No worries mate.
Yes, it's very unfortunate that it had to come to this. But I guess the rules been broken way too many times lately leaving Admin no choice..
However, if you go orange (or platinum) you will still be able to raise funds to your future purchases.. And keep our servers online at the same time..
Hi MLAM and welcome to RWG! This is indeed a very friendly and knowledgeable place! Spend some time reading and get involved.. And just holla if you need any assistance!
OK, haven't been following this thread for the last couple of days.. But is it really fair to add up the votes for both Spanish alternatives when you are able to vote for more than one location?
The possible outcome could be that one vote for each location in Spain from 10 people will have a higher value than the current 19 unique votes for Berlin/ Germany.
Now this is not me trying to be a party pooper.. It's just that I'd rather attend to a GTG with 19 people than one with 10.
IMO the official EU GTG should be the big bang! But this doesn't stop other smaller and more local GTG's to take place..
Just my 2 € cents..
Edit: And it's NOT that I don't like Spain.. In fact I'm going there for one week vacation starting June 23rd and I'm actually looking forward to it!
Josh sells the bracelet separately as well at a very reasonable price shipped WW..
/Rolex/Boxsets & Accessories (item RLBS10001)
Holy schmoly!! 4k posts in that short period of time!! You sure you're not the RWG house bot?
JK.. Congrats to hitting the big 4 and thanks for looking out for this place mate! Here's to the next and even bigger 4!