We understand, Micky. Take your time to process what's happened. It's been a lot.
Start a journal if you haven't already, and write down exactly how you feel and what you're thinking right now. Be as honest as you can; you're writing a letter to yourself in the future. Write the events that led up to your journey, all the good and the bad. Take the time to expose your soul on that paper, because you'll need to read it again some day. Be as honest as you can, leaving nothing out. Capture the essence of each day with the high and low points. Then at the end write down three things you're grateful for.
Tomorrow pick it up and do it again. And again the day after. Form the habit, and then keep writing in it until you've said everything there is to say. At some point many months from now you won't need to write in it anymore, you'll know when that time comes. Then you can put it away in a safe place. Some day you'll find that journal will be one of your most prized possessions. So start it tonight or tomorrow.
Cheers Micky, welcome home.