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Posts posted by hiker01

  1. After reading this post, I checked my GMT IIc Asian, which I received on Thursday and it has an uneven crystal too!!! Writing Andrew now...

    Don't!.......I repeat! Don't get it close to water! and I well request a replacement pronto if I were you! It's a ticking time bomb! One of these days

    you'll unconciously wash your hand while wearing it and get it splashed......kaboom! You just created your own cloud or fog!

    @Kelster: thats strange ..... i got my watch last week - no problems with the crystal - survived the "warm water drop test" -

    and the asia movement keeps running like it should ... guess im the only one ....

    Lucky you!!!! Enjoy your watch! BTW: Your source???

  2. If it's not going to affect the main movement I can live with it thought it's a bit annoying. My concern was that it may end up bombing the movement.

    Dude! RETURN IT! Why take the chance! Plus you bought a GMT for DOCs sakes! You should have a working GMT! Sounds like you have a gear problem somewhere!

    Geewhiz.......this IIC's are just killing us......well, maybe not alll of us!


  3. Well I posted on that crystal alignment issue last night.

    Whilst I have sympathy, I think you've been a little naiive trusting in dealer claims of water resistance - only as good as the weakest link, and I think you were a bit gung ho submerging it in water, without performing a vacuum/negative pressure WR test first. Entire reason for doing that is to identify problems with seals without exposing the watch to any damage. Too late for that now in your case.

    Hey Doc! Yeah! Your right, I am naive when it comes to my dealer claims, but I have to put my trust on him! He's always been good to me and there when I need him.......jeeeeze,

    sounds like alove story......hehehe! But, hey.....when they guarantee it, I push it! That's the way it goes for me.........now send me those straps! Pronto! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    An UPDATE: Just checked my dealer's web site and I noticed he pulled alll the IIC's out! I warned him about the problem, so I think he's re-testing and checking all his stocks! :good:

  4. Could be the crystal was not pressed down enough or the gasket is pinched/folded around it . The only areas it could leak, crown, crystal, and caseback.

    Sorry bro, that sucks for you.

    Hi Lance! I think it's the crystal! Something is wrong with it! And I think your suspicion is right "Could be the crystal was not pressed down enough or the gasket is pinched/folded around it ".

  5. I hear you, that sucks man...

    "the watch is guaranted up to 100M or 10 ATM"

    Yeah! sure, even at 10cm of water it leaks like a zodiac with a bunch of hole like a strainer. Now we really can say there's NO QC at all on these rep watch.

    Best bet will be send it to a local watchsmith for a water resisance test to at least 100M..another $50-$75 :angry:

    @Mag...you gotta edit your post and delete the pictures on your qoute! - thanks brah! That makes it faster and shorter!

    That sucks Hike. Not the first post on the forums about an uneven crystal on these. I'm sure your dealer will get you squared away with a replacement and all but it sucks that you're going to have wait while it gets sent back and repaired/replaced. A little QC would have prevented it.

    @TA8088, No problem on the dealer side! It's going back and he's sending a QC'ed replacement! He's going to cross ship it so hopefully I'll have it next week! but the excitement is gone!

    I have always been told to hold reps away from water.

    But if the have garante this to be waterprof then this is bad stuff man..


    @Dani, That's not true! I wear all my watches in the water, except the chronos! If not's not guaranted, first thing I do is open it up and apply grease on all the rubber gaskets and the crown. If it doesn't have a gasket, I put a new one in and grease that , too! I use to order them with water proofing, but now I've been doing them myself. Those that are guaranted, I don't touch; i.e. SFSO, SSD, and this GMT IIC!

  6. Ok, I searched and can't find anyone posting this flaw or problem, so here goes:

    Got mine arrived last night. Very excited....opened the box, unwrapped the plastics ( 3 or 4 layers????), and there it was. Handsome looking guy!

    Unscrewed the crown and wound it 40 turns, second hand didn't move.....oh-oh! Shook it a little bit....nada! Bang it with the palm of my hand......

    Viola.....it moved! So I adjusted the time and date and set the GMT to Asian or Hong Kong time! that work flawlessly! When I screw it back, it was

    very rough, so I took out the grease and greased the tube and gasket and the inside of the crown....that help make it smoother!

    I adjusted the bracelet and took out some links. End link on the buckle, flip lock side was stripped...planning to Loctite........

    Anyways, I put it on......felt good! Went out and work in the yard for an hour or so, got back inside the house to wash my hands (a little muddy)...

    and decided to wash and rinse the watch (hey, the watch is guaranted up to 100M or 10 ATM) , just in case some mud or dirt got on the bracelet a

    nd case and bezel.....wiped my hands and took off the watch to wipe it dry..............my heart just stopped for a millisecond! Palpitation started....

    my eyesight got cloudy! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nooooooooooooooo! This is what I saw:



    Cloud of fog or moisture inside!!!!!! I wipe it some more and it seemed to go away a little bit:


    So, I said, what the heck......lets dunk it in the cup full of water (hey, the watch is guaranted up to 100M or 10 ATM), let's see what happen's,

    and here it is:


    and 5 minutes later:


    Man.....talk about being disappointed.......I felt like I was making out with Scarlett Johansson and just when.....you know.......I woke up! Damn!

    Double damn!

    So I checked the crown - looks good, the caseback - that looks good.......and then I remembered someone posted in one of the threads here

    about an uneven or slanted crystall/sapphire......., so I checked......and, YUP......at 3 o'clock, where the date mag is, I measured 1mm higher

    at this side compared to the 9 o'clock side......


    Best I can do! So, folks? Could this be the cause?????

    Anyway, the watch is going back to China and teh dealer have been alerted and warned of this potential ticking time bomb ready to explode!

    =@ If I were you I will check!

    ....and goodluck!

    Damn, I was ready to show it off during our family picnic this Friday! Double damn!!!!! :nea:

  7. Hey doc, check all the post about the GMT IIC, I spotted this sapphire crystal problem in one of those threads, just can't remember which one and

    who posted!

    Good luck~!

    I'll be interested, too koz mine is coming from Joshua anyday now!

  8. Hey Blue... my brother lives in Cali... orange county.. but he's abnormal, doesnt even wear a timepiece..

    Welcome .. your in the right place !!! looking forward to U hanging out !



    Lani is also abnormal.......he's got too many timepiece!!!

    BTW: Welcome! You're in good company! It'll get better specially if you become a VIP member! Lots of boobies there!


  9. nice choices AGID...

    i like the look of the black sfso on the shark? strap....

    btw, where are you living in denmark? i studied in copenhagen for four months while i was in school; lived with a family in brondby during that time....


    I'm pretty sure you did research at the red light district! :D:thumbsupsmileyanim:

  10. I had seen a few Gen GMT11c's and really just had to get one, kind of learning that sometimes " if you snooze, you loose" in this game, so I jumped on the 2nd batch of CHS's.

    But given yours and Freddy's Daytona's I see that I am now Missing a white faced Daytona, or any Daytona from my collection


    Yours looks awesome on leather, is that similar to the Josh 7750 version, I am a ludite when it comes to Daytona, so why is yours different to Freddy's version?.

    Hi Storm!

    Yup, mine is the Over-The-Shelf Joshua 7750 Version. I Just throw in a Black croc strap! Freddy's I believe is a highly modified one with probably a Zenith or (can't remember) manual wind

    movement! Freddy is the connoissuer of the Daytonas and had posted a lot of excellent article about it! He's the man and he actually help me decide on which one to get! He probably have

    half a dozen or more of the Daytonas.........

    Ok freddy, time for you to chime in here!

    BTW: If you decide to order this from Joshua, make sure to asked him to QC and regulate it for you koz the first one I got was problematic. The 2nd one he sent is perfect! Just don't wear

    it in water. In the kitchen or bathroom sink to wash your hands......ok!

  11. since these are chronos.......fuggitboutit! Rep chronos are not ideal for water resistance! Some maybe, but I won't! Get those that are actually guaranteed by the dealers; i.e. SFSO, SSD, Heritage, and GMT IIC....the few that I know of!

    Good luck!

  12. Forget the stamps and markings.

    Check out the balance cap jewel and Kif Trior spring and holder. It's not a Kif setting but something totally different.

    The Kif setting has 3 cutouts for the spring to fit into, this one has one cutout, it's not the real deal (at least not to my knowledge).

    I have had a few of these in for servicing, they are not the best and I have had problems getting them to run well after servicing. Never ever had any problems with an ETA following servicing.

    Trying to get the beat and rate adjusted was a frustrating experience when it should be simple.

    Maybe I just had a few lemons of these new copy models, or maybe they are simply lemons...

    My experience has not been good.


    [censored]! So what do we do now? Lessons learned, I guess :o ? Set on it? Wait and see? Damn! I hate this! I guess we could call this new GMT IIc - a "SUPERFICIAL BEAUTY - nothing from the inside!"

  13. just got yesterday the Asian - version : feels like an ETA has all the ETA markings - stamp, 2836-2 ect

    and keeps excellent time - +2 Sec so far.

    btw - the movement looks more clean/shiny or whatever you want to call it :) compared to my

    real ETAs ...

    so Asia for me was a good choice.


    @kelster....thanks for the info on the ASian! I also ordered the same model and it should be here Tues.

    Now I feel much better about my decision!

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