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Everything posted by greekgod

  1. Fitipaldi..that looks great!! thanks very much mate for the pics ..I think I can do the same. can you tell me where I could get the deployment? It does feel very comfortable
  2. I understand mate .. thanks very much for your help .. Cheers bro.
  3. U mean the only solution is the change the side of the strap? Sorry could not follow you when you said ''get a shorter one side strap''? Btw was I correct about the price of the gen clasp?
  4. Sure will Max.... and for the record my wrist is 6.5!!! Almost ...hehe thx Rosnik have you tried a gen clasp?
  5. Thanks rosnik Ill give that a go !! nice tip!
  6. Cheers Max just trying to get some opinion .. thx for the input . Gen clasp would be good but its in the $500 range..hehe I tolerate the rashes!! and get me Don Ramon )
  7. So guys today was the first time I wore my Safari for longer than 15 mins to work. After approx 5 hrs the irritation due to the clasp started. The below pics will show the area on my left wrist which was affected and the areas of the clasp which I feel are causing it. Especially the edge of the case back seems quite sharp. I was wondering if this changes with a change of strap? (probably not) ... and so what could be done to improve it. I know some people like the normal buckle, but i really like the feel of the clasp. Most importantly has anyone every done a mod to smoothened out the sharp edge of the caseback?? Any help would be appreciated.
  8. Hi mate... I am very new to AP and by no means even close to an expert. But I am pretty sure the new version seconds@12 has an extra jewel which, at least according to the dealers, has fixed the problem. I received ny Safari about 5 days ago and it is absolutly magnificent and keeps perfect time (touch wood). However according to many members here its not as bad as it used to be, but still would need a servicing to be trouble free. Just shoot an email to your dealer to confirm. Hope it helps
  9. In complete accordance with GreenHornet and Fleet. Thx for the input guys...........And yes JUST LET US KNOW if its gonna be 6 weeks, dont say 2 instead!
  10. Thank you Watchmeister... he has informed me he had the strap ready..so I think I should be in the 3 weeks bracket then. Also he emailed me indicative of a mid next week delivery or may be a few day over.
  11. lol I started a thread about the time to get the strap..but if the above is a HKTAN ... I am happy to wait
  12. As far as choosing a strap maker goes its purely my prerogative
  13. Its not a complaint mate if you read the thread correctly..I know how to complaint and rest assured I will not start a thread for that but will follow the standard protocol.. and if you wish to know the fact I was told on the 5th when I made the payment, in writing, that it would take 8 days for the strap to arrive!! Anyways its not too different that asking which colour strap to buy, as asking how long it normally takes to get it?
  14. Hello guys, I would need some info from the older members or some who have dealt with Aaron before. I think this thread would answer a lot of questions which many members in a similar situation as me, would have. So how long does it generally take to get a strap from Aaron. its been two weeks for me and I have been told to wait another 2 weeks!!! This in my opinion is unacceptable. And with all due respect to Aaron from the bottom of my heart, this is eventually a business. One pays for services and one receives. One pay premium one receives premium. Your comments please.
  15. Thats a sick watch bro. Why strap is that?? If that's HK is that medium brown or honey?
  16. Thanks Watchmiester I'll definitely keep that in mind. Cheers. Just waiting to get me hand on that TAN strap
  17. hahaha .... I love my little ***** have to take care of it..dont worry that wudnt cushion the agony!!
  18. Yeah seems like a good piece thanks MJC will let you know. I am waiting for my HKTAN at the moment .. that should really bring it out
  19. Hello KB,Sul and Freddy .. thanks for the input guys I am currently using Google chrome and like Freddy said most of the other images load up. I am going to double check the setting in chrome for photographs. Also I am using .cc . Thanks guys hope this becomes better somehow
  20. I think he worked on the sunken hex screws too??
  21. oh wow! u have a link for those tools? I heard you say they were quite dear in one of the posts..
  22. Thanks trooper ..sorry did not see your post earlier. Cheers
  23. I think you would notice when you talk to noobs or someone who has been on the forum for a while and has a recently acquired taste for another brand of watch that we are missing a lot of our treasured stuff. One tries to learn more and digs deep into the past threads most gone. I am not sure but if the member who originally wrote the thread may be contacted and perhaps they keep a copy as word/pdf file with pics attached? May be these files can be uploaded to many available storage sites as cloud and their download link could be provided in the post.
  24. I have a very big Fijian friend who says he would like to do things to Christie from the rear entrance... as far as Kelly goes I think 5 beers and some Vaseline is the answer.
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