems to grind to a halt around Midnight GMT time daily. (The rest of the internet is fine, so it is not my connection).

    T, are you running some sort of cron job, back-up, or other background process at this time?

    Just curious since 12:00 GMT is semi-prime time across much of North America.

    Thanks! Keep up the great job,

  3. The NDT Mark I dial is actually supposed to be a "Fade to Pink" DRSD from what I can tell.

    If I were starting a from scratch project. I would probably find the case and dial combo first / simultaneously. I guess if I found the perfect dial, I would start there as cases are easier to tweak.

  4. The iPad isn't for you, however I'm still going to pick on your points.

    1 - you'd have had three hours of battery left after watching video for all seven hours with an iPad. Google "plate stand" for what everyone is using to support their iPads.

    2 - yeah, I'll give you the flash one. That is stupid of the websites. Don't they want mobile visitors? Hint: blackberry users have money.

    3 - I take it you've not seen the SD card camera connection kit. It's $29 and let's you read SD cards or connect a camera over USB.

    4 - your phone can't become a wifi access point? Ok, phone fail. :D

    And yes, I can edit Word/Excel documents on my iPad. I don't even know where you're going with that one. If you don't get the iPad, that's ok, but don't make stuff up.

    Ps. As all my recent posts here, this one is written on my iPad.

    The problem with the above is the "accessory" hell you need to accomplish the above. What good is a small lightweight device if you need to carry around another bag of crap. Back to the Netbook reigning supreme. Not sure what you mean by #4??? I am in fact able to tether my phone to my netbook. ???

    Sure you can edit Word/Excel documents (but my experience with Pages/Numbers is it is not 100% compatible with Office, no macros in Excel) but don't plan to do a lot of typing 10-keying without --- an accessory keyboard.

    TRUE - iPad great for the music/art scene Red mentions, games and apps. Battery life is awesome, but 5hours of video on my Netbook was about all our eyeballs could handle anyhow.

    I just want a "iPad PRO" with full OS-X.... :black_eye: Then I would be happy as a pig in $hit. :D

    Edit: Just googled "Plate Stand" OMFG... 1.) Still Would not have been adequate to share the screen between 2 people in first class on the 777 plane. 2.) If I saw someone whip out that "low-tech" solution for their $500+ iPad I would laugh my ass off. (resourceful none the less)

  5. Welcome to the 1665 Sickness.

    Yuki some decent, better than MBW whites last time I checked. There is also a decent "fool someone at arms length" Rail Dial version out on eBay.

    Some have mentioned the "PT 1665" that you have with the 2846 movement has date window alignment issues, so heads up you may need to redo the overlay.

  6. Back on topic though, I have yet to meet an iPad user who has buyers remorse.

    I run with a pretty geeky/tech crowd. They are also brutally honest and not afraid to admit a bad decision. Getting someone to admit their $500 purchase of a shiny gadget is less than perfect....

    On a positive note, the "Application" side of the device is cool. The gaming possibility is there. Cool apps and games :good:

    I still have mixed feelings on this "pay-for-content" model when so much is available for free in the old/usual channels.

  7. Obviously, Flash or Not, buyers just don't give a damn.

    Because the average buyer is ill-informed IMHO. I know more and more people who are having buyers remorse...

    Perfect example of how the iPad would have SUCKED BALLS if I had one on our vacation to Hawaii last month-- INSTEAD of my Asus eeePC.

    1.) On the 7 hour airplane ride, my wife and I upgraded to first class. On my eeePC I had some movies/shows ripped to a 32gb SDHC card. Using a headphone splitter, and because of the traditional clam-shell design we were able to both watch 5 hours of video. (iPad FAIL: the tray tables / extra room / seat configuration in first class would have made it impossible to do what we did if we had an iPad because of its form factor "pad" design without creative propping or cases)

    2.) One of the Sail/Dive companies we were interested, an many of the restaurants we wanted to check out from the hotel via the internet were, you guessed, heavily reliant on Flash. (iPad FAIL: If we had the iPad, we could not have browsed the site of the Sail/Dive company or some of the restaurants menus in advance.

    3.) Shot tons of photos. Camera uses SDHC. For piece of mind I like to do a nightly dump of the photos from the camera/card to the netbook as backup. (iPad FAIL: no card slot, no way to get my photos onto it from my SD card(s).)

    4.) Tethering. I am able to tether my eeePC to my Verizon phone for 3g/EVDO access if no wi-fi. ONE DATA PLAN. Current iPad is/was wi-fi only, and needs another data plan.

    The "Netbook" TRULY gave me everything I needed for a week on vacation. FULL internet, (Wife had to edit a Word/Excel document while there), Ability to backup, preview, EDIT then email, photos taken. If we had an iPad we still would have needed/wanted a regular Netbook/Notebook.

    The BEST option would probably have been a MacBook Air, but until the Asus Netbook dies, it ROCKED!

    I "switched" to Apple circa OS-X Jaguar. I kinda "switched back" in recent months to Windows 7 and Android, and I kinda like it. (By kinda, I still use Mac, Lin, Win do to my occupation, and my Mac Mini continues to be my HTPC hooked to the big screen.)

  8. Watch was featured one or two quarters ago in either WatchTime or International Watch magazine.

    It is the "Jaws" watch worn by Richard Dryfus. They saw a price hike on eBay after the article ran to $400~800.

  9. Well, I disagree that Rolex movements are "over-hyped". I don't think there is a non-Swiss movement out there that honestly can compare? A Chinese movement more accurate than a Rolex movement???

    While I agree the over-hyped comment in the OP is BS (see my post higher up), don't discount "Grand Seiko", or "Seiko Spring Drive". Since we are talking cars and countries (Japan), there is your Lexus comparison. ;) Technologically, and reliability wise right now, I would probably have to give a Seiko Spring Drive the edge over the current Rolex movement offerings.

    But again, NOTHING wrong with Rolex movements IMHO.

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