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Posts posted by sneed12

  1. It is better, but only marginally. To most people they would look the same but having handled both I can tell you the Sean case is a tiny bit better. There's a fit and finish, especially inside the case, that the TC doesn't have. Not that the TC is at all bad, it's fantastic! The Sean case is just a little more fantastic...

    On the other hand the Sean case is a lot less forgiving of things like stem height. You can make a 2836 work in a TC v4 case, but even a 2824 is a tight squeeze in a Sean case. You really need either a 2892 or 3135 for a Sean case.

    • Like 1
  2. so I'm guessing the sapphire would not have the Ar'ed cyclops

    No 16610s except the very last LVs came with AR'ed cyclops from the factory, but 16610s of all vintages have been fitted with the AR'ed cyclops crystal during service. So don't worry so much about "correct" and just get what you like.

  3. Even if you have it relumed the hour markers will be to small compared to the gen, and if you replace the crystal the date font will still be off and the wrong size, also if you have the movement serviced it will still have the wrong hand stack, though the hand stack problem is not very obvious.

    I have a correct-hand-stack with BK DWO superlumed GMT IIC ;) gonna try to fit a gen crystal tomorrow I think

    Thanks for the help. Since I already have a genuine crystal, I'll certainly do that swap.

    I've had spotty luck trying to fit gen crystals to GMT IIc reps. Anything can be made to fit if you're willing to glue, of course...

  4. i have some questions for i am also in this path, i currently have a noob (V serials) subc black, i just acquired a similar case (F serials) to what is posted in your original build review, my question is that will the crown of the noob subc work with the existing tube of the donor case?

    No, unfortunately. you have to swap the tube or use the existing crown. I'm trying to decide which I want to do right now, in fact.

  5. Why bother doing all that, if you're going to use the wrong case? The rehaut and engraving and lugs will still be off. You can build yourself a Super-hulk like mine (or use the black dial if you prefer) for cheaper than that, and use a gen crystal instead of an AR'ed cyclops installed on a rep crystal. There's nothing like a gen crystal with cyclops AR, trust me. I've tried everything else, nothing touches the gen (the BigCrown might come close).

    • Like 1
  6. For those of you who reject watches due to QC pics showing non-centered pearls, take note: the shadow of the pearl makes a huge difference (optically) to whether it looks centered or not.

    Exact same watch, photographed with the light coming from the right and from the left, the pearl looks misaligned in different directions depending on the lighting.



    A different angle shows it's perfectly centered (I know it is, I installed it myself)


    Something to think about the next time you look at QC pics.

    (more pics of this watch here

  7. I'm on the road for work this week and next week, but I did manage to get home today for a bit and waiting in the mailbox for me was a new pearl for my Sub-C from PbDad. I spent a couple of minutes installing the pearl and taking some pics I've been meaning to take of this watch.

    Original super-Hulk thread is here with build details.

    PbDad pearl:



    A few close-ups of it installed (I have not cleaned the glue off the bezel yet):



    A "regular" shot of the watch, check out the black hole effect of the gen crystal, please forgive the dust.


    At this point, I had a few minutes and I got to try something I've wanted to do for a while. I'm not the photographer that LHOOQ is, but I tried to reproduce some gen photographs, the stock stuff that Rolex puts out.





  8. So, my company is shooting a recruiting video and they've asked me to be one of the people who are featured in it. I have a sort of non-traditional background and they want me to talk about following a non-standard path into the business.

    They had me fill out a questionnaire, and one of the questions was about hobbies, and I mentioned rock climbing and working on watches. Now they want to take video of me doing both of those things.

    WTF am I supposed to do, on camera? I have a 7S26 Seiko movement laying around that I've been meaning to tear down and service, but I don't know if that's really going to be visually compelling. Dismount/reinstall the hands a dozen times? Case/uncase the movement? WTF do people "expect" to see a watchmaker doing?

  9. If it was a 5 year old rep, it might have had the low-beat 7750 in it. That would be a good thing for you--all of the hands are direct swaps to Swiss 7750.

    If it was the high-beat 7750, you might as well just have another high-beat A7750 put in it.

    Or, honestly, the cheapest option is to just buy another one and keep the old one for spare parts. That's what I'd do. Reps are cheap

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