I ordered a watch from Andrew before Christmas and it never arrived - Parcelforce "lost" it. Although the address was correct, they said the postcode was incorrect so they couldn't deliver it and then it just "went missing" (never to be seen again !). Their excuse was that they take on temporary drivers at Christmas time and some are not very good ! (one of them is probably wearing MY watch !!). Andrew replaced it (nice chap !!)
I ordered another watch from Andrew the other day and I tracked it on EMS from Shanghai to Coventry in 4 days (including a weekend !!). Again, part of the address was missing so it took a further 2 days for me to get it from Parcelforce. Surely, if they have an address it doesn't matter if the postcode is slightly wrong - they can work it out ?? and surely, if they have an accurate postcode, it shouldn't matter if the address is slightly out - they can work it out ?? - Seems not - it's just too difficult !! A watch can travel thousands of miles from China to the UK with no problems but the good old UK postal service can't mannage the last few miles !! It is so frustrating when you have been tracking it all the way and then it doesn't arrive !!
[i'm not sure why Andrew's shippers keeping cocking up my address but that's anther story...!!]
Am I alone or has anyone else fallen foul of the crap UK postal delivery service ?? Do other countries share the same poor service ??