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Posts posted by hiker01

  1. Hey Rod, yes I agree some sellers are willing to drop their prices for a sale. However I'm not sure if you read the post by EuroTimez, but many clone movements look almost exactly the same as a genuine ETA movement. I don't know much about movements but these good clones have the stamp etc. He said that most people simply wouldn't be able to tell by opening the caseback and looking at it.

    So, are we better off buying this: http://nicereplica.com/pro_detail.php?ProId=396 the Asian 21J model??? What do people think? Good buy? Junk? Keep off?


  2. If the new seadweller is made it will be from pics, this I am told .. so not on my top 5 hit list .. I'm going to be happy with the 116710 for a while anyway :D

    with the strides in the quality of reps they would regress going back to pics to replicate a timepiece.. although I'll never say never.. not for now anyway.. :rolleyes:


    You're right! I just confirmed that from our source! This does not sound good, but the manufacturers have always manage to pull out some tricks from their

    magic bag! I hope it's something worth replacing the classic!!! Another thing for me is, if I can't dive with it, then I'm sticking with the classic!

    Nuff said!

  3. I want a Deepsea, too. But the thing is such a honky monstrosity that I doubt I would ever consider wearing it (at least not out in public). I have a nice slot waiting for it in the back of 1 of my cases where it will sit, nearly motionless, to be loved & admired under glass, which is where it looks best.

    Now, if you want to talk about the new White Gold Sub...........THAT is a watch that I would happily wear. It is obviously no longer a tool watch, but with jeans & a tee......smashing


    Freddy, you always have an eye for style~! I, too would jump on that if it gets Rep'd! One of my favorite color on dial and bezel!

    If the new seadweller is made it will be from pics, this I am told .. so not on my top 5 hit list .. I'm going to be happy with the 116710 for a while anyway :D

    with the strides in the quality of reps they would regress going back to pics to replicate a timepiece.. although I'll never say never.. not for now anyway.. :rolleyes:

    Lani, I completely agree! That would be a shame, but...........if the Rep is close with no real detectable flaws????? Who's to say we won't be jumping all over it! Remains to be seen!

    Hike, I'm with you...I like it. And I don't mind the rehaut that much. I could live with it, I guess.

    SF, the one thing I'm hoping for is a guarantee of 1000ft water resistance, ALA SFSO and SSD! Then the rest of those over indulgence in text I could overlook! I love the Maxi dial!


  4. I've owned many genuines in my 26 years of collecting watches. (still own 3) The quality of the best reps continues to amaze me and I now have several good one's which I enjoy just as much as a genuine. What this guy needs to understand is this, when you go on a site inhabited by collectors of genuine watches (many of whom I occasionally visit) and start pointing out that the reps nowadays are virtually as good as their genuine article (in some cases they are virtually as good from a mechanical/looks standpoint) and which they paid a LOT more money to acquire your not going to stir up any "pleasant" feelings.

    As a result, ALL that can occur are problems for the rep collector, etc. IMOP there is simply NEVER a good reason to poke a stick at a rattle snake. IF the good folk's that inhabit the genuine forums and who've invested a LOT of money in their watches start REALLY complaining to Rolex/Panerai/Omega, etc. these same manufactures can make a huge stink as they have the money/time/lawyers to do so, IF they really want to do so. I KNOW a LOT of genuine collectors and they are none to pleased about the "quality" rep's arrival into the marketplace and I'd imagine the makers of these same watches feel likewise.

    I think the reason why the REPs are tolerated, because its not really cutting into their market! Most REP buyers can't afford to buy GENS, at least not as many as we want to! Plus, who could stop the Chinese????? It goes all the way to the top! One way to cut into the Capitalist whatever........

  5. I'll admit i have been swept up into the whole "I hope the produce more correct hand stacks (CHS) so I can get one"... but the more I think about how noticeable is it really that one hand is not stacked correctly over the other? I know the hardcore folks will say that is a must and a dead give away... but I can't think of anyone outside these forums or an AD maybe that would be able to spot that. With that it mind I know i never "call out anyone" (one time I bumped into someone at a bar who appeared to have a 4th gen 42mm PO as it had the short hands, gap in the bracelet... and tho he was talking like it was a gen I just said to him "nice watch". I don't know if other members enjoy calling people out ir looking for flaws in someone's watch... but that's not how I roll.

    Time will tell if the CHS provides a less reliable movement... and if it does the CHS and higher price really worth that?!? Curious what other members think... ^_^

    It's not really noticeable... until the hour hand and GMT hand "meet".

    Correct stack is nice, but I have no problem wearing the wrong stack, either. I have 2 of these 16710 models (modded to extremes) and it doesn't really make any difference to me. I love & wear them both. :)

    Ditto! That's why I'm on the sideline on all this fuzz!!!!

  6. Yes, like I mentioned above, no one, least of all the Chinese rep makers, would invest the time & money to tool up to produce a new model & then produce only a relative hand full of them before changing the design and/or discontinuing it. At least, not unless there is a serious problem with it (serious to their bottom line I mean). Actually, I find it somewhat hard to believe that production runs are limited to 500. I would expect an initial run of something more along the lines of 5,000 or more.

    I beat 'ya if the demand is there, they'll milk this up to the last production run of..........as long as they want it! C'mon.....nobody stops in the middle of a mine that is still producing!


  7. 1st, Josh/Andrew were reported to have said that there would be no more chs versions after the initial run ran out. Then, glory be, there was a 2nd run, but no more after that.....then a 3rd run, but no more after that. Ok, wires get crossed, mistakes can happen, s-h-i-t happens. I get that. But, now, there will be more chs versions in 6 to 9 months????????? And someone else said that another seller would have them in a week or so????????? :g:


    Such is the REP world!!!

  8. Hmm. So no more CHS's ones for 6-9 months? Why would they possibly have a delay of that long. And how would they possibly think that any us that have been waiting for this one and didn't get in on the intitial ones are going to give rats @ss about it in six months or a year from now.

    All we need is a dealer on these board to jump in and say: " All is BS! I have plenty in stock....got to my site......http://www.GMTIIC4every1.com" ...correct hand stock, wrong hand stock....we got them all!"

  9. The best? it's difficult to give an answer <_< ... the factory improve them all but no version is perfect because all have some flaws :o ... for the 45mm If I'm not wrong I've the 2nd generation of the UPO with incorrect "feet" on logo... the 3nd generation (the silix's version) have no feet logo but incorrect font,datefont and 6 o'clock marker... another version is the Lite-1 and the Lite-2 UPO both with the asian clone movement (the Lite-1 is gold plated)... almost all our dealers have one of these... if you know your dealer you know the rep :blink: ... I believe that other members will be happy to share their experience and help you with more information to make your choice :) !!

    Thanks, Mahler!

  10. my family and GF stopped asking and commenting about the watches I am buying...right now I am in China and I will be coming back home with a bag full of reps...I want to see if they will say anything to that! :lol:

    will buy the GF and to each memebr of the family a nice present so they won't beat me for spending 2000$ on reps and accesories for watches.... :lol::lol::lol:

    Once you reach the 20+ pieces in your collection they will give up on you...probably they still belive there is hope for you....

    I hope you get thru Customs ok!! Goodluck!!!

    I know how you feel. I got a very stern talking to (followed by ~1 day silent treatment) after spending $400 for a new Breitling. Now I am very close to spending $450 on a Patek Philippe and I'm kind of scared it might prompt WW3.

    My wife doesn't understand either, so I compared it with her "obsessive" need to buy clothes :):) to feel less guilty about buying this one, just buy another........

    My wife found my hidden (watch) drawer at the top of my clothes chest. I walked in on her standing over it...just staring! Then the look turned to me. I've never felt so small...

    ...but, I got over it...and so did she. I then proceeded to inquire about a new Day Date. I've yet to pull the trigger as I'm working on payment options, but it should be interesting to see the reaction I get.

    It's an obsession that, I'm sure, needs an "Anonymous" program. You can't stop...so, just find a 12 step program. You'll feel better.

    Wife?????? So, what else is new!

  11. Where Does She Hide It? ( RATED R FOR NUDITY)

    Okay, watch this lady magician....where the hell does she hide it???

    This is filmed in a Montreal Theater,Not Sleazy,Just Amazing.....


    This is a magic show that you won't see on American TV!

    The Amazing Kreskin, Houdini , Blaine , Copperfield, get out of town!!!

    This is real magic, I mean, REAL magic. You'll probably have to watch

    this more than once...

    Click here:


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