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Everything posted by subbiesrock

  1. Z, I think you meant Wheaton26, he was looking for a wireless solution. I was making a reference to FxrAndy who was asking about good quality headphones. I'm sure they'll work up a solution soon, the next version will have to come out with in-built Bluetooth. I'm jealous of all the Lunatik owners, let's get some pics up!
  2. Mate I posted about four times, stupid IPhone and stupid Internet
  3. This has ben discussed in a previous thread while the Kickstarter program was still active. The lug width is 28mm, Donerix was developing some straps for use with the iPod nano, and I'm sure he's getting onto this as well... Might be worthwhile for all our strapmakers to investigate making some custom leather straps for this one
  4. This has ben discussed in a previous thread while the Kickstarter program was still active. The lug width is 28mm, Donerix was developing some straps for use with the iPod nano, and I'm sure he's getting onto this as well... Might be worthwhile for all our strapmakers to investigate making some custom leather straps for this one
  5. Cheap fakes of really expensive Breitlings are particular gruesome. Get a pic if you can, we all get chuckles from those rep nightmares
  6. @Donerix: BAM! Way to lay down the smack
  7. That's a heap of cash for a dial... Hope you find one for a good price mate
  8. Hurricane or not, human nature prevails ) must have been boring as hell in the evacuation centers, no electricity, total darkness, I'm sure in 9 months time we'll see the results As for the passing of the hat, the 2010 fires in Kinglake brought in 350-400 Million, It makes me proud that in times of emergency and great need, Aussies really seem to pull together. Just watching some of the interviews on NineMSN, one man describes the eye of the storm passing directly overhead, and the total and utter silence... Then as it passed and the winds behind it came over, his house, it sounded like a freight train hurtling down the street at full noise...
  9. Want to talk value for money? I just saw this exact watch in Gold being sold for the low low price of US$70... ) that's a saving of $1,299,930! Shameless I know, but it had to be done As for the 300k Patek, it IS a bit rich, does anyone know what the sticker price was? Or are these released exclusively to auction houses? If so, very very clever marketing strategies being employed by Patek.
  10. That's some funny [censored] when it snows in Melbourne, Australia I'll be genuinely shocked. Has it never snowed in Toronto?
  11. She's adorable! I remember giving my little brother and sister weird food to eat, they used to flip out
  12. Latest news reports are of a trail of destruction but no deaths, however power it out in a vast area affecting up to 120,000 people. Good luck to all those in the middle of the storm, I'm sure the hat will be passed around in the coming days, we'll get everything rebuilt.
  13. Out of curiosity, what does a Gen ROO dial go for?
  14. I'll be praying from down south in Melbourne. For those in the eye of the storm, make it out alive. Everything else is replaceable. My sincerest good luck and good karma are with you all. Let's hope it's less than predicted.
  15. People like this make the world a better place...
  16. I've got a strap from almost every dead animal, cow, ostrich, croc, cayman, gator, python... Never seen a cobra though... The trend for PAMs seems to be really good quality leather and immaculate, precise stitching work. Some Italian strapmakers are commanding higher prices than OEM for their quality of workmanship. It seems all the collectors eventually gravitate to the understated, high quality designs, which might be reflected in the general trend of responses to your question Having said that... The white cobra does look about 146 different kinds of bad-ass...
  17. Just be cordial, and pay a little extra for tracked shipping. The only reason they don't tend to like shipping overseas is all the Customs Declarations and paperwork. I was running a little eBay side business for a while and remember how much time filling all those forms out use to take... Intra-border deliveries are much, much easier. Good luck and show us some pics and prices, I'm kinda liking these watch rolls
  18. Brate od Hrvatska, I was in Split in 2008 and I'm sure they sold cigars there, shouldn't be a problem. Otherwise any of the richer neighboring countries (Germany, Italy, Austrla) should be easy to find. Customs is not an issue for a box or two, but for larger commercial quantities you might have to pay tsarina Habanos SA made this site for verification purposes. http://www.habanos.com/Sellos/Info/VerificaSelloCajon
  19. I played that for the first time yesterday, having watched my Barista utterly absorbed with it. I asked her for a go while she went to make coffees, I got the second highest score and signed my name, messing up her list, man, was she [censored] ) Great game!
  20. Buy it from the US and get it delivered, most people are happy to do overseas business. I find asking politely in an email, most people in the US and Europe are nice enough and happy to accommodate. Good luck!
  21. There are many 'rep' cigars out there, unless you know exacty what to look for, there is a chance you will get played. How about just going to a local cigar shop, building up a good relationship with your Cigar Guy is very important... )
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