There are people who are owed things, yes, that was what I was trying to help with I care about that which is why I've been pushing him to make it right. I didn't know exactly what happened because I wasn't around back. But I do know that he doesn't seem to have a clue as to who and what he owes. It might be that the guy helping him had that info or... I don't know, it just seemed like the right thing to do was try to help him find out those things and make them right. I'm not trying to alienate myself here, I genuinely care about our community. I have sent people here things for free, and want people to know that my intentions were good. I would like to think that if this happened with bk or tc, that someone would try to do the same. I've looked back at some of the dw related threads and it doesn't seem like he intentionally ripped anyone off, it looks like there was a steady decline in his ability to stay on top of things. Could have a lot to do with the guy helping him, I don't really know. Anyhow ill drop it, I tried. I have a list of one person so that won't do any real good. I hope he eventually does get it all sorted out.