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Everything posted by Edge

  1. However, still correct lol, km is a meausre of distance and therefore cannot be driven by a person, one can drive FOR a km but not a km itself. THANK YOU I AM A WINNER!!!! hahahahaha! good luck to the twisted mofo who comes up with the OTHER correct answer lol.
  2. Thought HTML was a no-go on RWG for the general membership.
  3. People don't drive km's they drive vehicles, so neither drove more lol, physical impossibility.
  4. This truly is a sad occassion. Admin you will be sorely missed, by all who have come to know you and enjoy your postings. Edge
  5. Dear All, As promised before taking my leave from posting here, I agreed to post pictures and description for a review of the inaugural Pos of the Month watch. Firstly I would like to thank all of those involved for there time and effort in this regard, especially The Mods/Admin and with extra special thanks to John for all of his help and for setting this up. Thanks must go to Paul, for supplying the watch, this is my first dealing with Paul and you will find out how it goes. I have absolutely no bias in any issues that have proceeded the date of this post. All of the accounts and opinions in this thread are exactly that, MY OPINIONS. Now to the nitty gritty lol........ The Packaging/Delivery The watch arrived on the 24th however I was unable to collect it so got it today. It was VERY well marked and hence avoided taxes. The package was well wrapped and included, a cushion, a box, an outer box, some wrapping, some gift wrapping paper, some bubble wrap, and some outer wrapping, along with a "Nice Day" card. So first impressions of the transaction are extremely positive the watch arrived safely which is always a bonus an when it did it was expertly wrapped and labelled. The Watch First off I checked to see if the watch was working, and after a quick winding, VOILA!! We have a go. It is fully functional and appears to be running smoothly. Next for some more intricate analysis. The RRP of this watch is $600 (Recommended Replica Price), and I would not consider buying the watch, but now that I have it I really like it. The case is very solid and well made. The crystal appears to be well sealed and also has no marks on it. It has a display back which looks great, with blue screws and a finished back movement. The dial is extremely well finished in the wave pattern and has a lovely creamy patina. The tourbillion is fully functional and really makes the watch. Again not particularly my style but a very very nice function none the less. It is well finished with the visible ruby and blued screws. The text on the dial is well applied and well aligned. The case has a brushed side with polished back and front, which looks lovely and is a very nice contrast. The crown has nice deep teeth and is again well finished. So, so far we have covered pretty much everything and I have NO complaints, the watch is absolutely magnificent........ But... The Hour markers are not perfectly aligned, now this is noticeable, and would be a drawback if I were to purchase one. As you can see in the pictures they are not perfectly applied and are therefore at point misaligned. Even taking this into consideration this is a truly Beautiful watch and I am honoured to have had this bestowed upon me for a contribution to the forum, that would otherwise still have been made. I hope that you all like the articles written and that you have enjoyed this review. The watch is fantastic and I hope that the fulfilment of the inaugural PoM competition will inspire some of you to try and win the forthcoming events. It is with great sadness and regret that I will have to part with this item, and also 2 other watches, just to clear off some outstanding issues, which I am sure you are fully aware. When you see this item up for sale please DO NOT even for a minute think that this item is not cherished, it really is, if there was any way I could keep it I would, it means a lot to me to have won this competition. I just cannot afford to keep it or some other items at this time, I am having to clear out a lot of things including watches straps and tolls/parts, just to try and sort out some problems. I would like to finish by again expressing my deepest thanks to Paul for a lovely item and also to all those involved in selecting me to be the inaugural PoM CHAMPION!!! Thank You Edge
  6. Yeh but who needs multiple pics of Paris lol. Nothing to stop it going back there, gotta be quick on this you know, timing is everything, and I booked my place. Happily if Jonathan or any of the other French based guys want it speak now or forever shut up......... NO? Ok so Ecosse here it comes lol. No seriously any of you Parisienne (intentional enne) Pansies want it first then go ahead lol. Luv Ya!! Oh and Ken try the Live version it's much better lol, i'll send you a copy if you want lol.
  7. Check. So tis off to me next then eh? Unless R11co wants to pick it up while he's there of course. I think a wee trip round the sights of my fair city will be excellent and I just hope that we have as nice weather as we are getting just now, 30 in Scotland, it's positively TROPICAL. Will then GLADLY pass it to JTB who can show it the bonny bonny banks of Loch Lomond, where me and my true love will never meet again (Inside Joke, Check Runrig). Sound Good??
  8. Thanks what depth do you go down? It's the depth that is killing me I think. I think the cyclops is the bit getting in the way with the dies, cos they aren't hollow like the case.
  9. Yeh hand pass it to, R11co who can show it the sights of Italy, then pass it to me so it can really see the most beautiful city in the world, when he gets back, maybe even a group pic of me, R11co and JTB, somewhere nice in the capital. YEAH!! Edinburgh! An Yes it's bloody sunny.
  10. Right guys as per the help I received last time I have purchased a crystal press to put the retaining ring back on, however I don't seem to have the correct size dies to do the job. Can anyone tell the the apropriate size for 1680 and also where they got them. If you use something alternative please enlighten me and point me in the right direction. All help appreciated.
  11. No the button only need be pressed upon removal of the stem not re-insertion. Sorry for the late reply, PM me next time lol.
  12. There seems to be a problem with accessing RWI for some UK residents, inc myself. I have remote access to a designated network from which I use their IP in order to connect. However for most people a simple proxy will do the same job. The problem includes but is not limited to Blueyonder. It would appear that they have blacklisted the designation for some reason.
  13. Edge actually meant, RWI does not condone this action. However he is feeling very dislexic and ungarramaticalll today.
  14. I would like to take he time to point out that this was not an advertisment sanctioned by RWI or it's staff. RWI in no way intends to plug this watch here. it is for regular RWI members who want a symbol of the community as a tool watch. This wa the vision of one of the members who along with some help has produced this. it is restricted to 100 pieces and is NON profit, so there is NO gain to be made from advertising it here, it merely serves to do as this post has done and cause ruptions between the forums. RWI completely condones the actions of this member and clearly states that the Staff had absolutely NOTHING to do with this and are glad to see it removed.
  15. Yeah right sure, that was the watches fault lol. At least thats what you told the wife.
  16. In the spirit of inter board co-operation I am also keen to find out if this was one of the RWI members causing trouble. please feel free to send me the IP so I can have it checked.
  17. WOW WOW WOW. This is not IMHO an attempt to plug the RWI watch, this person would appear to be asking why there isn't one here. Now the person should have gone about this in a better way however those pictures are openly available on RWI as info to all interested parties. Personally knowing the 2 people involved in this project, I GUARANTEE it was not either of them, so this is a troll, and the post was correctly modded. Personally I do not see why this has turned again to a us vs. them mentality and I find it disappointing as there are many members who are part of both communities, like myself. I like to think that I am a contributing member of both forums and therefor this attitude is not beneficial and actually quite sad.
  18. Holy Jeeesus. I just read this whole bloody thing from start to finish and I have to say that some of y'all need to chill the F**K out. Who has the best sub........Rolex.... Who has the best rep sub.......today it's ????.......oh [censored]......tmoro it's ?????....no wait the next day it's ????..... See where I am going with this. I wrote the guide in the Newbie section to try and give as best an outline and a guide as possible AT THAT TIME, it's a whole fortnight old or whatever and is not up to date already. There are new additions that need be made, hence stating at the beggining of the thread that, I would NOT be continually updating it as I just don't have the time or effort to keep on top of everything. It was correct IMHO at the time of printing. I hope that the info that is oontained in it has been of use to you, and I feel that in most respects it is still relevant, there are now 2 versions that are missing from it, which if someone wants to add then by all means be my guest. The point is guys that a post that was made less than a fortnight ago is outdated already, how the F**K can we decide on a best sub or rating system, some poor bugger would be stuck updating it every day, when new reviews are written or when updates are made. This is completely unrealistic, and unfair to ask someone to dedicate that kind of time, especially when it only regards ONE model of watch, out of the hundreds of models that people buy. With regard to the issue of hlping people out. Iam 100% with my good friend Randy on this one. I am not personally one for saying use thesearch button, I try and give as much help as I can to anyone who asks me for my opinion. I am not anywhere near as knowledgeable as Randy and do not profess to be, however I have come to know a reasonable amount, mainly thanks to reading and asking my own questions, many thanks for that go to the likes of Bob and Randy as well as Rob and Tommy, Oliver and many others. Therefore I feel that if someone asks me then I have a duty to try my nest to help them as I was once in the same position and these guys helped me out. this is a self perpetuating forum guys if those with any knowledge kept it to themselves there would be no forum at all. Please try and be tolerant of all questions and help wherever possible, I try to, and if I can't I point them in the right direction of someone who can. It's called common courtesy and I thought it was the purpose of this forum. Edge
  19. Can anyone say Omega?? lol It's nice and i'd prolly have one, but seems strange for a company who thrive on the uniqueness of their designs to blatantly make a Omega-esque watch. Looks like By-Tor's Broad arrow, but tis nice lol.
  20. I amn't meaning to be rude but can you decifer what you are trying to say. Is the article in italian?? If it is can you send me a wee PM with what is being said in italian, as translators don't work, as they jumble up words. This is not meant to be a scathing attack on your grasp of english I am merely trying to ascertain the meaning of what has been said, and would like to read it in Italian if that is the language you read it in. Parlo pogo d'Italiano.
  21. He wants to be a youth coach at Real Madrid!
  22. Where to start where to start where to start???? Ok ZZ was completely out of order, as I said in another thread, however Materazzi must have been a complete [censored], and said something completely outrageous. End of that part. Now Football fans are generally not that badly behaved anymore, except well the Turkish and the English of course, but the Pom's are getting better, well a little bit. There are much less fights now and riots than there used to be, but there is still no NEED or Place for it in professional sport. Ice Hockey, having played, is probably the best sport to play in the world. I played Proffessional Football, and regional level Ice Hockey so was reasonable at both. And there is NO comparison Ice Hockey is AWESOME. As far as the NHL goes, in recent years the fighting element has almost diminished, due to GM's worrying about the health of their 100 million dollar wonderboy, who they don't want to be out injured. Unfortunately the place for Lindros and Tai Domi are gone, as the powers that be don't want fighting as it costs them too much cash. This is why the popularity of Ice hockey in the states has dwindled. There is much less fighting and a lot of it's supporters have become disinterested, coupled to the fact that the game has gotton MUCH MUCH faster and most folk can't follow the puck on TV isn't helping either. It is an awesome sport to go and watch live. Having been to MSG to watch I can think of nothing better, except maybe watching a better team lol. Football could most definately do with toughening up. Amateur/junior football is the single most BRUTAL sport on the planet, forget Boxing, play a game of Amateur football and come out in one piece and the gods have shined down on you, cos it's a miracle. I have even seen the ref chased with a meat clever but I digress. It is only the multi millionaire [censored]'s that play at the top level who are poofs, and dive and roll with tuck, on a regular basis. Personally the sooner that they stop diving and general acting like a pansy the better. Why do you think people liked Keane and Vieira, or Gattuso, they are thugs, but people prefer seeing proper tackles and people putting their bodies on the line, than Robben or C. Ronaldo jumping and rolling with tuck every 2 mins. Football at the top level is being played by a bunch of pussies who are too afraid of getting hurt, and it is becoming more and more prevelant in Ice hockey as well, think how many massive hits or fights you actually see in Ice Hockey nowadays, and then compare it to 5 or 10 years ago. The difference, back then you could count the amount of time there was't a fight, times change and it has been crippling the NHL.
  23. I, for the first time in a long time didn't really care who won. Italy, for there past disasters being put out of the last 3 world cups is dreadfull circumstances, especially against SK in the last one, cos that was just outrageous. However, France for Zidane, without doubt the greates player of MY generation (swiftly followed by Maldini) what a fitting end it could have been for him to retire with the World Cup in his grasp. So I amn't too bothered. Highlights: Penalty was DEFINATELY a penalty. Good Goal by Materazzi, but Barthez is a Donkey. Italy had the best of the first half. France had the best of the second half. About 15 mins into the second half Italy became Boring Boring Italy and played with the team bus in front of the goal, no more interested in attacking than fly in the air. Toni's goal was JUST and I mean JUST offside. The tackle on Malouda WAS DEFINATELY another penalty, no if's, but's, or maybe's, and ABSOLUTE Stone Wall Penalty. Domenech showed that he was not the one running the team, all teamtalks were lead by ZZ and NO input from Domenech AT ALL. Domenech BLEW IT by taking off Henry, he should have left him on, at least for a penalty, Ribery Shouldn't have come off either. Lippi Should have Brought on Del Piero earlier, but hey they won so you can't really critiscise lol. All in all a decent game but I feel for the losers. Defintaely seen better games in the WC, but HEy it's the final what do you expect? Last but not least ZZ - All I can say is that if you look at it Materazzi and ZZ are having an exchange of words, which ZZ doesn't seem bothered about, and even shrugs it off with a smile, then Materazzi says something else, as ZZ is walking away, about 3 feet away, which must have been totally and utterly out of order, and Materazzi is quite lucky that ZZ didn't turn round and knock him clean out. I am not condoning the actions of ZZ but I really wanna know what was said to rile him so much. As for the decisioon to send him off, ABSOLUTELY SPOT ON, just a shame that neither the Ref or the linesman had a clue about what happened until Gigi nipped over and let the linesman know. I hate when officials haven't got a clue what's going on and then merely react to what is said by players. To be honest exactly the same happened with Rooney's red card as well, but I don't like him so good riddence lol. Shame to see uch an amazing footballer disgrace his own memory by blowing up like that, but hey maybe he has a career in bull fighting (as the bull) or Ice hockey lol.
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