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Posts posted by Akira

  1. Hey alligoat,

    thanks for you input....but I did not understand a word :lol:

    Honestly I did not even think about how to mount this parts...I just bought them.

    I have a couple of tools, but not really a clue how to use them.

    Do you think those mods are possible without much modding experience?



  2. I reported many fakes on ebay...almost never they got cancel after the bidding reached a certain price :lol:

    Moreover I found it effective to PM the seller...telling him you will file a criminal complaint and a complaint to Rolex, if he will sell the fake watch.

    Worked a couple of times :rofl:

  3. So you go back and delete the clip, and try to start a fight with two people in this thread??

    What is WRONG with YOU????

    Nothing wrong.

    I didn't start anything.

    Like I said before, I wanted to give an advice....Dutchguy told me via PM he appreciated it.

    Unfortunately you guys didn't....You didn't even watch the clip closely, but made a snidey comment, so what's the point?

    I have no further interest in smack-talking, but feel free to contact me via PM if there is a problem.

    Dutchguy did great work on the dial, that's what counts.

    Let's keep this thread about this.



  4. When you claim someone is the best lumer you know and throw out a video of a PAM dial being lumed ... I would ask you the same question.

    Your claim may be entirely true, but think about how you are making your point. It doesn't make sense.

    The best modder I know.....read it again maybe slowly! The best modder I know

    What do you want me to do?

    I just don't have a video of him reluming a AP or something else....because I don't have access to his videos.

    And again....the video was to see the usage of tools, just to reinforce my previous argument about tools being needed for a lume job.

    Don't be a [censored]wit!

  5. Um .... TheZigmeister. That is All. Re-luming a PAM?! :rofl:

    No. lume an un-lumed FM Crazy.

    :rofl: Whats wrong with you?

    Stupid [censored] contest over someone elses skills....how redonc.

    Check out RWI, RWG to see some of Fine_dd's work.

    The Zigmeister is clearly a great modder....however the video was mainly to show the tools being used by some modders.

  6. One question though....what's the difference between RA and his "customers" and BK,Nightwatch,pbdad and so on?

    Everyone could source the parts themselves and learn how to assemble them.

    No, people pay modders like them to do it and they have a profit, which is more than natural and their absolutely their right.

    How come WM9 watches go for around $900-1000 even though the did cost around $500-600 a couple of years ago?

    It's just supply and demand, nothing else.

    You seem to forget, there are people out there not interested in watchmaking, part sourcing and stuff.

    But maybe these people are happy to get a nice 95% accurate Franken for a price they can afford....

    As long as everyone who is involved knows what is beeing sold, I don't see anything wrong or frowned upon.

  7. Hi guys,

    today I received a watch from a friends wife.

    A quartz Cartier in pretty bad shape....she bought it off a pawn shop for around 700EUR

    The strap is awfull cheap quality.

    It stopped working after about 2 weeks....My guess is it could be just the batterie, but I don't know for sure.

    Anyways do you guys think its even a gen?

    Thanks for your help








  8. I can't remember seeing a lot of gilt dial 5512/5513 with golden hands.

    If you search the VRF dial archives you won't find a lot of them.

    5512 chapter ring dial



    5513 gilt dial


    5513 gilt gloss dial


    5513 gilt dial minute track


    Which dial do you have?

    Moreover....since there isn't much standard with those 5512/5513 why not use golden hands if you like them?

    Looking forward to your finished watch :)



  9. Hi guys,

    I was wondering if there is a member/modder/seller who is knowledgeable about crystals?

    I want to buy the Glashütte Senator-Sixties and was wondering if it's possible to change

    the mineral glass front and backcase crystal for a sapphire one?

    The rep mineral is pretty doomed while the gen is rather flat.

    Is there anyone to ask about this kind of stuff?



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