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Posts posted by Torques

  1. It depends up the Sub.

    On MBWs, the best way to deal with bezel issues is to take it apart, replace the insert if you are going to and take that opportunity to remove all extraneous glue - ALL of it. Then I pilish the spring washer, and clean the channel it rides in with a hardwood spike like a large tooth pick. When everything is clean and polished, I typically use gun oil to pit a thin film on the spring washerface that rides against the crystal retaining ring and a tiny drop in the channel on the inside of the bezel that it rides in. My MBWs all turn exactly as they are supposed to, which none did as they were received.

    On anything else, you may have problems with the different kinds of springs that need to be addressed but before I did anything else, I would remove the bezels and clean everything very thoroughly, reassembling with a bare film of oil on the parts. I would never recommend squirting oil into the mechanism hoping that it will find the right problem, especially on an MBW as the problem with them is never that easy to fix.

    Different desgns require different fixes.

    Good luck.


    Thanks for the great, helpful information, I understand better now. Is there anywhere I can read how to remove the bezel?

  2. I thought I read on one of the watch sites that you could put a little oil under the bezel for smoother operation. If I did this I would use gun oil w/Teflon, and just the tiniest amount applied with a toothpick as to not run. Can this hurt anything with a sub, can oil get into the case? Thanks in advance.

  3. When I see the pictures of the pretty reps I usually purchase them only to later purchase the genuine. Does this happen to anyone else? I would think if this where the norm, genuine watch manufactures would love reps. I like to purchase the reps but find that I don't wear them in public much for fear that I might get called out to which my reply would be "I have the real one at home" to which their reply would be "sure you do" lol.

    Here is a pic of my genuine and reps pictured happily together.


    Gosh, you have good taste. I wish those were mine. :D

  4. how am i going to explain to my good lady, why i have bought ANOTHER watch again?

    i cant hide it..cos if she found it...that would be more difficult to explain..

    what do you you guys tell the wife?

    how can they possibly understand this addiction???

    Make up something you guys needed to purchase that she would be ok with and tell her the watch came with it as an add-on. :g:

  5. It's interesting that some people are saying "I hope he has a good explanation." Is there really any conceivable explanation that justifies sending someone a damaged and nonworking watch on purpose after representing it as new? This is not like a dealer not doing QC. He knew exactly what he was sending.

    I don't think he's a scammer exactly. Sherlock Kanerich deduces that our young friend busted his MBW trying to mod it (he been really into frankenrolexes lately) and coveted another one really badly. But MBW's don't grow on trees so he went back and screwed Arthur out of his, figuring he'd work it out later. I'm not saying it's a flattering explanation, just the most plausible one.

    One does have to wonder about this sort of behavior from someone who by his own repeated assertions is intelligent and educated and engaged in learning a medical profession that will compensate him handsomely and require him to act responsibly and ethically regarding each and every one of his patients. The way someone handles the little things tells you a lot about how they handle the big things.

    There are MANY dumbass doctors.

  6. Here are some photos of the MBW Red Sub 1680 that I received today. Would you be disappointed if you found this watch in a package addressed to you?

    Thanks for reading


    Nasty, there is no excuse. It appears like the black bezel has numerous speckled chips on the paint. Is that true or just photo defects. If I ever trade with someone, I hope I get to get a person like you.

  7. Good luck with it. We always stand up for the dealers when they have problems, so it's only fair that we stand up for ourselves as buyers when we have problems.

    Is the white stuff that is overlapping slightly be scrapped off with a sharp instrument. Is the material too hard to remove? It seems if that could be done it would be better.

  8. Perfect example of how a great rep can be very hard to spot...


    Giveaways are the '300m' on the caseback and the too small/italicised depth print on dial! I know the reps are now ultra rare but this is going at genuine prices!!

    Ebay in UK, it figures.

  9. I am just curious and want to know what others think about Cevalis. I see that commercial on tv and they have a warning that says if your erection lasts longer than four hours, you should see a physician. I guess I don't get it. Are there people that want to have an erection for one, two, or three hours? Are they kidding? It seemed weird to me, thanks. :g:

  10. As most of you know I had a dial made up in green with a Shamrock on it for St. Patricks day....well, it took a year to make and ended up with a clover leaf instead of a Shamrock but what the hell, close enough. The dial was from a modern 600T. I tried to install it in a vintage 300T Searambler. I was going to use the orange hands so we had the Irish colours as well..... Guess what, the modern dials don't fit the vintage movements. I was screwed as I wasn't prepared to canabalise my wifes 600T Pro or Divingstar (people say food and sex is over-rated, but I'm not so sure!!!). Then just today as I was picking up the Conquistador from being serviced I asked Barry to whip the back of the dodgy Rolex Seadweller I have. I believed it had an ETA in it but wasn't sure as I couldn't remove the caseback. It was on mega tight. Yep, very nice ETA 2824-2 with gold Rolex rotor !!!!!!!!

    I pulled out the movement, removed the hands and dial, replaced it with the Irishstar dial and bingo... the Doxa that never was. OK so its really a Folex Irishstar, but man is it nice. The pics don't do it justice or catch the right colour but I love it. I have another vintage Searamber coming with a trashed dial so I'll remove the innards and see if the moderm movement and dial will fit but until then... Green is the IN colour.


    Wow, that's cool.

  11. Hi

    ive recently got a Tag link chrongraph from josh and as you will all know, the second hand that permantly sweeps is the 9 o clock subdial.

    would it damage or affect the movement if i left the chrongraph running all the time?i like the look of the big hand moving!!!



    I have heard even the new 7750 movement is crap. Does anyone have any experience with the upgraded model, is it really that bad?

  12. If your car could travel at the speed of light, would your headlights work?

    Your car can't travel at the speed of light because it would have to be pure energy to do that (only a photon can go that fast). If you COULD go that fast, they might still work if they were not smashed out by hitting something at that speed. They would be useless. Since you can only travel near the speed of light, you would see something illuminated in front of you except what you see should be distorted and shifted to ultraviolet frequencies and beyond.

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