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Everything posted by spider87

  1. It is normal that your watch may be gaining/losing time. The offset is dependent upon many factors. Most watches require a service coming right out of the factory because the 'quality control' is little to none in the 'factories' in this hobby. It could possibly be dirty and need oil. It will also probably need regulated. This part you CAN do your self but as a good servicing is suggested anyway you may as well just let the person servicing your watch handle checking everything (eg. BPH and regulating the time). -Alex
  2. Successful & important == true. Wouldn't want the world to end.... nice lol PS... this thread fell apart didn't it? :-P
  3. @pollux, my original question was stupid as this explorer doesn't have a GMT hand... which one is it that does? Also, this is the watch I think that will be my 'reward' purchase with my first paycheck from my new job lol naa i have to say i think it will be this one...http://www.jpc8118.com/rlss10010-beginmariner-asia-2813-free-shipping-p-2304.html
  4. Very fitting then that your sig says you feel chained down and trapped at your job... haha EDIT: Actually strippers usually say they feel free don't they? Aren't you kind of contradicting yourself then?
  5. @mix, good to have you man! This is definitely a great place to hang out!! Enjoy your stay! And my tip to all noobs if you buy a watch from a dealer DO NOT FILE A PAYPAL DISPUTE until after you've talked to the dealer (In the rare case of something going wrong that is) 95% of the time the dealer will right the problem!
  6. Wow nikki... that's crazy.... Hats off to you man I don't know what else to say your tail is a terrifying one and I wish you the best in all you do
  7. +1000000000000 Hat's off for continuing on if indeed that is what is going on
  8. Awesome nikki. But are you blind? I'm confused?
  9. lol We lost it? :-( Sad haha but if we get a new one I'm game for taking it with me on a day around Indiana, PA? (I know not too interesting but hey) LMAO, never mind guess RWG lost interest? As we have not talked about it since sept?
  10. God the WM reps better be good... Those prices are ridiculous for a rep lol.. If I was going to spend that much on a rep I think instead I would just save a little more and get a nice gen omega or something similar to that....
  11. lol What is with all the complications on that casio bachs? What all is being displayed that is crazy haha
  12. haha thanks teej. Bah no wonder the thread died... I hate when they move threads >_< lol
  13. Welcome! I'm sure everyone is tired of hearing me warn this but if you haven't already read a million of the proper etiquette type threads with shipping and stuff. If something happens say shipping takes longer than expect or the watch hits customs and doesn't bounce back out, DO NOT file a dispute about the dealer or something like that. Email the dealer first and try all roads first the last thing you want to do is dispute the payment. Just a thing I've noticed happens a lot and if it keeps happening the dealers might all stop taking paypal (as paypal will sometimes freeze their accounts in the case of rep watches)
  14. Sorry, I still haven't gotten the lingo yet. What is a handset tool? I'm sorry to not be on topic but I am just curious as I have taken the hands off a few clocks and the one seems to be having trouble keeping the same time... lol and I'm wondering if there is some trick to getting them back correctly?
  15. @e6, that sounds awesome. Have always wanted to do something in sales too I think I'd make a pretty good salesman. Have you ever listened to the cd set 'The Psychology of Selling'? I used to have it loop basically in my car on my 1:15 commute to school @numpty, thanks man you too! :-)
  16. @numpty, May 16th actually of this year :-) We're excited but also stressed out (inevitably) haha that rush of trying to get everything planned and done is something one shouldn't go through too many times haha bad for the heart... ;-P @Pugwash, I'm going to guess, after rereading the thread, either Mini, Porsche or Nintendo?
  17. ??? Jetmid??? jk haha congrats big e @Pugwash, that's awesome man part of my excitement about this new job is that I've actually heard of some of our clients haha. My old job with an IT company we managed servers and networks for companies but small companies that I'd never heard of. It's not everything but it's a quick way to know where your company stands in the scheme of things.
  18. My thing is I love programming in general so that seems like a good place to start. But the hard part is I feel like there's not enough time sometimes for the other stuff (not currently but ignore that factor haha). Like I love watches for instance and speedcubing (ok so my fastest time is only 1min 24 seconds but that's fast compared to my old 5min 47 sec) and I can see speedcubing probably wouldn't get me anywhere though it's fun. I also love money and making money in general. Days off I'm usually trying to dig up some way to make a few bucks and I would love to get into trading stocks or something. I would also love to get into watch repair. I've spent today reading the tz level 1 lesson. I feel like these are the places I thrive in. With programming my mind just works in a programming way I can hear something and pretty much picture the code to recreate it. With watchmaking/repair I have always been very patient with small parts and I have always had eyes that could pick up anything. I can find a 2mm eyeglass screw in a loose-rock driveway(2-3 times actually). But I really don't know where I want to go with life. It seems like while programming is a good field because computers themselves aren't going anywhere it seems like their are caps on it. A lady at an interview once asked me what I wanted to be in my career my answer was something like: "Well, in the end a CEO or the owner of a thriving company. I know for now that's unrealistic but that's where I want to be eventually. For now I would like to obtain a [hopefully] programming job with growth potential. Growth potential is a must because I feel given the opportunity I can go far." In my mind, I just want the ability to reach whatever height I want and that's why I am kind of questioning my programming decision as it seems there are caps that might hinder that wish. This is why I am considering doing something like trading on the side to keep my mind fresh and to keep money flow higher than just a simple 8-5 weekday job. EDIT: I realized after looking back at my post for some reason it's much easier to read long posts when they have avatars next to them haha so I added an av... it needs some work but it works for now...
  19. It does Stephane thank you. I hope I didn't come off as rude, as I stated I'm just surprised. I'm really interested in a GTG at some point in the pittsburgh area. I wasn't when I made the thread but as I've gotten to know you all I've become a lot more interested in just seeing what kind of people I spend entire days sharing opinions and thoughts with haha.
  20. Nice with the AD workers and stuff my biggest question in my mind has always been, do they require you to wear their product? I know clothing stores generally require their workers, if not in uniform, to wear the clothing they sell at the store and assume it would be the same type of deal with an AD. The problem their is price their you're talking a significant difference between wearing the clothing from AE and wearing an Omega(or other) watch. haha
  21. I guess I'm referring more to the US members. I don't know the ratio but it just seems like quite a few people are going to be flying across the ocean and going to Europe for a day (something most people would only dream of being able to do)? I don't mean to judge I'm just amazed.
  22. lol bit of a contradiction. No really though check your PM in a min @e6, what do you sell?
  23. Not sure we still have 72 days (the licenses are only good for 60) so we have to wait a while before getting them still. I'm hoping they don't cross examine us lol. Though I've been with my fiance for 7 years almost now and I feel I know her well enough to pass any test she's still a woman haha. Not to be offensive they just have their hard to understand moments.... :-p
  24. Not to thread crap but this is why I started the 'Occupation thread..' it's amazing to see just how many of us can afford to drop everything for a weekend and fly to Europe to goto a one day GTG! I mean I totally would if I could afford to but alas I cannot.
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