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Everything posted by subbiesrock

  1. Brilliant read, thx for posting!
  2. Then your instincts will serve you well, young paduwan... Haven't had the chance, but I'll get some more info up, might help, but you seem well equipped with those instincts, many lesser mortals would not have a clue why pleats are hideous...
  3. Pleats are for your grandfather - properly tailored flat front trousers are the way to go, much more slimming than pleats. In some styles they're necessary, business pants for example they take the width of the leg as it flattens when you sit down, which is why they're infinitely more comfortable to wear during the day at work, but flat fronts are much dressier and generally look a lot better. Use them when you need them. This is, of course, not a fixed rule. My taste happens to be two-button, I like a lower V in the jacket, again a matter or personal preference. I judge a suit's cut on the shape and placement of the lapels, American designers seem to place the notch very low, in some cases, almost to the chest, it's gaudy and hideous, the Italians have sorted suits out. Shirt cuffs. Hit me up for some T&Co cuffs, I have plenty of spares, I'll deck you out As for cuff shape, personal preference. Most important, make sure when you have a jacket on, and standing with arms to the sides, that the shirt peeks from the jacket. Otherwise your jacket sleeve is too long. A good rule is the jacket should come to the lowest line on your wrist, and the shirt - 1-2cm lower, usually enough so a little T&Co blond pops out. The girls love the T&co, great convo starters, not that I know... Suit, stick to dark, neutral colors, grey, brown, black of course. It's daunting at first, but it gets kind of fun Shoes: make sure you get a few nice belts with similar colors and textures to some nice shoes. Black, dark brown, light brown/tan, try ones with wooden soles. Go to www.aquila.com.for ideas on shoes. I'll finish this toomorrow, hope this helped a little
  4. - better than 40k for a rep, I suppose... ...too soon?
  5. is looking for your modded PAM 111H, top $$$ offered, PM ME! :)

  6. *winks* Maybe... I stockpiled some Gen tricompax dials in the hope that one day they'd rep the 7753... like Nostradamus, I could see into the future, and that future is now...
  7. Is there a site dealing these asian movements? Or do we have to go to the dealers and ask directly, I don't think I've seen any of the dealers have movements advertised.
  8. This guy has me equally worried, although his past purchasing history makes the story a little more believable. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280557156139&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
  9. @Mickey: HAHA! You tell him Mickey! @Importr: Touche @Lello: COME BACK! WE NEED YOU!
  10. I think I should call on the experts here, Rep or Gen? http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Black-Rubber-44mm-PANERAI-Deployment-Buckle-New-NR-/120616535233?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c154e44c1 The packaging is a ziplock bag, I had a look at some recent member posting for gen straps and the packaging was very different. What are your thoghts guys? He claims: """Brand New never used since I rather use my Titanium / Stainless Steel bracelet, 24 mm BLACK RUBBER""" Yet there are three auctions going at once, with a Buy It Now of $600 in one listing. What are your thoughts guys? TGTBT? (Too Good To Be True for those not so acronymically inclined)
  11. www.askmen.com has surprisingly good advice on formal/casual attire, how to properly get fitted for suits, where cuffs/shirts/pants need to sit on the body. One thing that's really important when buying a suit, for example, is having it properly tailored so it fits your body. I'm not talking some homosexual Queer Eye stuff, catch an episode of Mad Men and look out for the lead, Don Draper. His wardrobe department have him impeccably dressed, the perfect model for any men to aspire to look manly and well-groomed. Learn about which buttons to do up, and which to leave. Believe me, it makes a difference. Learn the difference between two- and three-button suits. Lapel placement (the higher the better) and most important, single and double vented jackets and what the purpose of pleats in pants are. I have an incredibly fashion savvy (and gorgeous to boot) girl who takes great delight in dressing me, find yourself a helpful, stylish woman, you can't go wrong. They just get it, when we're useless. Fact of life. Good luck, show us your new threads
  12. "DLC Coating POANERAI?" You sure you want to be spending money DLCing a watch called a POANERAI? (messing with you buddy ) Avitt has some crazy finishing, pretty expensive but the best finish I've seen. Good luck, show us pics when it's done
  13. He just copy/pastes his listings like every seller/eBay junkie does, bound to be a slip up. And, it seems it's already corrected. He's fast, that Josh
  14. You're such a [censored]-stirrer BT ;o)
  15. Three words: Breitling Tricompax Navitimer ;o)
  16. Can you just add one more picture from the side? I think you might have missed an angle... ;op Apparently these have fallen in price from their exorbitant original prices, along with the Zenith Extremes, might have to have a look at this new B01 ;o) Looks great! Wear it well.
  17. - Looking for a highly modded PAM 111H - PM ME!

  18. I just received an education in watch design
  19. To the OP... Chronoluvvv is so obsessed with Navi Worlds, he has TWO! They're worth obsessing over, they're brilliant. On a side note, I just received a bracelet and have tried to fit it using a lug bar tool, with no success. My spring bars are slightly too big, can anyone tell me what actual size they need to be? (in mm?) total length before compressing. It's doing my head in trying to fit them. Cheers! :drinks:
  20. I can't find anything less than US$500, send me a link through PM
  21. Haha Navitimer World franken... Mmm mmm ;o)
  22. I would say that the caseback shape may be to accommodate the extra GMT module, as the movement sits lower. To make a good franken, you'd need to replace the dial and movement with gens, replacing one wouldn't work, as the A7750 date width is different to the 7754, so the gen movt needs a gen dial (judging from the Navitimer talk by andreww and others) I'd say a dial, hands and movement swap would be possible, but not sure how they'd line up in the case, might sit too low compared with the A7750. The only way is to try, I would definitely get a nodded version of this watch if it were available, I think the Navi World is a favorite amongst the RWG forum ;o)
  23. Mine seems fine, I haven't read about them having any particular problems. A Franken Navi World with a 7754? I like where you're going with this ;o)
  24. Don't lie, this is Hackr's one with the Chief AR... Noting stock about this beauty. An hour or two earlier and it would have been mine The Navitimer World is close to my heart as my favourite Navi. In this time of larger watches, the 46mm wears very nicely indeed Chrono hit the three major issues, and has already ticked off 1 of 3 courtesy of the Chief A/R coating on his. Apparently there is the possibility to fix the datewheel (search "Navi World datewheel mod") by gluing a Lello on top of the existing wheel, there are many (and far more informative) forum threads dedicated to this, I'd like to do this on mine but all the good modders are in Europe and the States and Customs are scary monsters who steal watches from innocent people like us The rep dial is pretty amazing, on a bracelet it looks a million bucks. All all the Navitimers (incl Montbrillant, Legende, Navi base, World, etc), the World is probably the nicest, IMHO. You'll love it. Good luck.
  25. I'll have to eat my words, that falls well under the '10% of a Gen' price! ) That's actually pretty good value at 7k Euros!
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