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Everything posted by Edge

  1. This is why I wrote the tutorials and this is why I am sure that Rob and Tommy and Joe and the guys post how-to's. I really enjoy seeing people try these things themselves and there are a lot og how-to guides out there for DIY'ing, this is a main reason for loveing the forum, it's a mutually beneficial forum in which LOTS of members post great tips and procedures for doing things yourself, and it is a really great feeling. RT good job and keep it up. @Ken I might have something for you soon
  2. Congrats RT glad to see you give it a go. So much for lack of cahones? Good job and I told you the feeling of fiddling with your own watch was awesome. Now you should be able to follow a couple of the guides and do pretty much anything you need to. Congrats again and Nice watch. If you want rid of the 2nd PO LMK lol. Edge!
  3. Yeh and he owes me 2 MB pens.......
  4. It is a blueyonder problem, I am on it too and can' get connected except via a proxy or auto config script. I don't know why BY have a ban on the service provider. You will need a proxy, I get a good connection. I also have 10MB BB, but my proxy has 100's of TB's of bandwidth.
  5. Nope they don't exist, Silix offer the ones above but the lugs will have to be drilled through, oh and the marking on this one is even better: 16610 lol Can someone tell me what crystal is supposed to be on these? Edge!
  6. Unfortunately as per chewin' the fat, the scheemies [censored] in it and that neutralises the Tritium lol. Another answer: Unlike the English Scottish water is FAR too pure to contain Tritium lol. Ours HASN'T been through someone on average 8 times. Thanks for the help btw.
  7. The powder you speak of is a Tritium based crystal, they are not usually 100% tritium, but they are called tritium anyway lol. The titium based crystals are what is used on watch dials, you will find it VERY idfficult to change any T gas into crystals without access to a VERY sophisticated lab.
  8. I apprecite that but these are the ones that Jetsons recommended and I was ready to pull the trigger when the only country shipping option is USA, I am in the UK or else I would have jmped on these. Edge!
  9. All Aboard The Mongo Bus..... Again these are not the prejudices of the author.
  10. ONLY if you get it on your hands and don't get it off, then nip upstairs and play wit yersel. If you are carefull there is NO harm from tritium I mean the radiation is weak enough to be stopped by a bit paper. And it'll only do you any harm if you start drinkin the fukin stuff lol. Companies don't use it that much because of the PROLONGED exposure that it MAY cause problems with the folk applying it, but we are talking about putting it on like 1 or 2 watches not 3000+ a year lol.
  11. Lothian Road is getting better, sice rev closed down and all the [censored] have to go elsewhere. Establishment is closing down, good club for students, 50p a drink on a Thursday and free entry, can't ask any fairer than that lol. I get free parking cos I am a uni student at HMRI, but even better than that when I do my PhD, I get PAID £21000 a year TAX FREE and get all the benefits of being a student lol. Roll on the PhD.
  12. He does look like a right shirt lifter doesn't he....... Looks like one of those daffodils just got rammed right up his.......
  13. Yes, Randy was gonna have a go but I think that some folks on here put him off with the whole radioactive chat......rubbish.....
  14. Well actually more than 2 questions: What size drill bits do you guys use to do the lugs/bracelet on Vintage Rolex's? Any Sources? Jetsons was great to point me to some but they don't ship internationally and the measurement is in inches so not really ttransferrable. Next....... Where do yo guys source Genuine Springbars?? Last but not least..... Why wont people apply tritium?? And don't say cos it's radioactive.... Tritium (3H) T : maximum effect kC-H /kC-T ~ 16 Half life of 12.28 years, radiation = beta, range in air 4.7 mm, doesn’t present external radiation hazard. .....Cos I am a chemist
  15. Quick revisit to this post due to the "similar Posts" thing we have now, and there is only one description for this in Glasgow..... ....."Fu**in' Queers" Sorry to any homosexual members amognst us, this message does not convey the prejudices of the author, the author is merely illustrating the possible welcome that would be received in Glasgow where this to be observed. The author would like to mention that he/she is completely open minded and is not prejudiced in any way, shape or form.
  16. Free parking with Uni pass....woohoo..... Now if those figures were glasgow they would be weekly not annual lol. Glasgow one of the very few places in Scotland where you can actually get shot lol. Apart from Leith if you decide to rob a P....Corner shop lol. Lothian Road was DREADFULL due to the high propensity of aresholes attending the local nightlife, "Rev Man fu**in Brilyant", It is no longer there, so the crime rate has duelly fallen. Also you have to note that Lothian road has most of the Restaurants and Clubs Leading off it and is longer than the grassmarket and George Street (Toff Central). Personally I choose George street lol, due to the lower liklehood of getting jumped hahaha! but it's amazing what rich people do when they are pished lol. Glasgow on the other hand, some amazingly friendly people, some aresholes, some gangsters, you know your usual mix. Shame that you are more likely to jumped/stabbed/shot in Glasgow than anywhere else in Scotland, although it does have the highest population. Some cracking nights out have been had at, The Shed, The Garage.......and other beautifully WELL named establishments lol.
  17. Awa an bile yer heed, utter pish sun. Yur tawkin oot yur [censored]. Amurny a weedgie.........um a burger un am prowd o it tae. Gies salt un sos ony day ower sal un vinegar..... Uh canny walk past a kebab hoose whilt pished an no hanker a mingin kebab tho......braw cannae beet it Irn-Bru is thu nektur o thu Gods, an weedgies in full matchin shellsuites, is fukin hularious, git ma kill ony time um oot shopin in buchanun galluries. Haggis is barry, neeps are hingin. If anyone need a translator, awa un [censored] up a tree.
  18. I have to say, that in my consdered opinion it was.........pretty good...... It doesn't live up to all the hype but is still a good film, definately one to watch, but nothins special. I haven't read the book, my gf has and she preffered the book to the movie. I found it very predictable in bits, like character wise, and such like. All in all a good film but nothing special. I wont go into too much detail cos I don't wanna ruin the plot....oooops you've all read the book lol. Edge!
  19. I agree it's not fair. Ah well Sh*t Happens. At least ther's a Scotland flag, use that.........
  20. The international mapping governing body and also the international country registering body DO NOT recognise Scotland, England, NI, and Wales as countries. We have NO polotical rights, and we are NOT recognised by others as individual countries, this is a FACT. We are all members of the UK, our country is the UK. We all have UK passports. Our country is UK because we all have the same head of state THE QUEEN. This is not a debate these are facts. As much as I would love Scotland to be a country it is not. I am a BRITTISH citizen, not a scottish citizen. Simple, country = United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  21. No probs, glad that you got them. Enjoy!
  22. It's beautifull, excellent match thanks very much. You have Mail.
  23. WRONG!!!! England, Scotland, and Wales are NOT Countries. United Kingdom is our Country, we are Brittish citizens, however I do feel for you as both scotland and wales have their own flags. Chin Up!!
  24. Simply stunning isn't it, my fav of all time, bar none. 8800 is nice but 8910i is the business!!
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