Pleats are for your grandfather - properly tailored flat front trousers are the way to go, much more slimming than pleats. In some styles they're necessary, business pants for example they take the width of the leg as it flattens when you sit down, which is why they're infinitely more comfortable to wear during the day at work, but flat fronts are much dressier and generally look a lot better. Use them when you need them. This is, of course, not a fixed rule.
My taste happens to be two-button, I like a lower V in the jacket, again a matter or personal preference. I judge a suit's cut on the shape and placement of the lapels, American designers seem to place the notch very low, in some cases, almost to the chest, it's gaudy and hideous, the Italians have sorted suits out.
Shirt cuffs. Hit me up for some T&Co cuffs, I have plenty of spares, I'll deck you out
As for cuff shape, personal preference. Most important, make sure when you have a jacket on, and standing with arms to the sides, that the shirt peeks from the jacket. Otherwise your jacket sleeve is too long. A good rule is the jacket should come to the lowest line on your wrist, and the shirt - 1-2cm lower, usually enough so a little T&Co blond pops out. The girls love the T&co, great convo starters, not that I know...
Suit, stick to dark, neutral colors, grey, brown, black of course. It's daunting at first, but it gets kind of fun
Shoes: make sure you get a few nice belts with similar colors and textures to some nice shoes. Black, dark brown, light brown/tan, try ones with wooden soles. Go to ideas on shoes.
I'll finish this toomorrow, hope this helped a little