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Posts posted by hiker01

  1. That is my old Andrew 113e, with engraved bridges. BEAUTIFUL. And the dial is more accurate than the much more pricey DSN 113. The Andrew 113e never gets worn after I got the Davidsen, but I refuse to sell it. I won't ever sell my watches.

    BTW, I notice that Dluddy's Pirate Buckle from StrapCulture is bigger than mine. New version?

    Oh, come on, Vik! You can't have two of the same???......it will be in good hands! :lol::thumbsupsmileyanim:

  2. Wait, wait, please! Don't Gold Star me yet. :lol:

    I was, of course, just taking the mickey out of my good friend, and fellow Strapista, Dluddy. These are my REAL WRISTCHECKS!


    Bought this very stealth PVD'ed Rolex LV from Davewe! What do you think?


    Am I loving it on a black NATO!


    Not bad, not bad. :)


    P.S.: I know, Dluddy! Payback's gonna be a beeotch. Don't forget to paint your nails fire engine red! :lol:

    OMB! That's worth 5 stars and 5 zings from me Vik :1a::good: !!! Amazing watch, I must have my LV PVDed to add to my Black Beauty collection!.......and you and dluddy are making me sick with this post of your 113s :thumbsupsmileyanim::good: ! Arggggggggh! I have to get one!!!!

  3. No problem. It's a job as vague and varied as it sounds :lol:

    To put it simply, in the main, I 'draw stuff' for people. I've had projects ranging from wedding dress designs, to tattoo stencils and just about everything in between. I can also advise people on other 'artistic projects' like interior design, custom car graphics, etc. Here're a few examples of projects I've done:

    cartoon to mock a devout communist:


    rough concept art for a car I would like to build/have built at some point in the future. The Mazda 'Viper':


    stencil/layout of a tattoo sleeve I planned to have done but decided against:


    custom requested forum signature bar:


    car graphics re-created from existing car via use of 'in-game' manipulator :

    existing car:


    my recreation of it (as closely as the manipulator (and from memory) would allow):


    hand-drawn mural at friend's place of work:



    (in progress)






    Sorry if it's a bit 'off topic', but felt this was the easiest way to explain what I do. Hope folks like the pics :)

    TJ.....I didn't know! Those are amazing work! Hat's off to you! WOW!

  4. My proposal was that you send me a tel # and I would have worked it out with you.....all I asked you to do was be a little patient...I even stated that I would compensate those who had been waiting and who were patient.....you decided that you didn't want to be patient........you either didn't read my request in the post......or decided to go your own way....and start a vendetta against me...calling me a scammer.....and everything else under the sun......I didn't insult you......you achieved that on your own.....I merely pointed out that your ability to read what I posted was limited.

    As it stands....I have a GMT coming in for you.......unfortunately as well as my health I have other people to attend to.....so do you mind if I ignore you just now...I'm a little pre-occupied.

    No problem Neil! I hope you get well soon.....seriously, we could have problems with our business, but I am not wishing you ill health! Two different things! Take as much time as you want! It's ok and I mean it! AND TO SHOW YOU I'M SINCERE ABOUT IT....I'LL TAKE DOWN MY SIGNATURE! JUST TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! You should really enjoy your beautifull sunny weather out there in Thailand!


  5. DSCN3569.jpg

    Why the pin stripes? Well, my father in law and I are going to see a solicitor today, to put the smackdown on someone (legally speaking) so I figured it wouldn't hurt to dress appropriately B)

    Okay, so I won't be taking guns, but other than that, this is pretty much what I'm wearing right now B)


    Looking good TJ! And you're making me jealous of that watch!

    And love the HITMAN Movie - I bought the BluRay!

    Good luck! Give that biatz a smackdown for me! :lol:


    luddy....Love your watch! You and Victoria are pushing me on the edge to get that watch!

  6. I do hope that Neil's health issues are genuine but unfortunately I've seen too many "dealers" (not just this hobby) who use the umbrella of medical issues (be it physical, psychological, etc.) as an excuse to protect their poor behaviour, poor business ethics, bad business decisions, and horrible communication.

    Typically it has always occurred when a "group buy" was done. From my experience, the dealers see dollar signs as opposed to customers and happily gobble up as much as they can and then place an order. Normally they have a nice little markup for themselves that covers what they feel is a justified fee for their own commitment to the order and organization. Yet something always goes wrong. "It was lost in shipping. Customs got it. It's out of stock. My vendor is giving me grief." Then who gets screwed? Not the dealer. He just goes incommunicado. The consumer is hurt. They start screaming bloody murder after little communication from said dealer for months (or even years) and then finally they reappear to say they will make things right. They typically ask for a bit of time. Ask for people to "email them or PM them their phone numbers so that they can talk one on one." This normally buys the dealer a bit more time to try and find a way out of the situation. Typically a few more months go by with no real results and then from on high the dealer reappears and brings up one of the following:

    1. Family problems (someone is really sick and they have to take care of them, someone close has died, someone is needing help moving are typical ones).

    2. Personal problems (medical issues, depression are typical ones).

    3. Financial problems (lost their job, busy at work, remember that this isn't their primary business afterall, are typical ones).

    A few more months go by with no results. At this point it becomes a chicken match. who will outlast who. The dealer will eventually make up with most of those wronged but there will always be that one lingering issue (or few). In the mean time, the dealer continues to take orders and is especially consious to do an incredible job of serving those smaller orders. Why? So that when the pitchforks and torches are pulled out, the dealer will have a small group of members who can come to his/her defense saying,

    "I've ordered from him.....No issues.....Quick and friendly...."

    "Never had a problem.....excellent communication...."

    "He'll come through....Don't worry....You have to remember, this is an illegal hobby....."

    "He's been real busy with his real job lately.....Remember, this is just a hobby for him too....."

    etc. etc.

    Hope it really is medical issues? Absolutely. Skeptical? Absolutely.


    While I agree that the consumer does have rights, the line, "The customer is always right" is pure and utter bullsh1t IMO. You have rights as long as you remain cordial yet stern, but once you cross the line and go into rude mode, all bets are off. Sure you could complain about a meal at a restaurant if you wanted to. Be nice to the waiter and all will be taken care of. Be rude to the waiter and your replacement order just might have something "special" in it when it is delivered. Trust me, I've seen it happen (7 years as a server in college). Why should he/she take good care of you when you aren't going to leave a tip but other tables will? (rhetorical question)

    Note to all. I have not purchased from TTK. What I describe isn't TTK. It is the pattern I saw while adminstering the largest Replica Prop Forum (in a nutshell the TimeZone of Replica Props) on the internet for 2 years where we ended up banning around 20 bad dealers for the above issues.

    I agree completely with you, but since you pointed out that I deserve what TTK dished on me, may I point out, again that I did not flame until he insulted me personally! Please go back to PAGE 1 and re-read it.....actually here is where I started to respond to TTK:

    Respond #6

    So, Neil, what do you propose to replace the GMT with???? And Since you have my DRSD IN the UK already, would you be kind enough and tell your courier to send that now! If you are serious about meeting your commitment, then give us a choice as a replecement for the GMTs!


    Was that rude to you? and this is TTK's response:

    @Hike....I chose not to respond to your thread elsewhere for obvious reasons....however whilst I may be in danger of losing my sight.....I'm in no danger of losing my wit nor my sarcasm.... it seems that as well as being impatient....you are also comprehension challenged.....I asked for those members who were waiting to "send me a tel number so that I needn't go into lengthy discussions onscreen"....seems that went way over your head.....here's one thing that won't.....those members who do send me their number....I'lll take care of them both in terms of their order.....and in compensation.....rest assured....you'll also be taken care of....just that you will be at the very bottom of my list.

    Now, let me asked you, is that response insulting? or what? Most of the folks here well, say "Well its just TTK being TTK"! Duh! Then that goes against what you just said...about being cordial and what not!

  7. Not always the case,...

    Though I wish Neil the best of health, and feel for him, it's foolish to a degree of emotional silliness to dismiss all that has transpired in the long history of TTK the dealer, just because of it.

    After all, business IS business and if he is, as is always stated, just a rich collector that dabbles in this trade for the benefit of us all, then I say relax and retire and get your health back as this game is full of headache that we have created with our spoiled demand for genuine quality in replicas.

    Neil is Neil,

  8. I don't understand the logic behind the 'investment' aspect. If I like a watch, I wouldn't then sell it (even if it's price appreciated), because I'd then be minus the watch I liked. :huh: I can appreciate 'babysitting' a watch to pass on, but again, that is not going to be sold...

    On the issue of the poll, I'd take the rep and cash any day. Why spend more for something just because it's 'gen', than something which will do the exact same thing: Tell the time. And, unless it has glaringly obvious flaws in construction, look perfectly nice and presentable.

    Shoutout to you my friend!!! How's the project going??? Hope the family are not driving you nuts!

  9. TWP!

    I don't know you, haven't done business with you......but today is not about watches! Today it's about you and I want to wish you a smooth road to recovery, but that's not reality! It's going to be hard, but if you think of what's on the other side of the dark tunnel (your wife, kids and all your family who are reliant on your succes), that would make the hardship a lot easier to bear!

    Lani have all the right words/advise/approach.......heed him! By wanting to succeed is the only right path to recovery. You have to want it......other than that, you set yourself up for failure!

    Be strong......also, if you're not already, join a gym! A healthy strong body makes for a healthy strong mind!!!!!


  10. Done the Gen thing and feel it was money wasted. Waste = greatest sin for me. A good rep serves my purpose now. This is just my belief for me and I do not want people to think that I judge others by my standard. I have come to a point in my life that I am satisfied with a less extravagant footprint. Cheers

    Hi Raijor!

    How are you? Weather over yonder getting any better? I'm still enjoying the YM! How are the straps goin for you? Shot me some pics if you have them!

    The Gen thing??? You and me both are in the same boat.....I'm starting to unload some of mine! Just keeping a few. Got rid of most of them already!

    Take care!


  11. I was given a 2002 750iL (right before they switched over to the new design) when I started driving and I must say, while the nav system was problematic, the car was truly a dream to drive. If you don't mind paying for the gas and service, I'd go for it. I'm looking into getting either a new Saab 9-3 Aero or the redesigned BMW 540 series (now the 550 I think) but repairs can get absurdly expensive. Worst case scenario you can always sell it so long as you keep it in good condition.

    Wow, Man! I envy you! Must be nice to be rich! :thumbsupsmileyanim::good:

    I'm halfway to making a decision....just waiting for my brother to let me know what else he finds!

  12. Hi Sql!

    Nice to see you show up again! I miss your pictures!

    That watch and strap combo is awesome! I know some PAM freaks here are drooling over them...Is it hard leather? I have one that is kind of

    thick, too, but I use a soft calf type leather and it feels very comfortable:


    and this how it look's on the wrist:


  13. I ran across this hide and wanted too see what you all thought. It's a bit pricy and I could probably make about a thousand straps with it :) Would any of you be interested in a strap this color? I appears to be somewhat of a chestnut/rust color and has a waxy top coat. I am not sure if there is any top grain or not but it looks pretty smooth in the picture.

    Would you sell part of it? I just need a Half a sq. ft.! PM me with the Price if you would...!

  14. I decided to play around with my new toy, here it is on a Zulu two piece in gray:



    What do you guys think? Ever since seeing the LV I've been thinking about this combo...now that I've got it, I'm so in love with the bracelet that I can't make up my mind! Input please!!!


    Go for it! Different look! Well screw up the necks of GEN owners when they see it! :o

    Am I the only one keenly awaiting some more Breitling Heritage wrist shots ??

    Please, someone??? :wub:

  15. I try to save most of the Daytonas for weekends & special occasions to keep them in pristine condition, but here are a few old wristies & 1 fantasy ad to tide you over

    (Me modeling my 6263 beater)


    And my deepest gratitude.....you made my heart skip! This one is my favorite and the one I wanna own!

    Thank you, SIR! You are very kind!

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