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Everything posted by Legend

  1. I agree with you 100% and thank you for the highlight. I could really relate to your recount of the grown guy crying because it brings to memory another similar story. But this affair has been over a year back. It's a closed chapter to me. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  2. I'm a noob and not sure what that means. I did a search for "Vac" and got 0 results. Don't worry, it happens. Vac is a modder based in Florida USA and he specializes in lume and relume works. Be prepared however for the possible long turnaround time, it could be unnerving for a new guy. When it comes to relume works, Vac is your guy like the others said. Good luck and you might want to email him rather than PMing. And you're welcome. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  3. Thank you guys. And@slaughterer to have a master of the trade affirm this humble effort, is a true honor. Thank you. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  4. Honestly, the gen is single AR. Like the stock rep. The double AR just makes the dial details a lot more prominent and I think it's prettier for everyday wear. I think it's a matter of personal preference and each AR type has its own advantage. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  5. Sam was a guy with whom I had slight trouble with earlier on and it was only due to his generosity and kindness that we managed to conclude our deal. Thank you for speaking up for me brother. I would always owe you one because of that incident. Some debts are just never paid in life. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  6. This is a pic of the completed modded FC. This specific watch was supposed to go to the scammer who cancelled his order due to the lunar new year delay. I just want to thank the rest of you for your kind patience and understanding. The first batch would be shipped next Monday. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  7. Though he is a scammer, I am not going to scam him because its not me to do so. He cancelled the order just because of the delay during the lunar new year period, and left me with a watch unaccounted for. He has also been harassing me very frequently via PMs, asking about the progress of his watch. Despite it all, I am going to refund him. But he can wait until the watch he ordered gets sold to someone else!
  8. bro if you have nothing constructive to say, try not to stand in the way of the bullets. You want to see flames, seriously? How about I set you on fire and put a mirror in front bro? I am trying to deal with a scammer here, the posts are not for your entertainment.
  9. Thank you, I would. I can sign you up as a course mate, there is a 2 for 1 deal going on for "internet manners and how to be good to one another". oh, and talking about trading skills, have you checked the feedback ranking yet? Here it is. Let me tell you something Mr B. If you meet an asshole in the morning, an asshole in the afternoon and an asshole at night, chances are, you're the asshole. I am openly telling you this: I am NOT going to ship you any watch, but I AM going to refund you. The least you could wait, for the trouble you have given me, is just to wait and keep your banned mouth shut, before I change my mind. Guys like you, I've seen plenty. I am not the one banned multiple times on RWI and RWG, and I have only one account at each forum while you have as many accounts as the the equally pesty termites in a rotting log. So back off, and go gather your friends, named Wounded Pride and Punctured Ego and tell them to shut the fuck up too. Go sulk in the corner and wait for your refund, Mr 15400, Jihadi AP, Jedi and audemarspiguet. Nobody is going to scam you here like how you scammed the dealers.
  10. The main issue is, you are banned from this forum and RWI for blatantly scamming a dealer, but you are blatantly keep coming back, disrespecting the rules here. I am not going to ship you any watch and I would refund you when the watch gets sold. End of story. I handle the other members well mainly because they do not harass me daily like you do. I am 1000% NOT going to ship you any watch at all on Monday. You can go fuck yourself.
  11. The issue is that he keeps showing up under different names over here. And this guy ordered a watch, and because of the lunar new year delays, cancelled his watch. I have told him that he would get a refund, but only when someone else buys the watch built for him. I am open and fair about my dealings, and I have good references on how I handle disputes. Guys like @Char14 and @butterfly777 would vouch for me about how I handle problems.
  12. https://www.replica-watch.info/vb/showthread.php/279759-Welcome-to-The-Brig-Pacciani-(aka-contemascetti-and-too-many-others-to-list) You are a scammer banned at RWI. At RWG, You were also: -15400 - Jihadi_AP - Jedi and now, audemarspiguet You have a courtesy PM, do not force me to go further and expose your lying and scamming ways. As a fair warning, Mr B****i, if you continue to harass me about your refund, which I am not obligated to agree to, I would issue a public warning on your scamming ways and your behavior, over here and at RWI. You have been banned multiple times at RWG and keep coming back under different names. Do not force me to shame you by exposing your identity and internet behavior and trickster habits to your contemporaries in real life. Back off now, and DO NOT harass me anymore. Try sending me one more PM or post and consider your refund, and both real-life and cyber reputation gone.
  13. yes there is no dispute that the design is yours. But like I said, good luck trying to sue the chinese for any copyright infringements! It would cost you a lot of money and probably end up nowhere.
  14. Hi guys To those who ordered, there would be a slight delay in the shipping of the watches due to the Lunar new year holidays. We received the FC shipment late. The watches would start shipping in the third week of Feb. My apologies for the delay and I ask for your kind understanding in the matter.
  15. Funny, I'm sure I heard Rolex, panerai, AP and the rest of the watchmakers say the same. No doubt the design could be yours. But the brand you are building the design on most certainly is not. I doubt you have a case there doc. Besides, isn't imitation the sincerest form of flattery? Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
  16. Message crafted while wrestling a juvenile crocodile that's unwilling to be captured and made into leather
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