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Everything posted by lanikai

  1. Flav until this point I really was feeling to forgive and forget would be the right thing to do..... Everyone need remember that it is you who keep bringing your family into this....if anyone else mentions your Family it's because you yourself make them the topic for the way you set your prices and the methods that you employ.. I work 10 to 14 hours a day 7 day's a week ....... what does that have to do with the price of oranges in florida? I cannot use that as an Excuse for my actions ... and i certainly never bring Family into the picture Ziggy did not post the pics to try and attack you ... although it seems you think so.. In all the time members were "trying" to take me apart and bring me down .. you were totally absent ... and you knew full well the truth about the watch. I was willing to take everyones trash so no one else would be involved ... and now that when myself and everyone is trying to end this with kindness .. you appear and all i hear is me,me.. and again the pointing to others ..like I said Flav... it seems like you percieve yourself to be the "Victim".. in this whole ordeal . and please ... nothing was done to the watches other than you working on them before the pics were taken ... i tried to communicate with you until the end result was the PM that you posted ... yet you let people to believe that i just went off .. nothing about me trying to telll you what was happening with the watch before I sent it to Ziggy... and still i had not dropped your name ... your name would have never come up ... to me that equates to being a "rat" ,... I'm sorry Sir, I really think you should take a reality check on this whole issue..
  2. we all come from different backgrounds and cultures... I am an Asian mix while being 3rd generation Hawaiin culture .... our habits and beliefs transcend into our hobbies and likes and dislikes .. i do believe Ms. Barrett' intentions were in the right place ... we had just talked about how important family and children were.. (not about any members family just in general) ... we can take each others inventory all day long.. are we doing it to hurt 'them' because we don't like their personality or the "chemistry" is not right for us ? some people are very extroverted ... and some introverted.. is one better than the other?.. my watches .. i mainly like to lay them all out and look at them like art.. some others may wear theirs all the time... "different" ... sometimes words get in the way of the best intentions ... having been introverted for over a year (since i registered) and then joining the group on the board .. was a big step for me.. my first time other than a cigar forum... which was short lived ... so my point is i rather enjoy Ms. V's energy ... and i do believe her intentions to be nothing but good... she has never hesitated to help a member who needs help.. I am not the whiz at the computer like all of you so I ask for help.. instead of critisizing she has alway's been gracious to this member who should find time to take a course... but with my business my hours are very structured... like i should be sleeping now.... anyway... thank you again for reading my babble..
  3. ditto .. thank you...... I was going to order the Ingenuier... but now ... and i inquired about the 2007 cousteau ... should be out in september, they have the gen to copy from... price surprisingly I am told will be the same as the current model.. they are just makng sure the orange colour and the bezel inlay is dead on...
  4. and so it is said.. and so it is done... yes there was a lot of testostorone flying all over the place .. mutual respect is important ... any time emotions are involved "charged" words become second nature .... i would expect even the United Nations have their moments... this is not a perfect world. We are very eclectic ... and come from different cultures and beliefs... maybe we can learn ..... what Ziggy did this morning showed a lot of integrity and intestinal fortitude ... as what you have just done Mr. C. ...I never like to involve others in my so called "battles",.. so i will just say that it takes REAL MEN to step up to the plate ... and also to take respnsibility for their actions... again, not about right or wrong just about answering the Bell.. FF may have had a bad day ... but one day does not make a year.... so I will leave with this.... "O KA MALUHIA O KA I" ... i LEAVE YOU MY PEACE (i cannot give you anybody else's peace) just mine... the peace of I....
  5. sssurfer is back ... he would give a definative.. but in the mean time.... Strap culture (photo section page 2) ... Paneristi... and the official Laboratorio panerai site has pics of the gen model.. i don't like to hypotesis unless i have seen the gen in person .. so you can look until you hear from sssurfer..
  6. my only concern that i see is that some of davidsens lume colour is "cartoonish" meaning kind of too apple green... but other members can answer it more deninitively.
  7. Is this the ti version? and ia there any other question marks with this rep? .. i am drawn to the ti case and bracelet ...i know Joshua's site lloks like they airbrushed the ti to look darker..although it can be oxidized to look like that I am more concerned with the 7750 asia movement... some makers do it well..ie. 089 PAM ... any experience out there..??? thanks lanikai
  8. Victoria .. your intentions were honourable and classy don't ever think that you contributed anything but positive to this thread and that a lot of people quoting "contributed crap"....
  9. FYI... check out the spring bars that resemble screws.. once they are in place you cannot tell the difference ... i use them in almost all the Pams .... check out ebay .. i got mine from a dealer ... good for 24mm and 26mm ..
  10. Hello Everyone, Well one of the main reasons .. (there were others), that i held back posting the pics was the fact that I did not want to invove or drag anyone into this cespool ... mainly Ziggy .. not once did he ask me "who" was the modder, and the pics were taken so that I could see for "my" own eye's, Ziggy has 'PROVEN' to me (not that he had to).... that honesty is like being pregant either you are or you aren't...I believe Ziggy to be an honest and honourable Man. I was going to take whatever heat you all had to dish out .. because "I" know the truth .. and sometimes that's all you got in life ... I would like to look myself in the mirror in the morning and not want to "hide" within myself with secrets and lies..if a man does not have honour ... he has nothing. A lot of you saw the "last" message to Flav not the ones before that.... you saw the end result. And to Flav... we all make mistakes in life,.. bad choices ... i have made many,.. we all get knocked down and at times knocked out ... it's how you pick yurself up and bounce back ... if I can stay coachable and learn from my mistakes then I've won.. Flavs friends will be more important now than ever ,... not to bad mouth Ziggy or justify anything done on the board.. but by supporting him and being there for him no matter what... that is friendship .... that is loyalty ...if i can tell someone .. I know you messed up but I am there for you unconditionaly .. that my friends is true loyalty... hard to find now day's. ... only find that in my dog actually .. Slay ... if you weren't so funny i think I would be upset about your COMMON sense remark ....LOL .... ok, fair is fair ... I would like you to pilot and dock a Ferrari Riva race boat .. surface cavitation srews, planes for manuvering turns,.. twin screws for manuvering at low RPM's .. you need to use the planes ..ok, at high RPM's or you'll flip ..... should be all COMMON SENSE .. RIGHT? .. oh yeah and docking .. you can't use a rudder because there is none, just common sense will tell you how to turn the boat ...remember it's a 600.000 usd boat so common sense tells you don't scratch the paint ... lol .... you can't alway's grab at staws my brother... I really hope and pray that some lessons in life were learned here .. NOT RIGHT OR WRONG ... or all this will have been for nothing .. up to you all to figure that one out .... Jealousy is an ugly creature ... unless you are a biitch ... and when someone is that good and honest .. in modding their is bound to be major jealousy ..... Ziggy never talked up his work. .... so if anyone of you are taking pot shots .. well you must be jealous ...LOL in closing if any of you still want to judge me.... have a field day ... and then you can KISS MY FARGEN [censored] LOL
  11. Ok ... upon urging from interest parties I will acquiess (sp) and post the pics as soon as i get home from the country..took a drive to see the sunrise on the windward side ... pics to follow ...
  12. anyone that wants and feels safe sending me their email I will forward the pics ... i find it not necessary to post it for the RWG world to see. thank you ..
  13. No worries ... life is too short and there are alway's people and places that are really suffering to worry about what some members through numbers are going to think or say about me.... I'm Ok ... and I am sure flav will recover from this and Mod again .. It's not how you fall down ... because we all do .... it's how you get up and turn it around that really matters.
  14. i HAVE PM'D YOU .... once and for all to see so this really can end .... I sent the watch to Ziggy and asked him to look at it and made a list of what was done ... i explained the problems i was having.. Ziggy, to back himself and no one else sent me pics to show me what had to be done ... so i could see the work that had to be done .. not to hang or blame anyone ... i asked him to go ahead with the work.. since this was another Modder that had nothing to do with the issue I thought that if i post the pics everyone would have a field day with conspiracy BS the pics was to show ME what had to be done ... i already knew the lume was bad .. the pics just confirmed it so the modder and i would confirm the work that had to be redone.. remember Ziggy still did not know nor was i going to tell him who the original modder was. Once and for All .... i have nothing to prove to anyone .. since i did not nor would i post this thread ... how can i make that clear... this was supposed to be and should be between myself and Flav... weather you think me rude in my PM is not nor should be the issue ... that was supposed to be man to man .... not one member has pm'd me personally to call me names .....publicly on the board ... and these people are saying in effect that I have no Class ??? if you have to talk amongst yourselves ... if that makes you feel better .. I claim responsibility for My actions with Flav.. I do at no time say it was his fault or my fault .... just that i make no excuses for what i did..... OK Lanikai
  15. Please, you have no right to speak or put words that are untrue in Ziggy's mouth...never happened .... again please, you are stirring the pot when Flav and I have settled this. I'm sure he will return to modding ... so don't fret ... and you said it yourself.. "there is NO WAY any of us are justified in having an opinion .... etc., etc." ... so please let it go and contact Flav personally ...remember I did not post this topic to begin with ... so please PM the party you would like to communicate with or PM me personally .... but keep others ... (only Flav and myself)........ OUT. respectfully, lanikai
  16. AAHHHH... leave it to an Aussie.... as soon as the word Beer appears .... GDay mate...... (forgot this is a watch forum).... Pam 124... ok got that in....LOL.... you guy's ARE immune to American beer .... PAM 090 .... (gotta talk about watches) .... ... must be too weak for u
  17. "the only difference between men and boyz are the price of their toys" ... do you know who said that ......Me just now..LOL notice after the word "customs" seems like no one is posting .... no worries Wj .... i was called a flake.. in a thread.. well i just don't like to be so rigid that it hurts.... you know the old saying sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me... we are all so different.... the world has shrunk because of the internet.. sometmes good,... sometimes different ..lol... we are all learning each others cultural differences through ... (who would have thought) ............ Watches ... what a paralel ... time ... watches ... universe.... ok i am getting flakey again ..time to lite a stick and zone out to a DVD... see you
  18. really ... like there are more important things to deal with such as.... the 252 and 186 are getting ready to have their coming out party ... anyone else hear about this!!! VB .. you are fast becoming the Head Mistress here .. ... did I use the right euphamism ???
  19. love it vb ... i just posted on the legal or illegal thread... add to that,...... things are getting too serious again... check your PM... some ideas for u
  20. Dear wjlamp .... customs brokers are our friends ... or at least mine... I had a heart to heart if you will, with customs officials and the out come was...'to protect yourself .. use a customs broker".. At the beggining of your post i was going to ask you if you are just trying to gather information from this forum ... but you are correct in saying that no one knows the law better than a customs broker... knows how to circumvent the law's gray areas... and that what it is all about.. so, don't take the critics soo seriously ... everyone is an authority (tech to listen to.. sssurfer, kruzer,chieftang,and a list of others)... especially here...LOL.. don't you know it's forums like these that ..."Decide the Fate of The Civilized World" .. on a daily and nightly basis>>>>LOL>>>> some even get calls at all hours from the Leaders of their countries asking... no.... pleading for advise on how to save the Planet... Just yesterday George..... let's just say G.B. so he will stay anonymous tried to get in touch with several members asking for leads on what strap he should wear to luncheon with the British PM ... that's when we asked VB to headline a strap review so the world leaders stop bothering us all when we're trying to sleep.. most watch nuts don't play with a full deck... even if you combined all the decks of all the members you still could not come up with a full deck.. I think this forum just thrives on controversy...... but it would be really boring ... if everone had the same view point.,. ask me how MY weekend was on the forum ..... NAAHHHH better not but we are all in this for one thing... .... we love watches ... not for profit...because we all need regulating and oiling from time to time.. .. some run slow... some run fast... some don't run at all now if you said you were with customs... see how many members post anything to that.. Peace ..Love...LIVE STRONG AND WEAR IT WELL ....LANIKAI
  21. you can give out a VB award for best wrist (strap) and a VB say's ... "keep it in the dark" award too...LOL...
  22. Very Well said Pug ... When doing busines in Japan with high management .. the first thing they look at is "what you have on your wrist", even going to a 5 star hotel that caters to affluent Japanese .. they will as a reflex look right at your wrist ... a friend of mine "had" to get a high end rep when going to japan on business (he recently bought a gen. day,date) because he knew he would not get far wearing a seiko .. sad but true.. they put a lot of wieght on what you have on your wrist .... sounds very superficial .... but they are a very materialistic and class oriented society .... for all we spend on reps all that money could very well buy a genuine ... one.... i rather have 20 ..LOL.. would i pay 10 k for a gen panerai... or do i think it is worth that in retail dollars.... no way... if it were 18kt maybe.. Good discussion .... enjoy the debate.. Thanks ... Lanikai
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